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Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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THX 1138 - Seen it before many-a-time. Watched it yesterday & saw this thread.


7/10 ...put it this way, if Heat is the best film I've ever seen, I give that 8/10 so THX isn't too bad.

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  Ben-B said:
Watched "The Departed" last night 9/10, love Mark Walhberg in it, he's just so funny

Departed is one of my favouite films without a doubt.


Watched John Q yesterday. 8/10 Really good film. Very few things I could fault in it. Wouldn't want to live in America without healthcare for sure.

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  Hatcha said:
  Ben-B said:
Watched "The Departed" last night 9/10, love Mark Walhberg in it, he's just so funny

Departed is one of my favouite films without a doubt.


Watched John Q yesterday. 8/10 Really good film. Very few things I could fault in it. Wouldn't want to live in America without healthcare for sure.


That's Denzel isn't it? Where his son has kidney/liver/something failure?



Remember watching it on a plane to America ages ago and thought it was very good. But like you say, healthcare system in America is a nightmare... we should all be grateful for the NHS! I know of a guy who regularly comes from the US to the UK for treatment of an injury, cos it's cheaper to fly transatlantically and stay here for a week than it is to pay as his health insurance (which already costs a lot) doesn't cover his treatment over there

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Dorian Gray 6/10

Sets not so great, plot didn't really go anywhere and there wasn't enough of a pay-off at the end for my tatse, but it was still enjoyable to watch and I did enjoy it.

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District 9 - 8/10


Wasnt a bad film at all, better than I thought it would be.

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The Crazies. Watchable, but not one you would revisit. Some jumpy moments and the blond is nice eye candy.



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  Swompy said:
District 9 - 8/10


Wasnt a bad film at all, better than I thought it would be.


Yeah i thought that started of a little dodgy shall we say. But turned out to be a really good film.

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The Hangover. I'd never seen it before so the missus "made" me watch it, she couldn't actually believe I hadn't seen it before. Absolutely loved it, 8/10, one of the funniest films I've seen in a very long time

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  Ben-B said:
The Hangover. I'd never seen it before so the missus "made" me watch it, she couldn't actually believe I hadn't seen it before. Absolutely loved it, 8/10, one of the funniest films I've seen in a very long time



A lot of women I know have recommended The Hangover. Why? Because it was released at the same time as some girly film (SATC 2?) so when the tickets sold out they all spilled over into the Hangover. :lol:

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The Crazies.


Pretty good zombie/28 days later film set in an old American town.


8/10 Better than I expected

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  ZippyVR6 said:
The Crazies.


Pretty good zombie/28 days later film set in an old American town.


8/10 Better than I expected

Yeah, I watched that the other day, and agree, much better than I was expecting!

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Saw The Town last weekend on an early preview. New Ben Affleck one which he directed and part-wrote as well about bank robbing in Boston. A little bit of quite a few other films but well put together and some pretty good action/car chases/crashes! Quite fancy the girl in it too :) - 8/10 (for both!)

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  The_Dude said:
  \ said:
The Hangover. I'd never seen it before so the missus "made" me watch it, she couldn't actually believe I hadn't seen it before. Absolutely loved it, 8/10, one of the funniest films I've seen in a very long time



A lot of women I know have recommended The Hangover. Why? Because it was released at the same time as some girly film (SATC 2?) so when the tickets sold out they all spilled over into the Hangover. :lol:[/quote:1s5py0qv]


That explains it then

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Saw Grown ups last week, typical adam sandler, very funny, very predictable, but still a worthy 7.5/10.

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Shooter - 7.5/10

Invasion (based on invasion of the bodysnatchers) - 7/10

White Noise, The Light - 6/10

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Not the last movie I've watched, but gonna watch it tonite - got it in the post on DVD earlier and haven't watched it since I had it on VHS :lol:


Saving Private Ryan - 9/10

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Hot Tub Time Machine - 6/10. Was something to do for an hour and a half. Funny but not hilarious. Definitely no Hangover

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Went to see Back to the Future at the cinema (the gf is a huge fan). Although we've seen it a 1000 times on DVD. Somehow the cinema made it a even better film! Loved it!!!


10/10 :D

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  Critical_Mass said:
Went to see Back to the Future at the cinema (the gf is a huge fan). Although we've seen it a 1000 times on DVD. Somehow the cinema made it a even better film! Loved it!!!


10/10 :D


The 3D one?

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  The_Dude said:
  \ said:
Went to see Back to the Future at the cinema (the gf is a huge fan). Although we've seen it a 1000 times on DVD. Somehow the cinema made it a even better film! Loved it!!!


10/10 :D


The 3D one?[/quote:1141zucz]


No digital projection. Didnt know it was out in 3D! :eek: Shame :(

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