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Everything posted by vr6storm

  1. shhhhhh...........i told you that in complete confidence Furki :oops: :lol: :lol:
  2. mind this is Aberdeen in the heart of Jockland............£20 is a fortune to spend
  3. bet it wasn't even classic green or mystic blue :roll: EDIT........should read before replying :oops:
  4. It wouldn't be embarrassement for me..........it would be the shock of paying the pro-rata hourly rate which up here is £60-ish p/h :shock:
  5. think in the owners handbook it states to take it past your friendly dealer and they will pop bulb in for you.........at your cost obviously
  6. Bollocks... The pass side is tricky as you need to remove the battery but both sides can be done with the units in the car, there is a clip on a plastic plug, remove these then unclip the bulb... Think it's the same procedure with the gas lamps but I know you have to be careful as they can explode! say what you think then Steve :-P I was just going by what I read when the Mk4 was launched
  7. do a search on UKMIV's forum,think like everything else there is a way to do it without removal of bumper,IIRC its actually not as daunting as it sounds tho
  8. they certainly are adj/heated.............robbed out of a very nice 148k mile 94L Dragon green VR.........they'll need a re-trim come time but they are very very presentable
  9. my fave C of ALL TIME!!!!.................mine is getting closer to your's spec wise too tho,so this shows how much an impact/influence your C made to me when I first spied it at Wroughton in 2002
  10. phewww for a split second thought you were selling your's Bill welcome back btw Alex
  11. .........what age is it too??...........if its a 96P-onward then it should be OBD2
  12. take that 12bhp claim with a pinch of salt best leave as is,see if you want to go down the Schrick or charger route first
  13. should be sticking out of the Catalytic converter
  14. CNUTS..............just no need for it at all............hope the barstewards get knocked down
  15. might be an idea to try Admiral,I queried what group my Storm was,as in the past its been group 19,was pleasantly surprised to be told "they" grouped it as group 17,tho tbh I'd tend to agree with Mat n Dave check it out before committing,and check by phone rather than 'net
  16. tbh not a fan of the wide wheel style....for some reason the back wheels when you look from a frontal side-on view always reminds me of someone dipping their toe in water if you know what I mean :| I think it looked mega subtle and stealthy in this sig pic but at the end of the day if your happy thats the main thing,and amglad that you are enjoying driving it
  17. don't think you get adapters for doing 5x108>4x100
  18. vr6storm


    look aftermarket to me
  19. make sure you take it for a good blast over the weekend then to help you decide :twisted:
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