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gutted you got rid of the valver, it just looked so right.


but your right, the vr is the right engine in these. plus i know your gonna get this one looking just as sweet.


What wheels are you thinking this time......?


PS. Update your avatar too ;)

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Henny, wtf dude, why would u know that the bulb icon goes the other way round in a mk2? lol


I had a MKII with the wrong switch in it, and it bugged me once I noticed that it was wrong enough that I replaced it with a correct one, but was intrigued enough to find out WTF the switch with the wrong symbol was out of by looking up the part number.... :ubergeek:


shouldnt of said out. i bet the chicks were digging the geekiness ;) lol

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gutted you got rid of the valver, it just looked so right.


but your right, the vr is the right engine in these. plus i know your gonna get this one looking just as sweet.


What wheels are you thinking this time......?


PS. Update your avatar too ;)


Thanks fella, i appreciate it man, means alot! Alot of hard work went into the valver but i know the new owners takin care of it so all is good!


The funny thing is, the valver was just supposed to be a stop gap untill i get a VR so yeah this will most likely get a bit out of hand and be similar to the valver but just more in every sense, just going to take time as im trying to resolve my job situation at the mo. Once i do, i dont know really, expect some wide 17s! Ive got my eyes on some completely custom wheels but that wont happen till next year :lol:


Avatars staying for now as im struggling to find love for the VR right now and so miss my valver lol.


I keep thinking about superchargers though, i mean i never understood why people did it when i had my valver, i mean a 200 odd bhp rado is enough right, HELL NO!



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Henny, wtf dude, why would u know that the bulb icon goes the other way round in a mk2? lol


I had a MKII with the wrong switch in it, and it bugged me once I noticed that it was wrong enough that I replaced it with a correct one, but was intrigued enough to find out WTF the switch with the wrong symbol was out of by looking up the part number.... :ubergeek:


shouldnt of said out. i bet the chicks were digging the geekiness ;) lol




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Ok well i gave up trying to sort out the paint on the bonnet, once i clayed it and went over it once with some menzerna intensive polish so i could see what i was dealing with properly i found a SH*T load of sanding/prep marks. Looks like the the front might have been painted before but i dont understand how a *light* machine polish that probably took off 0.5mm of laquer would bring up such crazy ass scratches all over the bonnet!! They weren't there before, at least not visible to the naked eye. :shrug:


The car really needs paint tbh, its not terrible by any means but i dont like it!


Ill carry on with the rotary tommorow and see how it goes, hit the bonnet twice today and the scratch marks are only improving a tiny bit, im just scared of burning through the laquer as i dont have one of those paint depth measuring thingys.


Will update tommorow with pics. :?




My projector lights are defo going in but should they stay black or should i paint them grey or silver?


Any opinions welcome.

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if your gonna keep the projectors then keep them black bud the chrome look terrible imho



glad you getting stuck into the vr itl keep your poor!! lol

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if your gonna keep the projectors then keep them black bud the chrome look terrible imho



glad you getting stuck into the vr itl keep your poor!! lol



Its done well so far as far as keepin me poor is concerned!


I dont know if i want to do em black again though, keep thinking it'll make the car look more 'rude' like the last one... i guess ill have to try em, cant help but think grey would look rather awesome.


Hows your VR treatin u?

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i cant grumble at all really.... its never let me down in the 2 year sof having it , never missed a beat , but i have maintained it regardless.....which i might add its quite hard to do due to costs etc , i do find if you just pick on an area and just nail it it pays off...... i replaced everything on the front end and not only did it totally transform the way the car drove it doesnt give you any nasty surprises.......


a lot of people on here i have read, ask questions about whether or not they should drive from here to there and what should they take if they brake down etc i am 100 % confident in the car i use it everyday and we recently drove across europe france, belguim ,germany, cheq republic, even drove back through the black forest all i can say it was awesome, autobahn races 140 mph no problem for what seemed like long periods of time until the missus wakes up realising what im doing and starts moaning...... :lol: most of the time cruised at 100 as was a good speed and returned 29.7 mpg.....at 70-80 was returning 36mpg so was quite happy with that.


with rising fuel costs it is expensive to run as a daily as its eats fuel when its not on a run dont forget mines still in auto form just now but is in the process of being converted as we speak, car is back in the body shop having a few niggles sorted and then the engine comes out strip rebuild clean the bay sort a few more bits ive always wanted in there and then , then it will be a weekend toy....because when you get to the condition mine is in you dont want to ruin it by using it as a daily only because of all the time i have sunk into it not to say i wont enjoy it when i do drive it though!!

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a lot of people on here i have read, ask questions about whether or not they should drive from here to there and what should they take if they brake down etc i am 100 % confident in the car i use it everyday and we recently drove across europe france, belguim ,germany, cheq republic, even drove back through the black forest all i can say it was awesome, autobahn races 140 mph no problem for what seemed like long periods of time until the missus wakes up realising what im doing and starts moaning...... :lol: most of the time cruised at 100 as was a good speed and returned 29.7 mpg.....at 70-80 was returning 36mpg so was quite happy with that.




How true!


If you look after the car, the car looks after you.


My C has never let me down (touch wood and all that). It's done almost 3000 miles since I bought it in late April and I don't even use it for daily commuting (I walk to work). 34-36 mpg on motorway cursing, 27-29 mpg normal. It's comfortable. It's quick for its age. It makes a nice noise. The engine has great character. I even took it to 1xx mph and it's super stable.


Corrados are supposed to be driven, full stop. :D I love it. It'll be a sad day when I decide to sell.


Have fun with yours Abdul!

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My C has never let me down (touch wood and all that). It's done almost 3000 miles since I bought it in late April and I don't even use it for daily commuting (I walk to work).


where have you been going?! I've done the same but that includes about 4/5 long trips to the north east and 4 more to dorset?! :)

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My C has never let me down (touch wood and all that). It's done almost 3000 miles since I bought it in late April and I don't even use it for daily commuting (I walk to work).


where have you been going?! I've done the same but that includes about 4/5 long trips to the north east and 4 more to dorset?! :)


:D What can I say, I love driving my car!


Will catch up soon John.


(Abdul sorry for hijacking your thread, as you can see, us VRs owners love their cars! :D )

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Hey hey,


I'm a valver owner and i've driven my car to Norwich and back to London every weekend for 2 years now, driven it to Scotland, Wales, countless times around the M25 and she has never missed a beat....... until i decided to re-build a p&p'd head for her and put lots of other new performance gubbins under the bonnet. Now she's not so happy with me and doesn't want to leave the garage, but i still love her!

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Hey hey,


I'm a valver owner and i've driven my car to Norwich and back to London every weekend for 2 years now, driven it to Scotland, Wales, countless times around the M25 and she has never missed a beat....... until i decided to re-build a p&p'd head for her and put lots of other new performance gubbins under the bonnet. Now she's not so happy with me and doesn't want to leave the garage, but i still love her!


Kunal you got unlucky dude...


I cleaned the interior properly the other day and cleaned and fed the seats. Ill get some pics up later.


No other updates. Ive lost all interest tbh. Oh and ive got a good job now so quite pleased.

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No real updates as ive been a bit busy and a lazy bum in general with regards to the rado lol.


Ive still not fitted the projectors but will do this weekend along with the paintwork detail.


I did however detail the bay and give it a good lick of paint as it was looking very shoddy before, everything was discoloured and mucky.


How the bay looked when i bought the car....




And now, ive still got more work to do btw, need to somehow machine polish all the paint on show in the bay too as its a mess. I also want some red HT leads as these blue magnecors just dont go with the colours of my car... I have also been thinking about relocating the battery to the boot as it'll allow me to run a bigger batt for the sound system etc but i know the paint underneath is going to be shabby so i dont think ill bother.








They're all from one angle because i haven't taken the batt out yet and cleaned that side of the bay up yet. I also need to wrap some of the fan wiring as its exposed at the mo. Theres no dressing on the plastics etc btw.


Oh and the top hose decided to let go on me a few days ago about 5mins from my house so i took it nice and easy and got it home and this is what resulted lol.




Anyway, got a new one now thanks to Alonzo that im going to fit tommorow.


Heres some general pics of the car in a clean state.










Once the paint is finally detailed it should look pretty awesome but i dont look foward to removing the side strips lol. I also want to tint the rear lights but once again laziness has got the best of me.


Oh im also thinking of changing all the plastic trim to black but keeping the beige leather. Its a bit too high maintenance for me and 'refined' if u will lol. If anyone wants to swap everything with me (carpet, roof lining, plastic trims, pillars etc NOT SEATS) for black let me know!


Thats all for now folks, thanks for reading.

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Omnomnom! I do love dark burgundy pearl! Big improvement in the bay. Shows how much a few little jobs make a lot of difference! Good work!

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Thanks chaps, it only took a couple of hours aswell!! Im pretty chuffed too, need to clean the throttle body today and the battery tray so will update later.


Im finally feelin the love for the car, i didnt even get peed off when the hose blew lol.


Ill tell u what guys, i bought one of those hose repair kits from halfords, not their brand though, made by Haris as I had no choice but to do a few missions and ive so far done 140 miles with minimal leaking lol. Admitedly ive been driving like a granny though.


Ive got a spare one in my boot just incase aswell...


http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... yId_165691


Edit: I just remembered ive gotta fit the hose lol. Problem is, someone has used a jubilee clip where the hose connects to the engine and the damn screw is posititioned so its directly under the coilpack so that'll have to come off too. Or if i can find some tinsnips ill just chop it off...

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looks good mate ,,il swap the carpet for my black one and also the A,B and C pillers do you have biege parcel shelf??

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Hi dude this is looking good now


Have just fitted full grey leather to your old one.


Started paying into the engine swap fund now too for if the 9a ever decides to spit it's dummy out.


Keep the leather I think it looks good with your paintwork

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Hi dude this is looking good now


Have just fitted full grey leather to your old one.


Started paying into the engine swap fund now too for if the 9a ever decides to spit it's dummy out.


Keep the leather I think it looks good with your paintwork


Hey Ollie, thanks bro, hope its treating you well... get some pics up!!


Righto so paint work correction begun today, didnt get much done after faffing about with clay etc so only wings and bonnet have been hit with Menzerna Intensive Polish at this stage, rest of the car still needs to be done then i'm going to go over it with Menzerna Final Finish followed by Poor Boys Blackhole sealant and then Dodo Juice Supernatural...




Good reflection for OE paint eh? Sh*t loads of chips up close though lol.

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mmmm...shiney shiney....wanna see it all done....come on pull your finger out...haha


The whole cars been hit with Menzerna Intensive polish now, just going to go over a few bits with final finish as i have a few small swirls left. Then sealant and wax and PICS!


Im hoping to finish off the engine bay tidy up this weekend along with the inside of the arches. Need to try and unseize the coilys too so i can get it sitting lower!


Thanks for reading,

Abdul :D

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