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would you believe it that this guy (name is Paul Fairweather) used to live up here in Scotland, bout 70 miles from where I stay and was a regular at cruises here in Aberdeen ? Used to drive a red 5-door 1.6 Nissan Almera on 19" wheels........he is also discussed here:




Oh and here is his bebo !



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hahahahaha...............my in-law's nextdoor neighbour's son punched him in the face at a Cruise in Aberdeen for being a Pwick :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Taken from his bebo - he has some odd views on women - possible shirt lifter?


2007 Sucks Balls!!! Check the Skyline pics for my latest Forest Preservation attempt.... Forrestry commision didnt think it was funny! Also, you women can say what you want, your all a pain in the fucking arse... None of you actually know what you want... So whats the point in trying to convince us you do?!!?!?!


Just noticed too: "FoRest preservation" but "FoRRestry commision". I don't mind people who can't spell, as long as they are consistent.

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HAHAHA Paul has made it into the Argus newspaper being investigated by the police now and couldbe in serious sh@t!!!


Serves him right imo!!



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HAHAHA Paul has made it into the Argus newspaper being investigated by the police now and couldbe in serious sh@t!!!


Serves him right imo!!



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This is the complete wording from the article if your interested!!


this is the artice wording from the argus.


DETECTIVES are investigating a boy racer who crashed his car into a tree then bragged about on a website.


A driver calling himself Paul from Hove posted dramatic photographs of his smashed-up motor at Sussexcarz.com


He then boasted he had been driving at 70mph in a 40mph zone on icy Sussex road and had not been wearing a seat belt.


"Paul" says he could enter the incident for "crash of the year 2007".


He has pasted pictures of himself by his VW Golf R32 and close-ups of the smashed-in boot,dented roof, interior covered in broken glass and crunched-up bonnet.


The site shows him jokingly posing at the scence of the crash with his head in his hands, as wellas car parts, including half a bumper, lights and wing mirrors found scattered at the scene.


Another user of the site, calling himself Rob from Uckfield, posted a reply saying he admired him for being able to make fun of himself.


Chief Inspector Jim Taylor from sussex police said a team was investigating the website.


He said "This websibe is highly irresponsible. He admits driving at nearlydouble the speed limit on icy roads with no seat belt and from the images of the car, he is lucky to escape with his life.


"Our job with the road policing department is to try to reduce casualties but this website seems to glorify road traffic accidents.


"Myself and colleagues have this week alone had to deal with nine very serious and fatal RTA's.


Sussexcarz.com also known has SMCC bills itself as "one of the largest regional modified car clubs in england. it says as well as attracting members from sussex it also attracts interest from acorss the UK and abroad.

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It wont be very hard to find him theres enough people down here that he's made enemies of!!!


Hope they make an example of him tbh he's already got 6 points so if his license is endorsed with points its likely he'll lose his license.



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hehe, great sitcom, and shame it was brought to an end.


my favourite character was Mr Plod

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Seems a little harsh on the SMCC to be honest. I can't think of anyone that condoned his actions.

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Banana Man, Any news??? Are Sussex Constabulary running an Osama-like operation searching the caves of the south downs for him? :lol:


Just notice he has "Banned" across his ID on SMCC :D

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and everyone says big brother was blown out of proportion....


if you leave aside the guys character and compare what actually happened i would place serious money on the fact more than 90% of anyone that has ever posted on a car forum has been near enough to 70 on an empty straight road in the country with a 40 limit.


the point i'm making is that, yes he got pissed off and over reacted with people who criticised but thats probably because they were almost guaranteed to be hypocrites (ie. having driven a bit fast themselves on occasion).


the seatbelt issue is his personal choice, it affects no-one but him. the insurance issue is a little dubious but ultimately no-one has all the facts but him and i'm inclined to give anyone the benefit of the doubt when i don't know the full story.


in saying all this, i don't dispute anyone on here, or anywhere else, who have met him and who know's he's a c**k, and i'm inclined to agree based on the other topics he's posted about.


however in terms of a pure bad luck accident, it could have happened to lots of people. we might not have put quite as much detail on a forum about it as he did but how many crash threads have been on here??


as for the police, are they really going to care any more now about it than when they first showed up at the scene and said they couldn't care less cos no-one was hurt? they are just saying they're investigating now because they'd get slammed by the "concerned public" if they didn't.


he'll be questioned and given a stern verbal warning for show and that will be the end of it..


just think its been a lot of hype over not very much IMO...

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The guy is a berk, and he's clearly trying to do the human race a favour by killing himself.


He's tried having an accident without a seatbelt fitted and reckons it's safer than way. It's only a matter of time before Darwin selects him...

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exactly my point, what a completely unnecessary escalation of things.


if you had not heard any of the build up and then you saw that news story on tv you would be wondering what was actually the news element to it?


there was an accident and no-one was hurt and some people in the local area are aware of it - yawn...

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