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Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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"Grown ups" I had tears of laughter watching this @ a few bits, 8.5/10


Not enough good comedy flicks made these days imo

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what you mean that denzel was blind in the film and that the bible he was carrying around and killing everyone that wanted it, was in braile.


theres the whole film in 27 words, saves you all going out and buying/hiring it.



and another film summed up in a few words


the titanic sunk and loads of people died, that will save you watching leonardo di crapio again.

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  KADVR6 said:
what you mean that denzel was blind in the film and that the bible he was carrying around and killing everyone that wanted it, was in braile.


theres the whole film in 27 words, saves you all going out and buying/hiring it.



and another film summed up in a few words


the titanic sunk and loads of people died, that will save you watching leonardo di crapio again.


Oh noes... spoiler alert :?


I think the bunnies sum up Titanic better than you though: http://www.angryalien.com/0604/titanicbunnies.html

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Last couple that spring to mind are 'Inglourious B*sterds' (2009) - good laugh, excellent supporting cast - 8/10,

and 'Old Boy' (2003) - pretty dark, but a really good film - 8.5/10.

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Got Sherlock Holmes on Lovefilm the other day- pleasantly surprised! Quite a witty script + the two lead actors worked well together. 7 out of 10 :)


Really want to see Inception & Predators (even though it's had mixed reviews).

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Toy Story 3 - 8/10 , Spanish Buzz and Ken and Barbie moments were classics

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  KADVR6 said:
the titanic sunk and loads of people died, that will save you watching leonardo di crapio again.


I'm a fan of leonardo, 'basketball diaries' and 'catch me if you can' are among my favorite films.


Recently watched 'seven pounds' and think Will Smith is getting much better as an actor, choosing some great roles. i'd give it an 8/10..

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As much as I was expecting to be disappointed, I quite enjoyed watching Clash of the Titans. Don't get me wrong, it's not a great film but I didn't feel violated, which is always a nice way to end a film if you ask me.

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Last night watched "Deep Rising" followed by "Office Space", neither that well known but both 10/10s !!

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Big Ass Badonkadonk Bash




It was to predictable but I enjoyed it!



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Watched Mesrine part 1 and 2. Was very good, fantastic gangster film, don't even notice it's subtitled.



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  Wompa said:
Big Ass Badonkadonk Bash




It was to predictable but I enjoyed it!




Is that porn? :scratch:

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watched Airplane last night.

10/10...arguably the best comedy ever written. If you don't like one of the jokes, don't worry, there'll be another one along in 5 seconds.


Have got the clearance Clarence? :lol:

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  bristolbaron said:

Recently watched 'seven pounds' and think Will Smith is getting much better as an actor, choosing some great roles. i'd give it an 8/10..



Seven pounds and pursuit of happyness were great films, no longer the actor he was in the 90s, but a serious leading actor

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Observe And Report


Some classic Seth Rogen moments. Loved the part where the news reporter interviews him. Hilarious!

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Last night we mostly watched...


Hitman = 5/10

Catch me if you can = 8/10

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  KADVR6 said:
what you mean that denzel was blind in the film and that the bible he was carrying around and killing everyone that wanted it, was in braile.


theres the whole film in 27 words, saves you all going out and buying/hiring it.


I thought this film was good ... until the ending ... why did they throw that in? What a stupid 'twist', I just kept thinking back to parts of the film where being blind would've stumped Denzel ... obviously his fighting skills would be slightly impaired, but the one that I kept thinking back to, was him feeding the mouse ... He looked at the mouse, talked to it and offered it cheese! ... that is one talented blind man!!


Inception 10/10 ... definitely in my top 5 of all time, and for those who HAVE seen it ... read this ... if you haven't, please don't (SPOILER) ... http://chud.com/articles/articles/24477 ... Page1.html



The Losers 8/10 ... American cheese at times but an awesome film


Ninja Assassin 7/10 ... the gore and fight scenes are insane!

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just watched kevin and perry go large for about the 12th time, still gets 10/10 from me.

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  UseOnceDestroy said:
I thought this film was good ... until the ending ... why did they throw that in? What a stupid 'twist', I just kept thinking back to parts of the film where being blind would've stumped Denzel ... obviously his fighting skills would be slightly impaired, but the one that I kept thinking back to, was him feeding the mouse ... He looked at the mouse, talked to it and offered it cheese! ... that is one talented blind man!!


But if he heard the mouse he'd know roughly what direction it was from him, he held the food out and said the mouse would have to come to him.



Other clues were when the blind woman brought him the food, and she said he'd have to get it off her or say something (so she knew where he was), and he scratched his shirt, and the fact he could smell the ambushers

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  Ben-B said:
But if he heard the mouse he'd know roughly what direction it was from him, he held the food out and said the mouse would have to come to him.


Other clues were when the blind woman brought him the food, and she said he'd have to get it off her or say something (so she knew where he was), and he scratched his shirt, and the fact he could smell the ambushers


The cat he killed at the beginning clearly meowed it's position and waited for him to strike, his in built radar helped him shoot down an army, close combat was controlled by fairies using a highly technical remote control ... similar to that of Robot Wars and his ability to hide the bible in the back of a TV in a strangers house ... well, now that one has got me thinking!

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  VR6 said:
  Wompa said:
Big Ass Badonkadonk Bash




It was to predictable but I enjoyed it!




Is that porn? :scratch:


What else on a saturday?? ;)

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