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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. have you checked for any loose connections in the wiring that may be getting disturbed when the window moves? might be a broken wire etc?
  2. i've decided not to do anything instead i'll make far better use of my time sourcing the best cheddar and skim that
  3. watch out for fakes, there are a lot on ebay most people don't even know the difference till you compare whats inside
  4. i have a green C and did mine Black, i thought the red looked a little bit chavvy/boy racer in the end
  5. Jim Bowen

    My 1st C

    very nice, congratulations ignore any comments about 4x4's, tractors, or families living in your wheel arch, possibly vwdeviant has already said them :lol:
  6. weirdly enough i just found this thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=43109&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=game&start=30 but was searching for an online game mr beige posted a while back :lol:
  7. thats what i thought when told this, if there's no problem then no need to fix it. the guy was saying its more of a precaution, but isn't there a limit to the amount of times a head can be skimmed? Not so much how many times, but how much is taken off in total. I've had mine done, cant remember if it was 2 or 4 thousands of an inch. Not much at all, just resurfacing really. You'll alter the compression ratio too much if you take too much off. he mentioned something about compression??? i'm not that clued up on mechanics so just nod my head and say "yeah" alot :lol: he also said something about an airpump on top of engine? i'm not sure what, but got me a little worried, then car starts running a bit hot. i might just be paranoid tho :lol:
  8. regarding the search, i've read your answers and your right :lol: i didn't use advanced search i just typed "oil temp" in the search box :( i find the problem with adding to existing threads is that you end up with 10+ pages to read through. I am prepared to help condense the definitive info into some kinda well formatted guide. even if i just copy the text into word and make it easier to read, then send it back to you to post somewhere. i know maintaining a website with hundreds maybe thousands of members is a big task in itself....i do appreciate the fact its even here to begin with :) so thanks.....
  9. thats what i thought when told this, if there's no problem then no need to fix it. the guy was saying its more of a precaution, but isn't there a limit to the amount of times a head can be skimmed?
  10. i've searched for "oil temps" went through about 5 pages and still don't feel as if i have an answer, same as most things i try to search for, could this info not of been organised into somewhere before? i just find it annoying when threads get locked so soon, other forums only seem to lock threads if its a dodgy/taboo subject or its just a subject causing problems/arguements etc if all this info needs compiling into a quick useful guide/reference then i could start doing this if i knew the answers, i did make a guide for removing door card and window regulator, which would be useful to some people i'm sure, and i'm prepared to do the same for any problems i encounter with car i just don't see the problem with people discussing "their" problem in a thread and gathering as much info as poss than having to trawl through numerous posts in the same thread and not really getting the answers wanted
  11. a chap i was talking to about corrados, says he had his head skimmed and would recommend i get it done as car as done 150,000miles even tho headgasket hasn't gone? I didn't think much of this but lastnight saw high oil temps breifly, (that could just be normal i don't know yet) has anyone else heard of this? should i have it done? is it a large job? ***PLEASE DON'T LOCK THIS ONE (i did have more to ask in the other thread, but yet again its been locked)*** ????????
  12. was driving the car quite hard lastnight and the oil temp got up to 122c, i've never had it about 118c before, so slowed down and turned heating on full till it went down, which it did quite well is that normal? what kinda temps should get you worried? water wasn't much over 105c
  13. i just ran a sharp knife along the edge of the plastic part to cut off all the split/perished rubber bits nothing has leaked, was the 1st thing i did when got car
  14. i agree, i used to like it, but last few times i've ended up worse off
  15. they were on ebay, i mailed the seller, he just said he didn't know and that the place he took car to must of done it? pretty annoyed, not because of the money, although its £60 wasted, paid the garage a fiver to take tyres off, but now i have wheels that are no good to get rid of this is the 2nd time i've done this now, i did ask the seller if they were 100% ok and just cosmetic stuff he said yes, i also made a point of saying i've bought buggered wheels before and not found out till the garage puts them on a machine :( in the past i've bought some aftermarket 5 spokes (porsche rep's) for £250 and one had a flat spot and another the spoke had been smashed and welded/fillered together :lol: i give up!!
  16. i know have the ELSA software, the bentely manual in pdf and the porter manual the bentley one is the only one worth getting tbh,
  17. bought a set of VR speedlines a couple of weeks back, took them to local tyre place to have tyres taken off, when i go to collect them they show me various damage to 3 of the rims, making them unusable, 1 has a flat spot, 1 has cracks another has been welded up before so i've paid £60 for 1 wheel in reality :( and it needs a major refurb
  18. how worn are the discs? is there much rust around the edge of them? my brakes squeak, but i'm replacing the discs and pads all round soon, so am just living with the squeak :lol:
  19. if you have the reg and stuff you should be able to it happened to a guy i used to work with but he managed to stop the driver
  20. i still want one, but atm have other things i need to spend the money on :(
  21. woohoo, all fixed and working fine now :D very chuffed with myself, didn't have to bend anything, all went in quite well. My tip = make sure you have drilled the rivets out the mechanism before putting it in place to be re-riveted :lol: Spent a while getting mech in, then i realised it still had the old bits of rivet in it :lol: = idiot i put the mech in first, to the far left, then motor up high on the right. Then lower window a bit until top of mech is in the rectangular cutout on door, swing it into place, then raise window to get motor in place 8)
  22. i have a question i just pushed the arms of mech away from glass to separate them from window but the new mech has wheels on the ends of the arms, and now i have wheels still on the window in my door? do i pull the wheels off the new arms and bin them, or remove wheels from window and fit to new mech? how do i get the wheels off the window? :lol:
  23. Right, i've been doing this tonight, not finished yet, i'll finish off my guide once job is done, i couldn't find the other thread with some of this in Its a bit of an idiots guide tbh :lol: I got the old mechanism out, but the rivets that came with the gun i got earlier this evening are too shallow, so finishing job when i get more rivets!!!!
  24. this problem just got worse i know peanut very kindly offered to help, but lazy me never got round to doing it, Sorry about that Peanut (Gav)? just driving now and heard a funny noise when doing window down, now the motor and stuff spins around (makes noise) but window doesn't move at all, i think something has broke its now stuck with about an 1-2inch gap at the top :!:!:! can pull it up but doesn't take much to fall down :( could this be the cable snapped? i found that the plastic guide that the cable runs thru at bottom of main arm, seems to let the cable slip thru it? is that normal
  25. that'll be fab, at least i can see then if something is wrong with my rod :? shall i send you my address? want any cash for your troubles?
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