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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. i don't think i will be there anymore :( maybe it has broken before and someone has fitted a wrong part? are they expensive/hard to find? i could just buy another metal arm and see if it fits, then i could always modify one if needed
  2. yeah the handle is all connected fine, but the bit you pull to open door has no resistance till its almost fully pulled, its all a bit floppy. You have to pull it as hard as possible and push on the door to open it i was thinking if i could shorten the metal rod/arm that may help, but can't work out why its happening?
  3. they are really hard to get hold of, i spent ages trying to get one, in the end someone on here sold one, but wasn't perfect condition is always an auction for them on ebay, but it starts at £30 :! (from the guy that buys corrados and steals the hard to get hold of parts off them to sell) bit of a skanker really, not much of an enthusiast there
  4. right, i took door apart lastnight, and all i could find that seemed wrong was the metal rod that connects handle to the latch on edge of door seems to have play in it, this is why the handle seems loose could the latch be buggered? i may take drivers side apart to see it looks as if it has been taken apart before
  5. i hardly have passengers in my car, so i keep forgetting about this, but my passenger side door doesn't open from the inside, works fine from outside. the handles is loose and doesn't feel like its "biting" till it pulled fully and then a bit :lol: is this likely to be an easy fix?
  6. i don't know what i'm looking at when i open bonnet :lol:
  7. i need to get some prices together really, obviously i don't want to have to drive very far to get them done, so it may not be best to go through your mate :(
  8. this is the damage i'm wondering about all the wheels are quite flaky/bubbling etc, but i presume thats all blasted off anyway
  9. i'll get in the footwell at weekend then and looks for bolts to tighten some belt makes a kinda screech/whirring sound when you start ignition, just for a second after engine kicks into life
  10. i asked chap i bought car from about it on the test drive and he said it had done it since he did topmounts?
  11. does every corrado do this? when you parking or turning at low speeds the car sounds like a ginuea (sp) pig. http://s59.photobucket.com/albums/g306/ ... bc9d6c.flv ^^^i tried to make a video of the sound
  12. have you asked Jedi-knight83 off here? he was very knowledgable about scratches when mine was done after dog attack after nath
  13. also look in chipping warden, is a pyramid scheme going on :lol:
  14. i just got another set of speedlines yesterday, in need of a refurb, most look straight forward, but one has met a curb in a hurry and looks like it needs a bit of rim re-made etc? not sure, just a bit missing, i was wondering if that can be fixed? i'll get pics
  15. NOOOOO!!! i hate this type of this, has deffo been done on purpose, looks wobbly where was the car at the time?
  16. just remember not to do it inside a pub after 1st july :)
  17. i seem to remember someone saying nail vanish remover works
  18. looks like he had some left over for the exhaust too :lol:
  19. i've been told that most primers are etch primers, even the majority of ones in a can?
  20. i just got another set of speedlines and might try refurbing them myself, anyone here done this? am sure i've seen a thread somewhere any tips?
  21. any updates on this? i was about to send off a cheque
  22. Have never been a fan of rollcages on road cars, but this takes the piss :lol: what on earth?
  23. what happened to the exterior, i thought you only painted it not that long ago?? looks tidy,
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