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Everything posted by Walesy

  1. Wicked site!. Although my mrs is now kicking me as i've sold the Oz turbo's and they look really nice on a lowered red mk3! did I just consider modding a 1.9 diesel?...... :?
  2. Maaaaan, that looks soooo much better with the red lights!
  3. Just my couple of pennies, I know a few ex- instructors , 5 that I can think of off the top of my head, and obviously due to them being "ex" instructors they weren't too fond of it. The problems most of them had with it were mainly down to the fact that the money wasn't that great, due to there being alot of competition in most area's, and things like most pupils neeeding lessons after work or on weekends so you're constantly trying to fit everyone into a small ammount of hours that also happen to be the sort of hours that you really don't want to work. I met the guys while I was a taxi driver, and all of them found that taxi-ing was alot better in most ways and not least financialy. I suppose it depends what you're looking for, but i'm pretty sure that it's painted out to be alot simpler than it actually is, when they say " you can choose your own working hours" that may be true, but if you only work the hours that you want to work it could be hard to get by. I'm sure there's people that make good money doing it, but not allways!. best of luck anyways.
  4. Id deffo consider it if I was doing that kinda trip. And I wouldn't hear the other half complaining telling me to slow down. Two birds with one stone haha. LOL..good point, tis true though, the drone can be bad, but 10 hours of it would get intense.. And it's downhill on the way back to spain , so you'll be faster anyway :wink:
  5. Chris, just make sure you apply the handbrake to the fickin pushchair when the little one's around, you wouldn't want the same thing to happen to that :shock: :wink:
  6. You might have gone past his house if you've seen bashed up Mk2's.. :lol:
  7. I've got a Ferrari garage down the road from me so they are pretty common around here, I see 10 times as many Ferrari's than raddo's!. I was trying to catch up with a brand new silver Lambo the other day, and also, there's a GIT with a silver Noble M12? that lives in the same town as me, the noise that bitch makes is vvvvvery nice. And now i've got a fickin diesel :roll:
  8. Suns still shining I see (( ya cnut! )) Those BBS really are the perfect wheel for alot of VW's, they look the bollox. It'll look lurvly when you get some red rear lights :wink: , and I can't see any reason why she won't get you home, she'l love the drive man, just get some ear plugs for the drive back with your Longlife on!....seriously! :D
  9. Muchos respect then mate, I bow down to anybody that does their own work on their car :notworthy: , especially to that sort of degree.
  10. Walesy

    Tornado red

    LOL..im not sure what it is, there's a few red ones around that look awsome, I think there's a top notch one in the USA aswell, it's weird cos I hate any body kits etc on any other colour raddo, but on reds it can look great.
  11. Walesy

    Tornado red

    I was looking at this badboy earlier, what red is it?...I hate to say it but red is one of the two raddo colours i really don't like, but this looks cool...I'm liking the rear lights too
  12. I've never really understood people that say that on here. Obviously I wouldn't want my car going to a chav etc, but that's just as lightly on here than anywhere else. I sold mine through autotrader to a guy that had just sold his audi quattro, he had never had a corrado before but couldn't wait to get his hands on one, he had loads of plans for it. Also not everyone is internet friendly or has full time access to the net, i.e. not all raddo enthusiasts are on this forum. I wasn't an enthusiast before I bought my first raddo, I was liked the look of it. There's also alot of other forums for VW enthusiasts around, maybe trying on them aswell (( I had mine on over 15 websites )) would be fruitfull. Best of luck anyway mate.
  13. Looks interesting mate, nice and indevidual, and loads of time/effort looks like it's gone into it. I'd like to see more pics of thre interior! I reckon the red tinted lights will look better aswell. 8)
  14. The price looks fair mate, It's just not a good time for selling car's, and also , when you think about it, although this site has 4000-5000 members, most of them already have a raddo, the more places you advertise your car the more chance you have of selling it really.
  15. Mate....that is bad beans, glad you've got such a good attitude about it, I think if it was me I would still be curled up in a ball on the side of the road rocking back and forth. I remember when some fatherless child tried to rob my oz turbo's and they left a scratch on one of them, man , wakeing up to that was bad enough, so this must have been horrific!. Best of luck with getting it sorted.
  16. Sounds like it's stuck open.
  17. Well , I dont care what any of you say, my dick's deffinately bigger than all of yours :wink: dub envy, That is certainly a nice looking example dude, although it would be better off with a nice ALpine headunit/changer :wink:
  18. scarlett...Not another 'c' surly?...just to rub my nose in it! It's only cos its got those stunning borbets on it and Dave's got a fetish for them. :wink:
  19. Sorry to be pedantic, but how did she get it into first gear if she thought it was an auto?...she would have had to use the clutch, and get it to clutch point to pull off etc. Unlees of course it was one of these new semi-auto triptronic typa things.
  20. marcus, have you got a g40 in mind?...or are you just considering them in general? They really are hard to appreciate how quick they are without having been in one. It really is suprising, but like i said before, they don't look anywhere near as good as a raddo! :wink:
  21. it would leave you for dust sorry fella :wink:
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