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Kevin Bacon

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The front and rear seats certainly could do with putting on the Atkins, and then of course there's the 200kg of 4WD kit hanging around underneath

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:tumbleweed::tumbleweed::tumbleweed: Update on this thread well overdue Kev over 12 months :worthless::rolleyes:

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Blimey, that long? I suppose the lack of updates is indicative of how thrilled I was by R32 ownership :lol:


Nah, they are good cars really but the main reasons for letting her go, were:


  • Too expensive to turbo (properly).
  • My daily commute is 12 miles of clogged Dual Carriageway and 20-25mpg just doesn't make sense any more.
  • It never got under my skin like the Corrado did.
  • The 4WD system was used probably 2% the whole time I had it.
  • Frankly, I just got bored of it :lol:


So, to try and recapture some of that Corrado magic and put another tick in my car Bucket List, I purchased Mr UGly Mother F'cker (mash up of it's reg plate!) :D


As you can tell by the 18" BBS Pescaras, it is indeed an Edition 30.


We all know MK5s so I won't bore you with superlatives, suffice to say the praise they receive is more than justified!


It goes without saying, it won't be staying standard :D Already got a few mods in the pipeline and then it will be up to uncle Vince for one of his famous maps :D





Edited by Kevin Bacon

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Looks really nice mate, always had a soft spot for these. Very very capable cars.


GT30R maybe?

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Actually, I will be keeping it standard until March 18th insurance :lol:


GT30R, hmmm, not sure at this stage. I've heard rumours of the stock K04 being capable of over 350hp on this motor, which may be enough!


Do I miss the 2 extra cylinders? Only when pulling away. The R32 is massively torquier below 3000rpm, but it's all relative because the GTI is over 100Kg lighter, so you don't really notice the R's low down punch advantage in the real world. What you do very much notice in the ED30 is the midrange and top end thump, which is way more savage than I was expecting!!

It put a stupid grin on my face, like the VRT did the first time I drove it :D


I have no idea what power it's making but it feels bloody fast. Some research suggests it's another typical VAG turbo engine that makes more than quoted, around 250hp in this case. I'll data log the boost request map at the weekend, which is one way to be sure it's not been mapped.

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Very nice, almost bought one of these lately but head ruled heart and went with a Tdi....oh well.


They seem to hold thier money which is good. Very very capable all round car.

If you havent already then get the front arch liners out and remove that silly sponge, they are one of the main reasons for the rust front wings on these.

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If you havent already then get the front arch liners out and remove that silly sponge, they are one of the main reasons for the rust front wings on these.


I'd second that. Removed it on the mk5 we had as a precaution.


Can't wait to see how you develop this mate. Maybe a reason for a meet up?!

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So there's plastic liners and behind those is lumps of sponge?! Yeah I'll get right onto that, cheers chaps! Got some VAG waxoyl stuff spare from my Corrado days, so I'll spray loads of it around the area!


Yep, we'll have to schedule something in Mic!

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Yeah I thought so too :D


I must admit, I really don't like the tartan interior, but I can overlook that because of it's other attributes :D

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Nice choice Kev . Me n the mrs are hoping to get one in the new year . The TDI is tired now .


Go for it! They hold their value much better than a normal GTI, and the R32s!


I think diesel in passenger cars is history personally. There's a big thing about it being missold to the public and health concerns at the moment, and the final nail in diesel's coffin is VAG's latest 2.0 TSI engine in the S3 / TTS / Golf R. 280lbft torque from 1800 - 6000rpm and 39mpg. With that performance, economy and refinement, why would anyone want diesel??! For comparison, an R32 makes 236lbft @ 2800rpm and can only hold that to 3250rpm, then it drops off noticeably.


Nice car i expected a beemer tbh , looking forward to seeing how this progresses


The ones I like are still too expensive. I will never pay more than £10K for a car, unless I win the lottery!


Yum. What's wrong with Tartan :lol:


Nothing mate, nothing at all...... if ya from the Bonnie Highlands :lol:

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Go for it! They hold their value much better than a normal GTI, and the R32s!


I think diesel in passenger cars is history personally. There's a big thing about it being missold to the public and health concerns at the moment, and the final nail in diesel's coffin is VAG's latest 2.0 TSI engine in the S3 / TTS / Golf R. 280lbft torque from 1800 - 6000rpm and 39mpg. With that performance, economy and refinement, why would anyone want diesel??! For comparison, an R32 makes 236lbft @ 2800rpm and can only hold that to 3250rpm, then it drops off noticeably.


I would happily go back to driving a petrol every day. Petrol engines are also catching up with MPG figures, look at how efficient the UP is. I still couldn't use it as a daily when I do 20k of commuting a year. The old diesel Lupo still wee's all over it in that sense.


It will be interesting to see what pressures the EUI put on us to stop using diesel cars, given the miss selling of how environmentally friendly they are.

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That does look very sweet Kev finish on paintwork look's top notch now is this the last time we are going to see it in such fine fettle as I know from reading some of your other thread post's you are not right keen on Detailing and lovely wax :thumbleft:

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Good choice Kev




Some research suggests it's another typical VAG turbo engine that makes more than quoted, around 250hp in this case.



I was speaking to some engineers in Wolfsberg some years ago who said they have to give power readings for all places around the world so they ensure the power is what they say at high altitude meaning we get more :)




If you havent already then get the front arch liners out and remove that silly sponge, they are one of the main reasons for the rust front wings on these.



On later cars they realised they had a problem and modified the foam so the arch liner no longer rubbed, wont hurt checking though.

I had both wings changed under the body/paint warranty last year without any hesitation from VW which surprised me

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I would happily go back to driving a petrol every day. Petrol engines are also catching up with MPG figures, look at how efficient the UP is. I still couldn't use it as a daily when I do 20k of commuting a year. The old diesel Lupo still wee's all over it in that sense.


It will be interesting to see what pressures the EUI put on us to stop using diesel cars, given the miss selling of how environmentally friendly they are.


I will never own a diesel now that petrol engines are so good :)


I reckon mis selling diesel was an oil company / government scam. It's a cheap to refine fuel, so much bigger profit margins. It used to be dirt cheap and therefore ideal for haulage, but after it was miss sold to the public, they whacked the prices right up to make mega profits.


More expensive car, more expensive bills, more expensive fuel and it's harmful to our health. The only benefit was high mpg, but it can't even boast that any more with TSI engines and hybrids like Audi's E Tron and the BMW i8.

Diesel is dead! Hurrah! :D



That does look very sweet Kev finish on paintwork look's top notch now is this the last time we are going to see it in such fine fettle as I know from reading some of your other thread post's you are not right keen on Detailing and lovely wax :thumbleft:


Hmmmm, I'll have to make more of an effort with black I suppose! Yeah, it is mint mate. The first car I've ever owned with zero dings and scratches :D Hope it stays that way!



I was speaking to some engineers in Wolfsberg some years ago who said they have to give power readings for all places around the world so they ensure the power is what they say at high altitude meaning we get more :)


On later cars they realised they had a problem and modified the foam so the arch liner no longer rubbed, wont hurt checking though.

I had both wings changed under the body/paint warranty last year without any hesitation from VW which surprised me



It definitely feels faster than 230hp :)


That's great info mate, thanks for that. There are reports of wing rust on MK5s younger than mine, so I'm going to drop the arch liners tomorrow and double check!


Yeah VW have gone back to 100% payment no quibbles on new wings, but won't pay for blending apparently. A couple of years ago they were offering 50% because the foam rubbing the paint off was a 'mechanical' problem and only covered by the 3 year warranty. Clearly some lawyers took them to task on that one :D

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If you find any rust on the arches, I have a copy of the VW doc that details the rework, I left it on the dash when I took mine in for the assessment

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