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Trackday Castle Combe 31 May 2014

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Just booked a club stand at the Autometrix trackday event at castle Combe Saturday, 31 May 2014.


Who'd be up for this one?


Need someone to look after the stand on the day, because I'll be scouting out a new event that same weekend (Retro/VW Mania at Weston Park).



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Tis now mate. I was fortunate to see the real thing a couple of times before H&S got involved and it was canned. Can't really put this pull a Canon across a car park thing in the same league! Anyone fancy doing a show/meet at HMS Collingwood Brickfields open day instead.............:shrug:

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Think the programme for the year is pretty full at Castle Combs Rog. Have a look at the events calender on their website but don't think there's much room to slot in. It's been mentioned in the chufties thread about possible alternatives.

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I have been considering going along to this track day at Combe given I only live half an hour away now. Possibly even put the car on track for a session. I reckon it's a little too close to the National Day for most people though, so not expecting a big turn out. Who else is interested?

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I'm just down the road so should be along for this but getting time off from work is a little bit hit and miss at the moment I will know closer to the date so will keep you posted.

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Would like to go but not yet sure if free. Will have a think on it.

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Club stand passes have arrived, so get your names down over on the events calendar, so I can send out the passes :)



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My car has a running issue at the moment but if I can get it sorted in time, then I'm keen. Would be happy to help out on the stand when I'm not on track. Need to renew my CCGB membership too...

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First set of club stand passes going out today, to:



Dave (once I have unearthed his address :laugh: )


Fay (renew ;) )



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I'm hoping to come to this all though ill be in the public car park as the car is not stand worthy :)

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Every car is stand worthy - we don't just want councours / minters. If you have a Corrado, we want you to put your car on the club stand!

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I'm hoping to come to this all though ill be in the public car park as the car is not stand worthy :)


Nick you might actually be surprised there are Genuine minter's around but there are alot more that are not like Jim said it's not about having a minter it's just about having a corrado.

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Nick you might actually be surprised there are Genuine minter's around but there are alot more that are not like Jim said it's not about having a minter it's just about having a corrado.


very true, even mine will be on the stand!




So how many people are going to be there? Doesn't sound like many which is a shame as it's been a great day out in the past. Mine is getting some new tyres tomorrow and the running issue seems to have disappeared (fingers crossed it doesn't return until next week at the earliest!) and I've even remembered to renew my CCGB membership...

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Would have been along to this but have other plans this weekend :(

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Agreed with all the comments on the stand thing. I'll be in the original and there are more scratches, dents, things fallen off but polished it looks ok from afar. At least on the club stand no one else will hit it. Ideally it would be the new one but at DG, where I believe Jim's is.

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Thanks for the encouragement guys.... how would I go about getting on stand for this if there is space?

I know it is a little last minute.... any ideas on the forecast for the day too?

Thanks Nick

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Should be dry. I'm there just not in a Corrado

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well, according to the list on page 2, Ian, Dave, Charlie and me but it seems ominously quiet...

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I'm on a audi a1 club stand. Lol corrado still at the leccy. Go check out the daily

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