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CaiosG60 PWR

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Everything posted by CaiosG60 PWR

  1. I think a rusty filler neck and bad bulk head where the clutch cable goes through are the main scirocco specific problems to look out for. Filler neck as far a I know where discontiued a long time ago, that right? It cost me quite a lot to get the bulk head repared on my Storm. The inlet manifold had to be removed to get at the split. Was nasty looking! It had even had a plate fitted to try prevent the problem, but that went in the end. I think £1000 is way to much. Sicroccos go for penuts these days. My mate couldnt give his G plate GT11 away. It did have a dodgy bottom end but the rest was sound. It ended up costing him money to get a scrapy to have it. oh yeah, Sirocco brakes are pants! ;-)
  2. That sentence sounds familiar! :lol: :lol: :lol: New quote to put on the portal page? :lol: :lol:
  3. I agree, for some reason it does read a bit like those Nigerian scam emails.
  4. Link to ebay shop that stocks s-line and rs4 wheels. Havnt bought from them before though! http://stores.ebay.de/TAGY-Wheels_W0QQs ... esstQQtZkm Das nice Flegen! :lol: ;-)
  5. I think this picture says it all!!! :lol: 8) 8)
  6. I've had one of these for quite a while now and no probs, would recommend it. I've also heard that the VW motorsport Rallye had this to reduce boost temps and they have been doing this mod on the German G scene for a long time.
  7. I thought you just unplugged the battery for 6 seconds to reset.
  8. Think I used some of that Green brand stuff that I bought in Halfords, while looking for neons for my Saxo. :-) :-)
  9. It could be a bearing in your water pump. Think they can get pritty noisy, the little buggers :-) :-)
  10. I can agree with that. Although a 40,000 mile car shouldn’t need a new gearbox, clutch or anything big doing for a long time. I know this isn’t guaranteed but is far more likely that on a high mileage car sorely. If that car is in A1 condition, which I reckon it will be, what a buy! (Its even still got the original mudguards on it, I love those! :oops: ) (can you tell how much I want it) :lol: :roll:
  11. Cheers Andi, That was a typical Autotrader monster link! :shocked!:
  12. Have you not seen the low millage 16v Corrado on the Autotrader website? Its only got 44,000 miles on it. Would be a wicked buy! heres a really looooooooooong link (hopefully a Mod can sort it out for me) Link Sorted --Andi
  13. I've kinda experienced this from the other side. My mother decided she wanted to buy a devon VW camper van. This guy flatly refused to sell his camper van to her for what must have been similar reasons to yours. She didnt know anything about them really at the time. She ended up geting sombody else to go there and buy it for her. The thing is she now wants to get the body work done and it resprayed. (in original colour) But she has been doing research to make sure its done properly. She even knows now that she doesnt want any filler used in the job and is prepared to spend a lot of money on a complete strip down job. This kinda proves that the guy who would sell it to her was entirly wrong. This guy that you dont want to sell too may not know anything about it. But after he's got it he will probably become obsesed with it and love it like everyone else who owns one does.
  14. Supprised, saw that advert thought it looked a mint car.
  15. Quite special that it still has those. They fell off my Rocco Storm after about 5 mins.
  16. Yeah, wicked Ant! I've done sod all millage on it. Still running it with the woosh noise!! Your car looks mint in that sig pic! What happend to the x-flow?
  17. Check out those mud guards!! Think they've been there since new? They look OE.
  18. What a bargain. I'd have that if I had the money going spare!
  19. I wish mate!! Really busy, had a supprise deadline! The pictures are from about a month ago.
  20. *Not bad Henny. Havent posted on here for ages! Been really busy finishing uni and working on a couple of other things Sorry to hear about your car Henny, real shame. So that excess of Borbets did come in handy! ;-) *post hijack, sorry Back on topic, I can say that a Golf G60 can be scary fast if you havent driven it for a while. (Cant comment on Corrado G60 as I havent got one) I recently had a promotional Smart car to drive around for a month. When I got back in my car afterwards I could hardly floor it anywhere in any gear without shaking! Good experience reminds you how the work and money spent has been worth it!
  21. RR graph from the Dubsport RR day some time last year. (Should organise another one of those this summer)
  22. Some more recent photos of my car. (updating my members gallery thread)
  23. What's the weight difference between a Golf and a Corrado. There can't be that much difference. PeteJ, you fancy a Golf G60, I'm not to far from you and thinking about selling mine soon.... ;-)
  24. I've had this happen to me. I removed the plugs, then refitted them and it never happend again. Think it was some water/damp trapped between the lead and the plug.
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