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top gear, Sunday 8pm repeated wednesday 7pm BBC2

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had a look around the twingo at the renault sport weekend at silverstone earlier this year and agree with Jim, it just doesn't have the edge to it, would have to be a sensational drive but i doubt it would beat the 500 in that department either

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Now, who's going to admit to being an uber geek and trying to decode the Morse signals from the Stig's lap in the Lambo?


The 2 messages from episode 1 were "Strictly Come Dancing is crap" and "I LIKE CHEESE" (sadly not I LIKE HAM, but close enough :lol:)


The 2 messages from episode 2 were "I VOTED ROSS PEROT", (apparently a reference to an American politician who fell out of the recent presidential race at an early stage?)


The second message was "ME SMELL CATS" :lol:


I would like to point out that I'm not sad enough to have translated them myself, but I did Google them :D


But if you are feeling very geeky, this is good fun - http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html


.. / .-.. .. -.- . / .... .- --

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Now, who's going to admit to being an uber geek and trying to decode the Morse signals from the Stig's lap in the Lambo?


The 2 messages from episode 1 were "Strictly Come Dancing is crap" and "I LIKE CHEESE" (sadly not I LIKE HAM, but close enough :lol:)


The 2 messages from episode 2 were "I VOTED ROSS PEROT", (apparently a reference to an American politician who fell out of the recent presidential race at an early stage?)


The second message was "ME SMELL CATS" :lol:


I would like to point out that I'm not sad enough to have translated them myself, but I did Google them :D


But if you are feeling very geeky, this is good fun - http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html


.. / .-.. .. -.- . / .... .- --


Now THAT is why this Forum is genius! Good work.

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think that was pretty poor to be honest.. considering that there are still some people that actually know about cars that watch the programme, those attempts at making it go faster were dismal...

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Knowing it was using the well established Renault V6, first thing I did was shout "Supercharge it!!" at the TV.. ho hum.


The food blender thing was pointless tat as well. I get the impression that was a bit of a filler episode but still a million times better than B-list Celebrity Dancing or whatever the fork it's called.

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The food blender thing was pointless tat as well.


Are you Mad? I was wetting myself at that! Just the look on May's face... :pukeright:


I'm seriously looking forward to the "What kitchen appliance can be V8 powered" section.... Plus as it appeared to be running "Pro-mod" exhausts and lumpy cam I bet there were a few "deaf-un's" in the sudio too! :lol:

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You don't make a car go faster by putting heavy brakes and huge wheels on it. They should have listened to Clarkson and stuck a fekking turbo on it. It was pathetic really to see them waste all that licence payers money for virtually no result. For 9 grand I could have strapped a jet engine to it.


Oh and its still better than Top Gear Australia. Just.

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Last night's episode was perfect for genuine petrol heads and modders. What's not to like about a Chevy small block with open headers being revved up in a studio? I nearly started licking the TV screen when I saw those 3 way adjustable Nitrons and AP 6 pots!!

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I like a laugh from them but a more serious item about making the Renault go faster would have been gripping,(!!?) educational and less of a time waster.

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The modding thing was a bit pointless allbeit entertaining.


I mean for £15k you would buy the bloody Renault for the school run and then spend the 10k on a Caterham or well sorted Evo V/VI!

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The only pointless thing about the modding was the choice of vehicle they used! £5K aswell! They could have got a MK2 Golf with a 1.8T in it already for £5K, and then with the nitrons on it, R888s and a Quaife, it would have p1ssed all over the Evo.

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The food blender thing was pointless tat as well.


Are you Mad? I was wetting myself at that! Just the look on May's face... :pukeright:


I'm seriously looking forward to the "What kitchen appliance can be V8 powered" section.... Plus as it appeared to be running "Pro-mod" exhausts and lumpy cam I bet there were a few "deaf-un's" in the sudio too! :lol:


If I wanted to watch kitchen appliances, I'd watch f*cking Delia or Ready Steady Cook. I watch Top Gear to watch cars ffs!!

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I thought the blender was brilliant, who doesn't want one of them!! :lol:


Did anyone else think Mark Walberg came across as a bit of a c*ck??

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I thought the blender was brilliant, who doesn't want one of them!! :lol:


Did anyone else think Mark Walberg came across as a bit of a c*ck??


I bet you the guy who had his car stolen 15x didn't think it was funny! I hate it when scum become famous and rich. It's so unfair. :( Worse of it is I like the films he is in, he's not a bad actor/action doll. :lol:


p.s action dolls with no clothes on from a distance look like a c*ck too!



Did anyone else think Mark Walberg came across as a bit of a c*ck??


Which bit did you mean?






The bell-end?






The shaft?






or the testies?








Or were you referring to the foreskin area??




Now i feel quite unwell. :gag:

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I came to the conclusion a long time ago that its best to view Top Gear as an entertainment programme with a motoring theme rather than as an out and out motoring programme - seen in this light it excels.


I can remember when Top Gear was had Chris Goffey, William Woollard, Sue Cooke and Noel Edmonds etc, yes it was more factual but was nothing like as entertaining and enjoyable as todays version


Enjoyed the Avantime feature, was drooling over the AP's

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I came to the conclusion a long time ago that its best to view Top Gear as an entertainment programme


Not only that, but quite often filled with lies (all in the interest of entertainment), as I found out again talking to some Corvette people at the Classic Car Show this weekend just gone.


For example, Clarkson? statement that the Vette still uses leafsprings at the rear is blatantly wrong. It simply does NOT use leafsprings rather than what sounded to me as a nifty rear axle/spring construction. But hey, anything for entertainment. Shame that it has such a huge knock-on effect with so many in terms of shaping their opinions on certain cars, that Clarkson likes or dislikes (for all the wrong reasons).



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I do love Top Gear but yea I agree with you lot, its not a motoring program anymore. Its an entertainment program loosely based about cars.

Hell they even admitted that themselves in the America show.

Its still one of the bestest things ever on tele though

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Last night's episode was probably one of the best i have seen for a while, absolutely hilarious, I don't envy the poor sod who has to remove all the skid marks from that shopping mall though :lol:

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