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Everything posted by Walesy

  1. fickin el.....this threads done more mileage than andi's raddo!!! :lol:
  2. ...you have the powers supercharged..... :nuts:
  3. didnt i already do that though?...when i put it in the general section?....then VR6 got "that friday feeling " and had a funny turn :lol: ok...urrrrmmm...i still reckon the generall sec has to be the best...either that or the wanted section..?
  4. then i shall have to move it " Uri Geller " style then... >
  5. "cars for sale"???? a cheque for £10.50???????.............and we're the losers??????? :D
  6. slightly OTT me thinks....although a banning then a quick punch in the throat should suffice. :D anyway....on reflection...is anyone thinking this thread would be better off in the wanted section...
  7. :lol: just such a silly thing to say...might aswell just change the thread title to " ive got a very nice car and its better than all yours... so there" :lol:
  8. awww dont get all upset Tom...we're only playing... :wink:
  9. ah..now thats because my avatar is mildly car related...in that it has a car on it....apparently as long as the avatar is car related its alowed on the forum.... :wink:
  10. :offtopic1: ..." USe ThE seArCH".....locking...... no...bugga off.
  11. Walesy

    Wind Deflectors.

    strangley enough...i dont find any of those pics as off-putting as i thought i would..(( apart from the obvious one! ))....
  12. bloody good point Bill...ive changed the title... :D
  13. pmsl..i just love it... :lol:
  14. Ok...who was it that sent me a cheque for £10.50 with no covering letter to explain what its for then???? :) .... :?: ...i sell quite alot of things online so have cheqes turning up quite often....is this anyones on here???? cheers EDIT...Named M E Cook.
  15. Walesy

    Wind Deflectors.

    With all this summer rain weve been having recently im getting more and more foofed off with the old rain dripping off the roof into the window and onto the switches thing.......has anyone seen a raddo with wind deflectors????...im aware that it might not look the part, but id like to know just how sh1te it looks to see whether its worth the sacrafice of looks for the ability to open my window slighly!>....back when i bought my first raddo i remember asking the stealers if they were available and they arent......im thinking of trying to find out if there is a independant company that makes them.....anyone seen or heard of this?
  16. this happens on my car...only on the passenger side so its never bothered me untill recently (( my g.f now drives it )).....is there no remedy?...
  17. why is it tho...that you always tend to get little chavs trying to race you when your oil temp hasnt risen enough.....it always happens to me...and while were on the subject.....is there a way of changing the MFA so that it automaticaly shows oil temp instead of time....twood save the 5 presses of the button every time i get in!.
  18. the knocking when cold could be tappets couldnt it?.....
  19. Walesy

    8v vs 16v

    i loved mine and still miss it now... :(
  20. cheers coolrado...that could be the problem..i bought them from a untrustworthy forum member who didnt pack them properly....maybe they will sort themselves out.,... :wink:
  21. again.....not the worlds leading expert mate.....but when you turn the key you should hear the fuel pump prime before you start it up...this could be your problem with it taking a min to start.. the revs dropping and nearly stalling does sound like the ISV need cleaning tho.....
  22. :oops: ..sorry to go OT again...but what is the blue switch pictured on page 2 then guys?
  23. ..sorry , just to clear up...the part thats circled in white was done a few months back when i was asking what part it is.......not to be confused with this thread .... :oops:
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