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larceny fink

Sad day as another Corrado, mine, gets written off

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Bid a fond farewell this morning to my trusty steed the VR6 Aqua Blue - we were in head on collision with a ****ty Vectra, police estimate the impact at 120mph. Vectra driver drifted into my lane and KABOOM!! Have attached a few pics as reassurance that Corrado's hold up pretty well although it was 'corner to corner' impact - another foot across and I wouldn't be sat here writing this.


Pics are of my front wheel ripped off and split in 2 with tyre off as well, inside car where I was trapped with broken leg, the carnage strewn across the road which was 20-30m from car although pic doesn't reflect that to well, and the tit's car who hit me.


RIP old friend.







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Holy frig! Glad your ok fella, looks like you were literally inches from the end! Hope the other guy gets the book thrown at him for dangerous driving!

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Yeah hopefully he will get banned which is the least he deserve's good you got out of it ok

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The other driver told me he flew in from Africa at 12:30am this morning, spent the night in Crawley, and then set out on the road to Kings Lynn at 5:30am - so not much of a fecking nights kip was it? - I would assume he may have nodded off, unless he was ****ed, on something to keep him awake or lacking in some licence etc. Whatever it was the Police had him in all day after taking him from hospital. They didn't even breathalise me or see me in hospital, supposed to be seeing me on Friday which may speak volumes as to who was to blame. Had to call them to find out where car was and insurance details etc. Citroen Picasso driver following me also got clipped after he hit me and spun round, he told me that the other car just veered over. Police will sort it out no doubt - won't they?

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Jesus mate - that's insane! Glad you're ok. Just goes to show you can be as careful as you like, you will never account for the idiocy of others...

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Wow not good but at least you okay mate, your trusty steed did its job and kept you alive. Hope you heal well fella

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Cheers all, I'll survive. Might revisit Corrado ownership next year, will have to make do with Mk2 Golf 16v (out of action with knackered gearbox) and Golf 4motion when I get back driving next year. (Footman James classic multi car insurance makes it worthwhile having 3 cars) Was only using Corrado for work as my van has been off the road having engine rebuilt - sods law it's due back to me this week.

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Weird timing as a friend of mine just posted up on Facebook that she was in a car accident today and suffered broken bones too.. spooky.


Anyway - glad to hear you got out of it relatively unscathed, and glad to hear the old Corrado held up OK. Very sad to see another one taken from the roads, because of someone else's fault but at the end of the day you're OK and the car is insured.


Hope to see you in another Corrado next year!

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Hello there,


really sorry to hear about this,

oh my god a close call from what you've said and from the photo's.

Thank god you're ok.


Make sure you rest as much as poss and have a fab Christmas with your family and friends.


Hope you carry on the Corrado spirit in a fresh Corrado VR6 in 2014.

Your MK2 Golf is looking good, love the MK2 8v GTI and 1.8 16v GTI.


Hope you DRILL THAT TURD in the other vehicle for Compensation for as much as poss,

Broken leg.





Loss of income.


that b****y idiot shouldn't even be on the road if he / she can't even drive with in the rules of the law.



Hope you get well as soon as poss Sir :salute:

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Blimey, that is a lucky escape. As sad as it is to see another Corrado die it held up well , things could have been considerably worse.


Get well, let the insurance companies do their job but don't let them mug you off when it comes to valuing your Corrado!!!!!!!!i

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Ouch mate! Glad to hear that you are ok after that trauma. As others have said although the car is a mess at least you will get through, could so easily have been worse there by the looks of things. Must have made a right noise!


get well soon & get the car back off the leeching parasites to break.... plenty of value still in it!


all t best.

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Yes mate, the noise was bloody horrendous to be honest and bugger me I am sore this morning.


Cheers for all good wishes everyone. You're right VAG-hag about getting it back from insurance - I'm with Footman James and was intending on completing the agreed value form in the New Year by taking it to a specialist to value/check it out but was going to do it with the Mk2 Golf as well, the value they had was my over estimate of £1500 when I bought it as it needed some work but will only get what they deem it to be worth now I suppose, then again I only paid £1k for it. May not get to much anyway due to the mileage but only average of 12k a year?


Corrado was mint bodywork (although caked in road **** from using it from work) and had done 212,000 miles. Was supposed to be fitting new coil pack today as that had been sparking causing misfire under load, I'll be sending that back. I'll see what I get offered as to if it's worth buying it back as there are a few good bits on there although the whole body is twisted after the impact, don't know if they just don't pay out and give you it or whether you do have to buy it?

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I got near £1500 for my old valver that was avarage and had 170k, and bought it back for £34.20! Front and rear end damage to mine but was still drivable though. I then sold it to devondubshack to break for £175. May give you an idea.

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Always sad to hear of there being one less Corrado on the road - but at least you're still in one piece - not withstanding the naused up leg. Hope you get better very soon.

Sadly, there are too many idiot drivers on the roads these days and this would appear to be yet another example. For 3 out of 5 nights last week, there were accidents on

the A3 between New Malden and the Hook Underpass while i was driving home from work. No doubt, all down to carelessness and unattentive driving.

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Good to see you got out of that mostly intact, I doubt a more modern car would have offered much more impact protection in those circumstances.


Hope there is not too much of a faff with insurance.

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Sorry to see another written off but the main thing is you're ok. I can't help think that the amount of poor drivers out there these days that although the Corrado seems to have taken that hit pretty well there's something to be said for modern crash zones and airbags etc. Been thinking about it a bit since my lad came along. Something modern for daily driving and reduce the use of the C.


Make sure the insurance company don't screw you over and hopefully they'll throw the book at the other guy.


And for you, get some rest and enjoy the holiday season.

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Oooff !! I know we all drive fast some time or other and even tho this isnt your fault at all its a harsh reminder of when things do go wrong , could have been your life quite easily


Hope your leg doesent cause you to much bother over the festive pariod mate and hope you get sorted round with no fuss from the insurance , in these cases you should be dealt with quickly and paid and done end of

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Jesus! That carnage reminds me of one those Russian dash cam videos on YouTube. Britain is rapidly becoming like that for frequency of prangs now, especially in the over-crowded South East. Expect premiums to continue spiraling northwards.


Glad you're OK. As nice as the Corrado is, it is just a steel box and thank god it protected it's fleshy occupants as best it could.

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Corrado was mint bodywork (although caked in road **** from using it from work) and had done 212,000 miles. Was supposed to be fitting new coil pack today as that had been sparking causing misfire under load, I'll be sending that back. I'll see what I get offered as to if it's worth buying it back as there are a few good bits on there although the whole body is twisted after the impact, don't know if they just don't pay out and give you it or whether you do have to buy it?


Wow, sorry to see this and glad to hear your relatively ok considering how bad it could have been!


Find examples of similar spec / condition cars to show what the value is in the enthusiast market to send to the insurers if they try to beat you down on the value.


Most insurers will allow you to keep the salvage if you request it (it suits them as they get to pay you less money and dont have to sort out disposing of your broken car) and will normally just deduct the salvage value from your payout.


Hope you get everything sorted

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glad your ok, metal can be replaced, lives can't, you face a big battle getting what you deserve, be strong and stand your ground, all the best

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Many thanks again guys for the good wishes. Had leg brace fitted today for 4-6 weeks (can take it off for bathing etc).


Just been to recovery yard where the car is and the damage is far worse than I thought yesterday. The floor has been shoved up into the footwell and past the pedals - hence how my leg got snapped - bulkhead has come into car,steering column was lifted up and outwards so that accounts for the whack on the chest as it was right in front of seat. The A pillar up drivers side window has snapped at roof height, the roof has been pushed up, engine hanging out - whats not already been wrenched out from underneath and there is damage to passenger side when I got spun round into other carrigeway and hit another car what I didn't know about really.


I may well look into the buying car back if I can get it for £34 like one of you did as that's a no brainer but not as many salvageable parts as I first thought - even the dash air vents are fooked where dash has been compressed.


I also saw the chap who was following me and also got hit at the yard, doing same as me getting stuff out of his car, he was interviewed by police last night and was told the driver who hit us has had toxicology tests that will take a month to get the results for, so looks like he is in deep **** up to his neck.

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Foooking hell, that was a close call!


It's sad when it happens but you are alive and should mend in a few weeks, think of yourself as lucky rather than unlucky :(

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