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VERY VERY NSFW - Shocking Images of VW Fox Accident

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I thought twice about if these pics should be shown.


They were forwarded to me by a VW employee. Very shocking, however, i've posted the pics so you can make your own minds up.


Please be warned, there are pics showing the fox driver literally chopped in half. Pics have all been thumbnailed, so you can decided wether to click and view.


If mods want to remove any thumbnails thats understood..























Look after yourselves.



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Poor guy.

The Fox wouldn't stand a chance against a head on with a lorry.


On a side note, the whole "speed kills" advertising campaign is to a point pointless, as it's all about momentum - mass and speed, in theory lorrys should travel at zero speed!

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Pretty grim stuff. However slowly or carefully we all drive, that will happen to some unlucky souls. Harsh but true.

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That is making me feel quite ill, and scared as at the moment i drive a small and old car. poor poor guy. I wonder what star rating that car got?

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sobering images.... although not many cars are going to cope in a head on with a lorry, the Fox has a 4 star NCAP rating...


A Friends Mum just bought a Fox, don't think I will forward this on to him... :?

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Thats so sad but makes you think twice about driving like a nutter.


In a way more people need to be reminded of this sort of thing to slow them down



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Holy sh1t!!


Poor bloke, doubt he would've known much about it though, although thats not much consolation....


You never know when your number's up.......

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Cheers for thumbnailing them Bristol. Thread can be down graded to "Possibly NSFW"


TBH, these kind of images come up so often these days, they're no longer shocking (imo). It's certainly no worse than CSI :lol: It's just that humans have a morbid curiousity for death and carnage when it comes to real life situations. You know you shouldn't look.......but you can't help it.......then you wish you hadn't looked. Ignorance is bliss!

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Those look pretty nasty, but it is good to be reminded what can happen if you drive like a tit (not saying that guy was, but it is what will happen if you plough head-on into a lorry).

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Or a lorry ploughs head long into you as you're minding you're own beeswax?


Not nice but glad they thumbnailed... keep th very very NSFW at the top though..

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A Friends Mum just bought a Fox, don't think I will forward this on to him...


On the contrary Talc, maybe if you did forward it on or at least tell them about it they could then think about getting another car if they wished to... i know i would.

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same thing happend to a chap from the electric board just down the road from my work just a few weeks back. He drove home towards portsmouth on the A27 on a friday afternoon and must have dosed off and headed into a layby at high speed and met with an arctic on a taco break with the same consequences.


Strange thing is that it is a 7 mile stretch of dual carrageway with no exits, just a couple of laybys and lots of grassy banks and he managed to get a layby!!

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Jesus. Thats awful. I just hope he doesn't have a family who will find out their son, husband, father or boyfriend is on various websites. Very, very sobering viewing. Kill the speed people, but more importantly, always concentrate on your driving.


If the Fox is a 4 star NCAP car, just what the heck is a pre-airbag 17yr old Rado gonna be??? I reckon they would struggle to muster a 2 star rating. What do you reckon??

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As my dad always used to say


"Better 15 mins in this life than 30 years early in the next"


Poor guy but probably would not have stood a better chance in any other car, theres no degree to being dead is there.


I have driven in excess of 1 million miles in the 21 years since I've passed my test and seen a lot of nasty accidents, fortunate enough never to have been involved in one but can't help worrying than the odds are not in my favour on a going forward basis

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