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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. I was going to say i thought aircon cars were 120a, I'm not sure not anyway without looking
  2. I just thought it would be a good way to be able to drive the car and see what the engine is like. Not too keen on buying something off the floor on ebay. Have even considered a new/recon engine, is it vege that do them? although read mixed reviews about them.
  3. Would it be a good way to buy an engine and any others parts that may be needed or useful for spares? Mine is nearly at 200,000miles now and having to think about its future. Would probably be an engine conversion and keep my old engine to maybe tinker with myself etc What cars have a suitable 24v engine? Am not thinking of the R32 lumps though. Just a 2.8.
  4. Am sure it was a genuine one, think i bought it off the forum. Will try another, keep considering the mk4 conversion and i have to carry a hammer to open it. Maybe the hammer has broken the cap :lol:
  5. Been losing water since i got car back on the road, tbh it used to do the same before. Noticed steam coming out of the expansion tank, can't tell where from though and seems very wet underneath. Its a constant gentle wafting of steam above the tank It was a brand new header tank, could it be possible its leaking around the join of the two halfs of the tank? I can't really tell whats going on here. Seems to be quite a bit of pressure whenever i take the lid off, with engine cold
  6. I ended up forking out for a VW one, after buying a 2nd hand one that was ****. Cost something like £120 and that was a few years ago now, so no doubt its more expensive now. I did wonder at the time why i couldn't just use any electric 12v pump, as that's all it seems to be, an inlet, outlet and a pump. Didn't feel like i'd bought £120 worth of pump that's for sure. Another rip off product.
  7. Gruvenparts make a replacement bracket for the aux water pump, can't remember how much it was though. I may still have my old fixings somewhere, will have a look.
  8. My rubber part of the top mounts have always been fine when i take them off, changed them 3 times anyway. Last time i sold the ones that came off as they were still totally useable and couldn't tell much difference from the brand new ones. I hear people saying its the bearing that go, again, never noticed it on mine and i'm driven nearly 70,000miles in it. I have changed them a few times but never because i thought they were knackered etc.
  9. i use a whole bottle of the coolant and then use the same bottle to add a bottle and a half of water (all mixed in a big container) I just keep the container topped up as i seem to get through lots of coolant (must fix that leak, and pray its not the headgasket)
  10. tried fitting mine to the hole in dash and they aren't right, not sure what i bought tbh
  11. I have found my bag of blanks but not sure any of them are the abs light size. The only one that sort of shape has a big plastic hump in it. Might not be a corrado one. Will get a pic
  12. Am about to do mine. You just remove the passenger side lower dash shelf and its behind there.
  13. Ordered one now. But went for the exclusive kit. Worked out at £356 delivered. But shortly after placing order I got a phone call to say out of stock until the 20th March. Will update when I get it and fit it etc
  14. Hi Dan, Welcome. Hope you find a good one.
  15. I could rock my engine in the bay by hand, seems to rock alot less with new mounts.
  16. Am on the verge of ordering this http://www.store.mi-witness.co.uk/mi-witness-range/mi-witness-hd-inc-2nd-camera.html A bit expensive at £299, but i don't think thats too bad really. It comes with a front and rear camera, you can overlay your journeys on google earth as well. I wonder if it would be worth asking about a group buy.
  17. Yeah think it like allowed tolerance.
  18. I have a few different ones at home, will see if there is one of them in there.
  19. I just jacked each side of car up as normal, from each side as if changing a wheel, then put an axle stand each side to hold car up. Then just wedged another stand under the front member where you can see the engine mount. TBH its not a major worry, you can remove the axle stand and the engine won't fall out or anything. ---------- Post added at 2:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 2:45 PM ---------- Also to get bumper off you may find you need to undone some of the wheel arch liners bolts and also the ones along the front under splitter (i can't remember if those need to come off or not, but i took mine off as was redoing the splitter)
  20. I changed mine after 196,000miles and the only difference i notice is when i turn the engine off i don't get a slight grinding noise as it all whirs to a stop. I guess now that noise was the chain rubbing over the tensioner pad. There wasn't much left of it, and the plastic guide pieces had broken into 2 or 3 pieces.
  21. I had my car up in the air and would spray them every so often with plusgas/WD40, i probably did it 6 times in all, over a few weeks before i got round to taking it off. Don't know if it helped or did anything, but when i came to undo them they all came out fine, i just used a 2ft bar (to make up for my puny arms) and a socket. Think i remember having to use my foot against the car somewhere as i started off just pulling myself along the ground towards the bolt i was trying to undo :lol: ---------- Post added at 9:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:30 AM ---------- I had my car up in the air and would spray them every so often with plusgas/WD40, i probably did it 6 times in all, over a few weeks before i got round to taking it off. Don't know if it helped or did anything, but when i came to undo them they all came out fine, i just used a 2ft bar (to make up for my puny arms) and a socket. Think i remember having to use my foot against the car somewhere as i started off just pulling myself along the ground towards the bolt i was trying to undo :lol:
  22. Could be the ignition switch, sounds like what mine did the other week.
  23. I know if i get a cheapy ebay one i will end up losing interest in it when something goes wrong. I think its the sort of thing i'd happily pay out for as it can be transferred from car to car
  24. I usually wait to see if the item gets relisted, and then bid again, but £10 less than last time. If it is shill bidding then it will be costing the guy something by winning his own auctions. Fee's etc
  25. I had been driving noisily past the community speed watch people. Wasn't speeding but just accelerating hard from a stand still. It was just a friendly word really. One policeman on a bike. But I would of been quite happy to show him the footage if I had any. As I believe its the speedwatch people being the nuisance.
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