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Everything posted by vr6storm
well although VW specify the coolant gets changed every 2 years(one of the reasons being cos the coolant will have started to lose its rust :oops: ahem.......corrosion inhibitation qualities etc).........its up to the owner of the car to specify a coolant change to the service staff........so regardless of being a FVWSH there's every chance thats its never been changed :shock:
cheers for that then dr_mat.................never really thought about the time it takes for the hydraulic part to work :oops: :? :? ........and also saves me asking at a later date............."why does my shrek have a "flat-spot"" :oops:
Biggrim is from near Glasgow and he's recently had his tailgate done........i'm sure he'll give you the guy's contact details.......even tho "his" team aint gonna win feck all this season :-P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: as for the foglights......ALL Corrado's should have front fog lights..........1.8 16v and G60's will have whats known as early spec recessed ones whereas ALL VR's and 2.0 8v's and 16v's will have the later flushed ones
well ive been seriously recommended to get the front engine mount changed(preferably for a vibratech one) due to the increase in torque that will be produced and also cos of minor bonnet fouling issues..........so if you factor in that the initial outlay is a bit more than £1100
sorry but i was under the impression that getting the ECU re-chipped for the Shrick would eliminate the dead-spot or flatspot...........well thats what i was told :? :? :?
welcome to the forum bob :wink: best person to speak to regarding tuning the 16v engine would be aposegil on this forum so give him a PM and i'm sure he'll give you an idea of whats involved with ball-park figures too.......tho he has spent quite a small fortune on his pretty powerful 16v also there is a VWCCGB(scottish region) Rolling-Road day at star-performance,Glenrothes coming up soon(04/04/04) so it might be an idea for you to come and see what other valver owners have done to their C's and what they have had to fork out.......and of course if time/space allows.....for £25 you can get yer C on the rollers too and i'm sure the staff at Star-Performance will give you pointers in what direction to go as well........most of the time the 1.8 16v can benefit quite a bit from just a simple RR tune
AFAIK Bentley manual only covers the US market models........so G60 and 2.8 VR6 then :wink: and i think the Lindsey Porter manual doesnt cover the later 2.0 16v engine either :roll: .......
as OSV rightly says......you should get the geometry done ASAP.....tho leave the car to settle a wee bit first......also i wouldn't be too enthusiastic with your driving til the geometry is done.......cos the settings will be more than likely well over the place.....and i can tell you that you can have some "pant-filling" moments being a bit too adventurous til thats done :shock: :oops: :shock: :oops: :shock:
nope.....but there is a decent "haynes-type" manual by lindsay porter(ex-Haynes writer)......anyway PM biggrim on this forum as he might still have a couple left for £6 inc PnP........tis a fairly decent manual.......even tho it also covers Mk2 Golf,Polo's etc too
Like there was ever any hope :) well i did try not to buy it :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ur getting there tho :wink:
959 porsche has always been "one" of my Lotto cars :wink: as for the VR.......well kev keeps telling me about a certain VR turbo'd Corrado that eats 911's for breakfast 8) 8) 8) .........so money no object i'd have the 959 and my storm Turbo'd.....if only :-P :-P
not showing up on my credit card bill....yet :roll: ......but i "authorised" Vince to take the whole payment...........so if ya dont mind kev :wink: ...........put me down as paid :wink:
mmmmmmuuuussssstttttt rrrrrrrreeeeeeeesssssssssiiiiiisssssstttttttt :wink:
.........and speaking of tuning.........there's always the shrick manifold :wink:
i would ignore what the "books" say.............afterall they dont take into account the "enthusiastic" demand for clean C vr6's especially storms get the bumper fixed and it should make as others have said between £5k and £6k.....providing of course the wee scratches are just "car-wash" scratches and just ignoe what majik has said.............somehow i think he's chancing his luck :-P :-P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
GPC in Luton or your local friendly stealer :wink: ........AFAIK the dealer price is closer to GPC's than previously
Engine-wise:-dont go over 3k revs til the oil-temp is over 74 degrees on the MFA............always keep an eye on the fluid levels........only use VW coolant and a good quality fully or semi synthetic oil
whats with all these nice looking 8) 8) 8) 8) storms now?????............looks well tidy 8) .........and its got less miles than mine too :cry: :cry:
bear in mind too that the 2.9 VR is a Europe/RoW engine and was never used in the USA/North American markets so finding one will be a bit of a nigthmare for you......especially as at the end of the day you are only really speaking about a less than 20-ish BHP increase......fair enough if you engine was goosed then its maybe an idea to think about.....but if your engne is perfectly ok and servicable i would think about trying to tune that rather than go to the extreme of doing an engine swap
here's a couple i like of my storm :wink:
yip have to agree with everyone......that is one nice looking C 8) 8) 8)
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) ........looking well tidy 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
been in a m8's CTR a few times............pretty rapid little hatch........at the end of the day i reckon it would all come down to the driver as to which is faster