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Everything posted by stuarttaylor37

  1. I have a mint set of late doorcards and standard pods that could be part of a deal
  2. Yes seen those already but thanks for the heads up. I was hoping that someone might have some late black ones as if I bought those I'd have to cut holes in them and then have them recovered or dyed black....if possible I'd prefer to buy the right ones from the off
  3. Wanted Late stlyle Audioscape Door pods -anyone? Thanks for looking
  4. Is this the one you want http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220749309361?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  5. Cheers Stonejag...saw those but its a long time since I've had a Mk2 golf and I dont think the handles were the same ? Dave, pm'd you
  6. Does anybody know if these are still available anywhere? http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?79284-Corrado-handle-Thief-Deterrent-armoured-door-plates-guards-(painted-Blackberry)
  7. Mine looked pretty similar, was running lumpy in damp weather and misfiring if I went through a puddle. It had two small cracks in the resin but when I looked under it it was like yours I replaced it and fitted one of these to see if it would help in the future http://www.verdictmotorsports.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=0137
  8. That's what I thought, I don't expect it will hang around for long if its genuine
  9. http://www.gumtree.com/p/cars-vans-motorbikes/vw-corrado-18-16v-73k-mint/1010439004
  10. I think its value is in the mileage and condition, if you buy it and and use it it will soon depreciate to a value closer to those with more usual mileage/condition. I think in that sense there is a lot of potential depreciation in this car. On the other hand if it was bought and laid up it might be a truly "appreciating classic Corrado" that car ads keep mentioning? Still seems expensive though ... http://www.edition38.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=476825
  11. If you split I'd like 21 and 24 please
  12. Would these be the ones http://www.ebay.de/itm/12-x-Hydrostossel-VR6-2-8-2-9-Original-VW-INA-AAA-ABV-AES-AMY-/280979304356?pt=DE_Autoteile&hash=item416babefa4#ht_2038wt_1163
  13. I bought a Vr which I wanted to restore and enjoy but it lives in my garage and only goes out in nice weather, I enjoyed the drive of a Corrado so much that I bought an 8v as a daily which is very different but i have grown to love in a different way
  14. Dark blue/green one with a red front bumper in Stafford today around lunchtime
  15. Could I ask for more photos of the audioscapes please? I will pm you my E-mail for photos I'll take them if the price is Ok
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