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That Rado..............

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Hello no I took a chance , they want you to take a 5p size bit of material and post it to them they then match it exactly for you.... They had only ever got one corrado on file 94/95 can't remember which a customer sent jn a rear card sample I thought well as they supposedly only made 1? Beige it's got to be close enough!

In the flesh once it's dried properly the match is better but this is still lighter?? Fresher IMO it looks much better than the original job the plastics now match properly and it's all one colour, I just can't wait to get it all back in the car to see what it looks like!

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Good Morning!


going to start todays bloggy thing with................. guess what yes more boring ass pictures....lol


maybe ott but i like to document everything as it happens or il never do it!


got me work cut out for me today i really need to make some progress as im getting grief from the women in the house as im stinking it out!! (theyve been good up to now but yesterday was kinda rough), i have some plastics to prep ans some seats to repair...


the drivers recaro sat next to the passenger one now looks completly shagged and im looking at it wondering where the hell do i start with it as it is quite a mess in comparison.... im not sure how this one is going to turn out tbh but ive got to do it....



one positive note about all of this is the furniture clinic who supplied me the clourant got it absolutly spot on!!!



????hows that you might be thinking......... well the rear seat base ive taken out today and the sides never see the light of day, and in all its glory the colour has been preserved....and its a damn good match,ok its still 16 years old and the seat i have just done has ot got any feed on it yet but you can see its almost there much better than i first expected!










the bolsters on this one are far worse than the other.... but it is the drivers side so i guess should be expected.....







this is something i have got to repair before it makes a hole!!!







the back of most rados seats are trashed like this one always real dirty and have big scrathces /battle scars....










well thats what ive got to look forward to today ive got loads to do and im waiting for the posty to get some more gear so i can crack on.................

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good stuff isn't it, i have done 5 sets of seats so far the worst were out of a jensen interceptor 8) it then went onto win the concours class at its last outing.


so got some more to do this year.

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Really nice work, it just goes to show what can be achieved with some good products and elbow grease.


I think the backs suffer because they are made of vinyl and not leather, it just does not stand up to abuse like leather does.

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Yeah, was just thinking the same with regard to the seat backs! It really does look like you're making cracking progress though and the results speak for themselves! Have you done the head rest on the passenger seat yet? It looks a bit darker than the rest of the seat for some reason...

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cheers guys , yea done the head rest was a pain as the material ? clip underneath had come undone so it took me ages and ages to get it back on properly looks sorted now though even spent some time cleaning all the seat plastics up so the seat is almost as good as new.....



heater doesnt work on the drivers seat though??? i think im going to strip it down dont know what im looking for but i hope i can fix it!

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cheers rob , ive just called it a night ive just stripped down the driver seat and taken the leather off , i wanted to see if the heater element was damaged in there.......... but alas it doesnt look damaged im going to have to ni pout and buy a multimeter so i can test the continuity tomorrow before i rip open the base......


im taking pics so i can show a how to incase anybody needs to do the same at some point...



il pop over and get the speaker supports tomorrow bud cheers

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Multimeter is always good place to start. Try the corresponding fuse/relay as there's one per seat. In my haste, I pulled my seat apart (okay I was cleaning it anyway) only to find it was a bad contact.

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i have a test light and ive placed it in the connectore that would connect to the seat and it lights up when you roll the switch round and turnsd off when rolled the other way, so with that i take it the relay works fine???


i mean im cleanign my seat too and i have already taken the upper seat apart to find nothing, so im left with no option ,butto take the base apart in the morning!!!


i dont own a multimeter so im gonna have to buy one i rekkon!

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the colour is called corrado beige........... its on thier system as that and that is what is on the bottle it comes in....



my seats both have stickers on them and its called hellbeige!!


if you let me know how much your thinkning of doing il let you know what you will need as i did it on a wing and a prayer..

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many thanks for the info. I'm thinking just the front seats but if everything then starts looking all old and manky i might end up doing the rears and doorcards too! I also need some repair compound as i repaired a hole on my bolster, just need to fill it up properly, plus there are stiill some wear marks that will also need to be filled in.

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riiiiggghhhttt onnnnnnn your on a slippery slope my man no not slippery treacherous!! lol once you do a couple items your fecked and you'l end up doing them all as the old stuff though maybe clean will look shite! nlol


tried uploading all this crap last night but as i was typing it all deleted!!! il try again!


thought id tackle the drivers seat today as i was stripping to clean it up i thought heck il see if i can fix the heater element , as if it didnt work it would only piss me off!


so to start you got to take the centre section out by pushing the metal bar thats held in by these shitty clips....




once thats been achieved you should get something like this to look at




you have then got to take out the staples around the edges and gently take the leather off the foam




the heater element will then be revealed, it looks like this.......... see the two wires attached at the bottom , you need to get a multimeter and set it to buzzer to check continuity if you place the red and black across these wires and the circuit is complete then it will beep!! if it has a break in it, it will not sound and therefore you need to check further..........



this one looks ok and checked out ok.




next onto the seat base and do the same take out the staples etc






the heater element is sandwiched between this cloth material...


over the years this one has creaped back and squashed up i thought that this might be the cause of the fault??




i seperated the cloth to see what the loom looked like




the element looks fine




needed to go deeper




ah whats this??




yep the element has burnt out.....




the trick is to test the element where you think its good and work back from there i localised the3 fault but i wanted to see where it exactly broke...

so i went about stripping the wire back slightly to find the break and i struck lucky




here it is if you look carefully you will see the blue wire that has melted between the break making the open circuit...


i then soldered it up and ironed the material flat so it would fit the base again i sprayed it with spray glue and then placed the heater element back out as ti was supposed to be



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the element fit the base much better now i then turned mt attention back to the seat re-furb...


the drivers bolsters were bad much worse when i looked at them in detail and i began to wonder if i could make them better






these pics were taken after i started the prep in no paricular order...




i broke out the filler and went a bit crazy










the bolsters look so much better









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i re fitted the drivers seat yesterday evening and used it today no probs with it at all and the best bit is the heated element works a treat!!!! you beauty! lol


if anybody wants any advice or help on this stuff i dont mind answering a few questios (i know im no expert but il tell it how it is) you can pm me or whatever i think if your wanting a partial re-trim then this is definatly they way ahead it looks so good in the flesh , my car looks like one of those magazine features with mega mint interior now and i am so chuffed lol

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just had a look on the furniture clinic site but there's no mention of Corrado beige? Perhaps something to ask directly? also, for teh full cabin and some bolster repair resin, what amount would you recommend? Your results are really astounding :wink:

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Good work. The beige will look great, I remember the original build thread off Edition, and really impressed.

My Mrs says she wants your dog :lol:

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she can have the bloody dog its a pain in the ass!! nrobrado has got one on here too! he will tell you the same..


furntiure clinic ring them and ask them for it they will send you the right gear..


1) get a compressor make this absoluite rule as it is so much better and quicker and easier and you loose less gear.

2) get the colour, gloss finish and satin finish, and last but not least alcohol cleaner. the leather prep as far as i can tell is cellulose thinners (i used that when the leather prep ran out) this will save you some bucks!

3) go to tecos or boots and get a big bag of cotton wool

4) go to a car accessory shop and get some red absavive sponge cloth stuff

5) make sure you have a hair dryer handy



i have all the instructions from there meadium package i bought if you let me know what your intending to do il give you a rough idea of the quntities you will need to get

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Not sure what you mean by the red abrasive sponge cloth - perhaps like a green scourer? Anyway, i'm looking to do the front seats, plus repair the bolsters. Now if they look too 'new' i assume the rears will also need doing, plus door cards? Your thoughts? And an approximate timeframe to do them - i'll need to give my excuses to SWMBO :wave:

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my car looks like one of those magazine features with mega mint interior now and i am so chuffed lol


Pictures of this please :)

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il grab some daylight pics tomorrow of the interior i need to put the shelf in etc but 99% complete now it looks awesome i just wish i knew how to dye the carpet beige again and i would have done that too!!


very chuffed with the results


fla probably best to give me a call bud and il chat you through it if you like?


pm your num,ber or something and il give you a bell tomorrow ive got to take the lady out tonight im ofski!





oil herst il see what pics ive got when i get in but daylight ones would be best

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i'm looking to do the front seats, plus repair the bolsters. Now if they look too 'new' i assume the rears will also need doing :wave:




they will look BRAND NEW


lol you'll see

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my rims are seriously fecked!! so instead of the interior thing i thought id take a break from it and try and polish my rims, and its working but very very slow progress and its even worse as its so cold outside, we live on a hill and its always windy where we are!! so even worse!!!



as you can see bad state








this is one of those jobs you wish you never started, i dont have a jack at the moment so its not like i can take a wheel off and bring into the house either..... might have to invest in one!!


couple interior shots still got some trims etc to put in but il do it when ive got some other bits and pieces ready














ive had the seats in and out this week they were painted this week i just need them in asap ive used the car quite a bit and they so far seem to be holding up very well, im trying not to get marks on them ( i cannot feed the leather for 7 days )


im thinking of painting the inner lips of the wheels nimbus grey or whatever its called its a nicecolour and will be a bit different on the wheel, il keep the spokes and lips polished but the band that goes in and around the spokes is just bare metal at the mo so not only will it stop the wheels looking dirtier than they are itl be easy to clean!! lol

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