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It Boils My Piss! Effing Thieving Scrotey Shitbags!

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Went for a blast in my C this afternoon, parked it on the drive and came in the house to for a bit before putting it back in the garage!


Spied some kid sat down on next doors drive with his bike, didn't think owt of it as there are quite a few kids who play round from the neighbours kids etc!


Sit down on my couch and see the kid crouching down by my rear wheel! Rub out the house to find the little fucker pinching my buuuurbs valve caps!


Grab hold of him and shout at him to find out what the fuck he thinks he's doing, says he hasn't go them! I know it's wrong like, but I just lost my rag! I pushed the little shit over and told him I'd kick fuck out of him if he didn't hand it over! Sticks his hand in his pockets and pulls out 2 of my valve caps and 4 others!!!!!


The little bastard! Anyway he starts crying (Oops) whilst I'm swearing my head off at him, Emily (My bird) comes out wondering what the hell is going on, kid asks for his bike back and then peddles off!


You can't have anything nice these days without some shitbag wanting to take stuff!


Anyway went to B&Q and bought one of those garage lock things just in case he tells some of his scrotey friends where a nice car is parked!


It really fucks me off! Wished I'd kept hold of him now and called the police!


Anyway I feel better now that rant is over

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I don't give a crap if people think you're being unfair to him. You did the right thing.


Good on you mate, if you tried a less firm approach, the little tw@ would most likely do it again to someone else. Hopefully the little wanka will not do it again.

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sod it little schitts maybe he might think twice about doing it again, tbh i was a little schitt myself when i was a young `un just didnt get caught lol

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I dont blame you at all Steve, ive had various things pinched off previous cars, its really isnt difficult, if its not your car dont touch it...

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I think it's good what you did mate. People like that need standing up too and shown that that sort of cr@p won't be put up with. And who knows, maybe you've scared him enough to save someone elses valve caps from being pinched.

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Don't blame you at all mate. The reason this sort of crap is so prevalent is because parents aren't doing their jobs bringing these kids up.


The only way you learn whats right and wrong as a kid is a bloody good telling off. It didn't do any of us any harm, and clearly its a lesson he's learned now. He even trespassed onto your property (driveway) to do it. You did the right thing mate.


And we've always had a swear filter on here. You've clearly just never made it angry before :)

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He should count himself lucky you didn't march him straight to the Police station.

Hopefully that'll be the last you hear of it. I had so much trouble with caps being nicked at one point I just gave up and put shitty black plastic ones on instead.

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Well done mate, i know its only valve caps, but its your property and no one has the right to take it away from you!!


This happened to some of our cars at E38 in the middle of the day while we were on our club stand :shock: :shock: !! Luckily, my mates gf saw what he was doin, gave him a massive bollokin and she made him empty his pockets, turns out he'd got a pocket full of caps!!


And we've always had a swear filter on here. You've clearly just never made it angry before
8) :lol: , just wet myself when i read that!!

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lets just hope he doesn't decide to pay u a visit in the night an cause any damage to ya car?

i've had a few sets of caps nicked over the years,never caught them takin um like so i dont know how i'd react,although where i live,if i'd have reacted like u i would probs wake up to my car burnt out :lol:

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lets just hope he doesn't decide to pay u a visit in the night an cause any damage to ya car?

i've had a few sets of caps nicked over the years,never caught them takin um like so i dont know how i'd react,although where i live,if i'd have reacted like u i would probs wake up to my car burnt out :lol:


Thats why it lives in the garage and I went and bought a 70quid garage lock from B&Q!!!


Cheers for the support guys, thought I'd been heavy handed but I'm glad I did what I did now!

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Good on you! Now just hope his dad isn't a 6'6" bricklayer :wink:!

We all know whose house is going to be targeted come 31st October :lol:

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Same thing happened to me a little while ago.


But at least I got my bike back and learned my lesson.

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good on you. I had a few sets stolen recently but never caught anyone taking them cos it was when I was at work. Had to go round the car each time to check for any other damage...


I shouted at a kid for throwing stones into a side street where my old rocco was parked a couple of years ago. Felt a bit guilty later cos I made him cry but I don't regret it and hope he learnt to be a bit more thoughtful. Hope you don't regret it either. Lol at (and don't blame you for) buying a big fat lock btw!

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He should count himself lucky you didn't march him straight to the Police station.


They would have done f'ck all and probably arrested Steve for assaulting the little schitt.


I just gave up and put **** black plastic ones on instead.


Yep. Don't give tea leafs any reason to go near your property.


Don't blame you at all mate. The reason this sort of crap is so prevalent is because parents aren't doing their jobs bringing these kids up.


Yep. The trailor trash element of Britain's society you mean Jim? :lol:

The Police don't do a lot either to make us feel more secure on the streets and in our homes.


The only way you learn whats right and wrong as a kid is a bloody good telling off


Indeed, but it's vigilantes and people fecked off with lawless britain that will be doing the 'telling off' on behalf of the parents if things don't improve.

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