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Everything posted by gibber

  1. Na the ones off my brothers 67' wont fit!! you mean a new beetle? is that all new beetles? or do they swap over to the audi size?
  2. Where can I get a set of steel wheels for my VR (5 x 100). In other words what cars can I get them off? Or do you know someone who has a set? Tires arnt realy important. G.
  3. Dude that wicked, how much did all that cost you?
  4. Riley you are thinking about this all wrong, your problem is intermitant, think of something that can change or break down. We you left mine for you test run, you car was breaking traction in second, there for it is not you porting! AS for mpg you should be getting around 30 mpg average on the motorway at cruzing speed and not pushing it
  5. Riley you need to let gavin go for a drive in your car, or at least take him out for a spin. The problem you are having could be down to ya chip, eg venting boost as it would wen it pinked, then good old digi-lag when you went for 3rd, you can have up to 4 seconds of lag you know!
  6. This is how lancia did it, note the by-pass on the SC, and a re-circ valve
  7. gibber

    Window mechs

    flusted, dude if you pay the P&P I will give you a complete corrado door!
  8. gibber

    G60 BOV's

    If you want to find out what it is like, just remove the rubber right angled hose from the bottom of your TB, plug the hole in the plastic pipe and go for a drive and see what you think, if you like it do it propper.
  9. here you go, the bottom hole on the bonnet is drilled and I think I used a self tapper.
  10. I still have an SPL160 sat upstairs boxed remember them kev?
  11. Its was and still is a beast of a sub, none of you class D junk! mine didnt have the centring pin tho as it was baised on a XL18. The sub was a spare from the K&M accoustics demo van, so vega being a bit naughty modded the X18's to make them a bit better. And they had a spare so it fell into my car it needed a 4 cubic feet box, made from 1" MDF and it need braceing in every corner and accoss the faces, And I fitted a 20mm think glass window into it.
  12. I found that my Cerwin vega XL18 modded with a 18" stroker voice coil and magnet found most of the rattles in my Corrado, and usally any cars around it. I remember at VW action being asked to turn it down as people couldnt hear the tanoyd (sp) !
  13. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/download.php?id=10583 Best I got at the moment, I will take a pic of the bonnet wen I have had mi tea. :grin:
  14. Henny think you will find that it can be fitted to a later bonnet, and it opens it with ease, you have seen mine and I remember you comenting on it. I did have to drill a hole in the front panel and one in the bonnet support skin tho.
  15. Why do you think would you need an ISV re-route? I dont think you do!
  16. You can take that 13mm nut off, it is not hold the engine mount, that is the 17 nut on the same stud, you will see what I mean wen you take it off!
  17. Yes you was running very rich I sorted that out.
  18. It just lets you spin your charger faster, but problems with belt slip wont be as bad. As for availability you will have to let us all know how you get on.
  19. I had problems with them, they had my golf for over a week, they told me they was on with it and they just needed another day, got this twice till the seventh day I went it to find my car untouched and the guy told me he had been struggling, I said BS and asked for my keys back. They have the capability to make any exhaust, but make there money via mass production now, and the custom side only employs the one guy as far as I could make out. Personnal I would defo think twice about going back.
  20. Riley the TB switches are realy easy to check, get your meter out mate.
  21. Yep it was me. They good for big money in the states. I was lucky to get one fitted to my US spec engine before any one asked where I got it,
  22. billinjahg60 couldnt tell you the make as I have had it for years, it was bought from venom. According to henny it is off and early model but I have got it fto fit as I couldnt read the german instructions.
  23. I usually paint on a good coat of Vaso before the gritters come out, the dirt tends to stick to it and you need junk to get it off, but them wheels are like new underneath.
  24. If you want them doing talk to LowVento he will do them for you and they will come back like mirrors. My dezent C's on my golf did this, that laquer isnt easy to get off. I can tell you a way to do it but its a bit dodgy so Im not going to write it here so send me a pm if you want to know, but I would say it would be easy a full days work per wheel to do it your self, trust me Ive done it!
  25. Just been on the phone to Mr G-man (lovely chap) himself for a new chip for mine and we had a little chat about your car mate and he said itf your revs rise wen you take of the BTS as yours is doing you have another sender playing up.
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