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Everything posted by Toad

  1. I think they look too long, in the wrong colour the side blades look like a big belt on a fat girl, making her look like a gangly but fat girl. Some colours look cool, such as the orangey hue of the deisel one on the front of Evo last month.
  2. :lol: I'd love to see his face if in 4 months he logged in to find 50 pages of sperm jokes :) Have a good one dude, and I'm sure we'll catch up as soon as you return...
  3. Toad

    VR6 History?

    I got bored after a bit so I'll just add random points,. E85 sadly is a bit like organic food, people like the idea of it, but we simply cannot produce enough to provide fuel for all cars. Using basic maths and some hefty assumptions, 3t/acre of OSR, say you make 50% of that into biofuel, so you have 1.5 tonnes of fuel per acre, ake away the fuel used to grow, process and deliver the fuel and you're looking at 1t per acre, I use 2500l of fuel per year so I need 2.5 acres of land to grow enough fuel for my car. Brilliant, that leaves me loads of space at home, but, there's 100,000 people in the local town, suddenly I need 250,000 acres. and land to grow fuel for lorries to deliver my food, etc etc. Secondly, most petrol cars don't come with turbots for fuel economy reasons. More air in the cylinder = more fuel required. I don't know the mileage figures for 1.8ts, but people wouldn't put up with that economy, when they could have a 1.9tdi that does 60mpg. The reason deisels have turbos isn't to get loads more air into the cylinder to burn more fuel. Deisel just burns, not explodes, and the power comes from the air in the cylinder being heated and expanding. More air in the cylinder = higher cylinder pressures without shoving more fuel in. Beigey and I were discussing the finer points of deisel particulate filters recently as we followed a rep mobile in filter regen mode, I'd not seen it before and was very surprised to see the clouds of smoke pouring out of the tailpipe.
  4. I really like the A5, it's a bit big, but looks good. I had one sat next to me in a traffic jam on the A34 on the way to e38 last year. Oh and I really like the new TT too, I think it's far better proportioned than the R8. :)
  5. As much as I've been winding you up about 16vt on messenger, this really was one of my favourite corrados. Can't wait to see what it is reincarnated as... The corrado is dead, long live the corrado!
  6. Take the throttle cable off the throttle body and check it's operation to find out why it isn't closing properly, my valver had a habit of the throttle cable sticking partly recently, bt a bit of a fiddle, and a squirt of wd40 sorted it out.
  7. If the pipe union comes out, you can just stick a bolt in the hole.
  8. Walesy, I love you. :luvlove:
  9. Aaah See what you mean.
  10. :shock: That's really impressive, good to see him being looked after. :)
  11. And garages, and modifications, and prostitutes. It's only really the people who get trouble who shout about it, not the hundreds of people who get decent service. Typically, someone picks up on the story and makes it loads worse, and tells all their friends etc. If the bits were *that* bad, then they wouldn't be selling them.
  12. I've had a GSF oil pump in my 16v for 40 something thousand miles. Will probably buy a genuine one for the VR after it's rebuild though, for the warranty as much as anything. :)
  13. The fanimold does indeed look very cool. Looking forward to seeing her when she's finished.
  14. You don't look quite how I expected Walesy.... Our Jack russell cross dog managed to get on our collie bitch and produced collie sized jack russells and jack russell sized collies.
  15. I concur. I really like the black eyebrow against the red bonnet.
  16. 3 choice phrases from a Toady night out. If I could only have fitted "look at this, there's some chewing gum stuck to my jeans" into that comment, we'd have had a full house.... :)
  17. I really like solid looking dogs like that. These wafty scrawny litle dogs do nothing for me. Whats his name?
  18. Lol. My mate and I acquired a mk2 fiesta and abused the crap out of that round my parents farm until we ripped driveshafts out of the gearbox. Then we towed it around upside down. Don't worry about power, get a one make series going, all feistas or something. and get spare wheels as tyres dissapear quickly....
  19. Get the Laser set that they sell, with the bits in both short and long varieties and 3/8 and 1/2 inch adaptors.
  20. No worries dude. Glad you're pleased with it and the nipple behaved in the end ;)
  21. You might well get enoug clearance while fitting the Konis...
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