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Jim's Corrado - ciao to the Fiat! Hello to.. (P64)

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Yeah - the grille lip only really seemed to 'work' when the car was low and wide with the Borbet T's on. I didn't like it as much when i had the front end jacked up and the wide wheels removed so took the eyebrow off too!

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all red rears and maybe a lil more drop on the rear and it be perfect but regardless of that it still looks very very nice

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Looks good, standard grille with black badge will probably work better IMO, remember thinking what a cracking car this was when Sam first bought it.

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Yeah - I do wanna get a standard grille / black badge at some point, and it does need a bit of a drop but waiting to get a load of bushes, etc replaced then get it all dropped and full suspension setup.


Just trying to keep some money aside to do it all as its bloody expensive this Corrado malarky.

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I think the Red C's always benefit from bump strip removal too, as they seem alot more prominent than on darker C's

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Do like yr rado Jim.. would have it lower but Im just mad lol


Happy b'day btw.....

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Happy Birthday Jim, lovely car.


Heres a cheeky on of it at the National day 2006.

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Cheers everyone! I would love it lower Bal, but you know the state of the roads around here! I think it does need to be a bit lower though, definately. Can definately see too much 'between the arch' spacing there the more I look at it! :)

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I reckon the bump strips look better on the red C's as they break up the colour somewhat. On a dark C you dont really notice them anyway.


Looking good Jim, as it was at stealth 8)


Happy Birthday too ;)

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looks great...! liking the grille without the eyebrow, works well... :)


god I miss this car... ah well, tis nice to know she is being looked after so well...

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  Jim said:
Cheers everyone! I would love it lower Bal, but you know the state of the roads around here! I think it does need to be a bit lower though, definately. Can definately see too much 'between the arch' spacing there the more I look at it! :)


I no what you mean abt the roads in cov, never drive round there, use mates company car everytime Im that way.. lemington etc aint to bad though....

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Save starting a new thread thought I might as well bump this up to say that the old girl sailed through her MOT this morning. Was worried as, at my last visit to Stealth, was told the CAT was a bit dead.


At the time I was experiencing issues with the ISV and I know the timing was well advanced.. well since then I got a a new ISV and the timing has been set to factory so I just figured i'd go for it and see how it was at the MOT (running on BP Ultimate) - the car sailed through with no advisories on anything! Even got comments about the good condition of the car which is always nice.


So thats that off my mind for another year! :)

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Good stuff Jim, always a good feeling to pass the test with no probs at all...

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Indeed. I was expecting some stuff to be duff.. but he said to me "You must have spent a lot on this?" and I didn't really think about it, but then he mentioned running gear, etc so then realised that its had so much new stuff in 12 months including:


Rear axle bushes, top mounts, ball joints, wishbones, wheel bearings, 4 new tyres, new HT leads, new (used) ISV, various intake parts, new front engine mount, various flanges / gaskets.. but the majority of it has been labour free as its been done thanks 2cc / Tempest / Supercharged! And its been a good learning experience :)

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Good to hear Jim, although I always keep my cars well maintained I'm always stupidly apprehensive come MOT time

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Just another pointless post. Wondered why I was suddenly getting emails telling me I had grades and comments on my car at The Corrado Database - its been made into their random selected Car Of The Week which is cool! :) Should put some other pics up there really!! :)

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So I finally broke out the credit card and bought some new suspension. Pretty far removed from expensive kit like KW's, etc but I came to realise that provided the ride height and balance between handling/comfort is correct, I never really tamper with coilovers. Add to that the fact that my car is a daily and I drive on lots of main roads every day that take a real hammering from the gritting lorries over winter, I realised they'd probably be corroded to crap within a year of buying them anyway so went with some fixed height / damping Koni STR.T dampers and springs. At least its a well known name! :D


I've not seen much in the way of reviews of these but they seem to have had some favourable comments from MK4 owners. Vince @ Stealth runs these on his Passat so it was really on his reccommendation that I decided to go for them.


Along with the new shocks is over £200 of new nuts and bolts and rubber and plastic bits from VW so hopefully from now on my camber is going to behave itself and stay as it was set rather than seeming to go out just days after it goes in for alignment. I'm looking forward to compliant suspension that doesn't bang and bash on EVERY small pot hole and a car that actually handles properly and doesn't try to pull me off the road as soon as I hit uneven tarmac.


Not entirely keen on the STR.T colour scheme - the camera phone doesn't pick it up that well but the shocks are bright orange and the springs a deep teal / blue sort of colour! Nice!!


Piccie for clicks :)

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Well done Jim, once that little lot is fitted you will be beaming


As Henry Royce once said "The enjoyment should last long after the cost has been forgotten"

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It's very nice when everything is re rubbered and new. Good work Jimbo.

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Nice one, Jim. Let's hope this sorts out the probs once and for all! Never heard of those, but Koni are quality 8) What drop do they give?

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Good stuff Jim... am sure you'll see a drastic improvment with them! What sort of ride height do you expect with this set up?

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