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mic_VR's VR - The Awakening!

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are u sure that wifey didn't find your turbo that u have been hiding and decided to reap her revenge?



Seriously tho I will never understand the mindset of people who do this sort of thing. :confused4:

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So sorry to see this mate - what a f*cking joke. I wish you'd had the fortune to catch them at it so you could have keyed their face :(

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Bl**dy mindless idiots :censored: I really don't get this kind of thing, what on earth to kind of kick do they get out of this destruction :mad2:


It's so wrong though, even if you'd caught them in the act, what can you do that won't get you locked up...... gutted for you Mic.

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who had parked so stupidly outside their and my house


On street parking? Massive gaps between the cars but not quite big enough to get a car in? I know the story. My opposites do it just to 'protect' their car, or used to before....


I bought a Seat Arosa as a runabout whils't the VR is having the engine swap. I can park that little car in the smallest of gaps!! I've seen them peeping out to make sure I don't touch!!

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Cheers guys, I know a few have had these kinds of things happening more often recently. A sorry sign of the times I guess, but worse than that I only got about 5 mins of sympathy off the missus before it was back to normal and she had a go at me about the washing up! :lol:


Well I had a chance to look at it in the daylight on my way into work this morning and it's good and bad news.


Good news - none of scratches are through to the metal, Bad news - the ones on the rear quarter have actually chipped off a couple of chunks of lacquer :(

I'm going to have a look at it over the weekend to see if I can at least tidy it up so it doesn't get worse and then I can sort it properly when I've got a bit of spare cash.

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Sh!tty news Mic... but like you said at least not to metal! Might be worth seeing if Chips away or simiar would take that on?


Have a chat with neighbours see if it was just you or others?


If there's a group of them, all of you go to Plod, and make an official complaint!


Or does anyone have CCTV on the street?

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Sorry to hear that Mike, I've been a victim of mindless cnuts before too, its such a sickening feeling.

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Thats awful, not good at all..


Best way to look at it though is that ultimately youll end up with a tidier panel than what you started with but i know thats still not ideal..

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nightmare, makes me so angry.


found out who normally parks where you had to, may of been someone else annoyed at losing their space :mad2: :bad-words:

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I just don't understand it, it's my money (and other hard working tax payers) that means these idiots have the spare time to go out, have a can or ten of tennants super and then do this stuff to our pride and joys but if we took it to tackle them and call the fuzz I bet i'd be talking to you on my one hour a week internet time whilst serving 18 months for assult.... even typing this makes me feel sick at the state of this nation... :bad-words:



so true mate sorry to hear this fu :mad2: :mad2: ing wan :mad2: ers

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Fcuk sake what a bunch of tossers!!! :censored: :censored:


If it's any help mate i dont mind giving them a polish some time to try and make them a bit less obvious until you can get them repaired?

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im really sorry to hear this Mic. Nobody deserves this kind of turd treatment & who could have beef with a chap like you??


scumbags man!!! :mad2: :mad2: :cuckoo:

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if you find out who did it let us "see" them, they will have problems scratching your car when both of there arms are broken. :bad-words:

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I just don't understand it, it's my money (and other hard working tax payers) that means these idiots have the spare time to go out, have a can or ten of tennants super and then do this stuff to our pride and joys but if we took it to tackle them and call the fuzz I bet i'd be talking to you on my one hour a week internet time whilst serving 18 months for assult.... even typing this makes me feel sick at the state of this nation... :bad-words:



so true mate sorry to hear this fu :mad2: :mad2: ing wan :mad2: ers



Sad to hear but this is all to common now. One of the reasons Im not going to bother with a respray till I move out of town or get a drive. Oh and its not just minks that do this, I had a call from the Police about my wing mirror that was kicked off in Nov. Police picked the boy up and he is from a wealthy family, just a little arrogant prick.

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shit mate. looks nasty. really winds me up does this because they would hate for it to happen to them. im sure we could organise to key there faces tho!

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I've kind of given up trying to think why someone might do this kind of thing but I hope it wasn't malicious as I can't think what I've done (other than maybe parking outside their house?) to pi$$ someone off enough to do that.


The parking on my roads and the roads around it are just a free for all, no designated bays or anything..... but having said that, the car that is now parked where I was the night of the damage hasn't moved for about 3 days so it would seem that they live there.

TBH I can't prove anything and I'm not about to go around doing it to their car as I'm not really that kind of person. If I had proof I'd be happy to go around and see what they had to say about it face to face but I guess I'm just going to have to live with it this time. :(


Real shame is that I was hoping to use it as one of my wedding cars in May, guess I'll have to see what can be done to get it looking ship shape again - Rob, this is your area of expertise.

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Real shame is that I was hoping to use it as one of my wedding cars in May, guess I'll have to see what can be done to get it looking ship shape again - Rob, this is your area of expertise.


Well like I said mate if you want me to have a go at fading them down a bit then by all means come over any time and I'll have a go mate. Can't really promise anything though, they look like quite deep scratches so it won't remove them but it might remove lighter parts and generally take the edge off the deeper ones.

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Like I said Mic I know loads of paint repair people through my job and I could most likely get this sorted for you very cheaply and very well too.

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hey there pal, just read through your whole thread. it's the first time i've posted in here, so i'll be able to keep an eye on it in future now :)

car is a beaut!


really sorry to hear about your recent misfortune. that's just mindless vandalism and there's no point to it whatsoever, really feel for you there - i don't like to think what i would do to someone if i found them doing that to my car...


hope it all works out for you soon buddy

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Cheers Pete, it's definitely a work in progress now.... Ironically the paint work was the one thing I wasn't planning to do anything to! :lol:


Unfortunately I've not had time/money to do anything to the car recently and tbh everytime I look at it I feel sorry for the fact I'm not taking better care of it..... but watch this space in June for some major changes into the 24V world, looking at your install I'll be very happy if I can come close to that level. There's so many of us now we'll all have to have 24V meet up!

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