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Everything posted by VRTrickster

  1. Cheers guys I can sleep a lot easier tonight now, lol!
  2. Yeah thats what I was kind of thinking, maybe its fine? Anyone else have the same? I know its not really a interesting or exciting thread, lol! :)
  3. Are they easy to access, or is it a pain in the a**e?
  4. Is it the norm for more air to blow out of the drivers side vents? I just noticed this after replacing my thermo fuse on my fan over the weekend.
  5. Ok cool, keep us posted. I wont be doing it just yet as Ive just had the geometry done!
  6. Would I benefit from one of these kits at all with the drop of Koni TAs and H&R set up? It will be good to see how you get on with them Supercharged. How much of a drop do you have?
  7. Has no one fitted uprated top mounts on this forum then? Surely there must be someone?
  8. Im looking to upgrade my front strut mounts in the hope of them not wearing out so quickly! Whats peoples opinion on poly top mounts? I found these on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... K:MEWAX:IT I know there are some uprated ones out there like bonrath, Supersport, and has any one seen these meyle HD top mounts? http://www.meyle.com/html/uploads/techt ... .04_EN.pdf Any experiences you would like to share or advice would be great. :)
  9. Yeah Ive heard that to. No need though, as I swapped them round and they bled up a treat! I now have an MOT at long last! :D
  10. Yeah I was in a bit of a rush to get it back on the road, Ive been without it since early October! I did think about it when I was fitting them, but not about air, just how the brake flexis sat, oh well :roll:
  11. Right that could explain things a bit cheers. Ive bled the system about three times now manually and with the proper VW pressure bleeder at the Audi garage my dad works at! It failed the MOT on Saturday and Ive got to get it back on for the retest this Saturday. Thats given me a bit more hope of getting it ready now!
  12. I was just wondering if you could put the callipers on the wrong way i.e left on right and right on left? I say this as Ive been having problems bleeding the brakes at the moment! I spoke to Vince at Stealth the other day to book it in for a geometry and he mentioned if I had the MK4 rears on, and I have, because the bleed nipple is in a different position to 12 o'clock or something. Sometimes they can get air pockets in the top of them. He said to try undoing the bottom calliper bolt and swinging it up with a g clamp on the piston, and bleed it like that. I was also wondering on the front with the front callipers Ive fitted, are the bleed nipple supposed to be that low? Meaning if I swapped them with each other they would be higher, but would the flexi fit both ways? Sorry for the dodgy explanation!
  13. I cant think of any other car it could be! And Im impressed with the animation, very clever!
  14. So hows the best way to get the rack centralised? Ive had everything off rack and column. Im trying to get it pretty much there before I take it to stealth for a geometry. I have roughly set the left rod to the 406mm length in the bentley manual. I only adjusted the right as it states but Ive almost run out of thread so the steering wheel is obviously off centre to the rack! With the rack connected Ive turned the wheel fully right and left then checked the steering wheel position at full lock both ways then halfed the difference. this should get it pretty close surely? Any tips or advice would be great? Also does the front normally toe in or out?
  15. Cool, sorry I guess Ill use that thread now :)
  16. Mines on axle stands at the moment so I cant really get a pic. How much up and down movement should there be when the car is jacked up?
  17. After carrying out a complete front refurbishment of everything apart from the struts. I was wondering if I should change the top strut mounts and bearings before I get the geometry done? I did replace them when I fitted the Koni H&R setup, which was probably 30,000 miles ago. Whats the best way to tell whether their shot or not? The strut does move up and down when jacked up. Any advice would be great, cheers!
  18. Just seen this thread for the first time and read the whole thing. I must say Im very impressed! Was getting excited when I thought it was going to get mapped and sorry for you that it never happened. At least now its going to be worth waiting for with R32 POWER! Keep up the good work!
  19. Yes I am, oh. Ive already cut one side as it looked as though it would have been a pain to take off. Ill have a go at removing the other side. I dont think the one Ive cut will go anywhere as its quite tight in the bracket. Cheers!
  20. I was just wondering how people have run their flexis from the calliper to the solid line? I was thinking of cutting the original grommet with a stanley blade and putting it around my goodridges then pushing it into the normal flexi bracket. What have you guys done with yours? Cheers!
  21. 116,000 when I brought it 5 years ago in May, now on 150,000 odd. I dread to think how many miles it would have if I commuted and used it every day!
  22. John from JMR supplies these kits, as thats who I brought my 280 vented set up from. He is 16VG60 on this forum and posted above in this thread. Give him a call, he's a very helpful guy!
  23. Im eventually going to purchase a Schrick, then Rotrex mine. When it says to remove the control flap, does this mean the mani wont work as its supposed to anymore?
  24. Just give the guy a call, the numbers at the top, he is very helpful :)
  25. No they dont, the only thing you have to pull off them is the racer, so yeah I think Ill just stick with the old ones, Ive already spent enough money!
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