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CaiosG60 PWR

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Everything posted by CaiosG60 PWR

  1. CaiosG60 PWR

    MK 1

    Hi there Dazz, welcome to the forum mate! :lol: :lol: You should also state all the small things that you told me about. That way people have a better idea of the car. The main things are good respray(if its good), j reg engine(no history to prove millage though) and the half leathers. But its all those little thing wrong with it that you told me about that make the differance!
  2. biggerthanbigben, What four wheel drive system did you use? If it was a Rallye/Syncro, how much did you pay for it?
  3. Why was this fault not sorted by VW? Is it granteed not to happen untill the cars done a fair few miles? If it happend not long after buying a brand new Corrado you'd be fuming!
  4. Sure. I'd rather it was on someones G60 than siting in my shed!
  5. I've got an old one in the shed, which you can have for....................... sweet FA, if you like. Not sure on condition or make. May be blowing, it was either that or the middle pipe I had on. I replaced the hole lot see with out really checking it out. I live in Huddersfield but am in Leeds a lot so let me know.
  6. LowG if you got that picture from vwvortex.com does that mean its real? Doesn't look possible?
  7. I've now bought BBS RM splits and a 65mm G60 pulley!! Had no problems with either and both where an apsolute bargain compared to the prices over here. Think, if I remeber right, the 65mm pulley(brand new) was only £17 then about £5 P&P. :lol: :lol: Although I say that I did buy a steering wheel on american Ebay and never recieved it!! :evil:
  8. I too have also checked my spedo with a GPS. It was my Dads GPS and he was in the car with me so I only tested it up to 80mph and it was virtualy bang on all the way, except 1 or 2 mph either way. I'm sure that I have heard that the faster your going in any car the more inacurate the speedo reading becomes. Also if you change wheel or tyre size from the original factory spec, it will effect the reading, yeah??
  9. When one went on my car. I was told by the part suplier that the bolts sold now have a higher tensil strengh than the original ones. I would recomend that everyone changes to this bolt. If it goes it can be a complete disaster! I was very lucky!
  10. Some of you have probably already seen this. Dont thinks its a photoshop job, the reflections down the side of it look to precise. Not sure of the point though. Why not just buy a Corrado!!
  11. Not sure why the bottom picture, autotrader one is being displayed funny. Can any of the Mods sort it?
  12. The corrado's that got away when I was looking, about 8 mounths ago:-
  13. Try HIC they advertise in performance VW and the Golf. Almost everybody I know is with them now. There mod friendly, provid track day cover and best of all even with third party, fire and theft your covered to drive other vehicals!!
  14. That looks SWEET dude!!!! Like your taste in rear lights! :lol: :lol: Got to get me some cromalux rear glass one day. Looks good and you can really see it in that picture. Nice one Edd! low miles too!!
  15. Wicked! Thats what your car looks like then. I'll look out for it around Huddersfield now. Just moved here, only seen one corrado so far though!
  16. The car on that links spec is awsome!!! Check it out!!
  17. When I was 16 about to turn 17. I went to look at a Nova SR for £1000 even offered hime £800 which he refused. I'm so glad my mate said at the time it was knackered but I was young and excited! PEW, lucky because I bought a VW Scirrocco Storm a few weeks later for £900 which was pritty mint! :D :D The old guy that I bought it off had no idea what it was, honestly. Arrgghh NOVA's, what a totaly shit car! simple!!
  18. I'm planning to keep my car as a "daily driver" for another year, well at least untill I finish uni and get my first proper well paid job!!!!!!!! Then the good times really start! It will be garaged and made into an absoultly mint example of a standard VW icon that it is. I don't think that a Golf gti G60 will depreciate any more than £3000 really and then it should start to rise for mint examples. So its an investment that I would have to be in big financial trouble to get rid of. Return it to standard form (maybe) but make it into a syncro!! As for my daily driver to replace it corrado :lol: , mk4 1.8t Golf, R32, don't laught but a Boxster!!! :oops: :oops: Then there would hopefully be room at my mansion :lol: for an old mk1 old skool stlyeee project car! You no the score, chrome bumpers, throtle bodies, small rear lights, etc!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I have a DREAM!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: This has gone slighty off topic, sorry. ohh and I would have to have a fully equipped garage to work on my growing colection of VW's!!!!!!!! :D :D
  19. I have only sat in and reved a Ferrari 360 modena!!! But I was pissed out side a casino so it was pritty exciting at the time to say the least. It would probably ruin me if I drove something like that around for a day, it would be really hard to go back to my own car.
  20. Great!!!! I'll finaly be able to book my car in!!! Tried before Steve but it was going to be hard to fit me in and I didn't have time to hasle you to sort my car. But now it should be easy. What about geting stuff done in the midlands??
  21. I heard a story at work, about a this guy who ran a UK game developers. He saved up and bought a loverly red Ferrari. He then took it to a track day where his "best mate" had a go and wrote it off on the second corner!! The worst thing was that it wasn't covered fully comp at the track day!
  22. When I was 17 years old and had my trusty Scirocco Storm!! I was in a garage and there was a silver Ferrari Testorota which I decided to follow. It turned out to be driven by a nuttcase who did 70+ in a 30mph limit. So I caught him up and was trying to keep up with him when we where both held up in traffic I took my chance with a cheeky not 100% safe overtake (I was young!) and flew past him with my mate in passenger seat waving! The next strait that came was a good 4 miles long. So I tryed to outrun him. I could see him in my mirror coming up behind me quick. I was getting to 115mph when he caught me. He couldn't just fly by because there was a car coming in the opposite direction. As the car coming from the opposite direction went past I looked in my mirror (while doing 120mph) saw the front of the Ferrari dip (dropped down a gear?), he then flashed his lights pulled out and annihilated me! That’s why I want a Ferrari!!!
  23. Cheers STORM81. Did you manage to remove them whilst the head/engine was in the car?
  24. :shock: :shock: Darren your to good!!!!! :D :D
  25. Cheers BANANA! I'll get them from you when I need a set. Not sure about if there is more access on a Corrado but there is no chance of drilling it with it in the car. It defenitly engine or head out to get access at it. Even a Haynes manual recomends that you remove the engine to remove a injection or exhaust manual from a 8v golf!! The bit of the bolt that I have is rusted so I don't think the remaining bolt will turn easy!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaah! This could be the final straw for me and my beloved G-Lader!! Or strorage of some sort untill I finish Uni! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: What a terible design! The way the manifold ataches is just a knightmare! :evil: :evil: :evil: VW didn't make there cars easy to work on, but I still love the DUBS!!
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