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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. a bit shocking at first, but the more i look at them the more i like them, they actually suit the lines and shapes of the corrado
  2. mine did exactly that, was only when wipers were touching the screen the motor wouldn't turn. i put it down to my motor, but bought new motor and all the linkages and it fixed it, not sure if that much help :lol: am 99% sure it was the motor as all the linkages were fine and there wasn't any reason for them to get stuck to get mine out i just undid the nuts and bits at base of wipers (large ones), then the obvious nut and bracket near motor and it just comes out with a bit of wiggling in the right places
  3. the dog is locked away now in a pen :lol: i used to play with the dog (throwing stuff, not like a dirty old man) all the time, he's a lovely dog, just fcuking stupid :lol:
  4. i was in a meeting at the time, he must of been pawing it for ages :(
  5. nah, he managed to keep it all to one area, is a little more on the front of bumper under numberplate i was impressed with the scratch x too the wing was ok, just has stone chips on :lol: :(
  6. my boss has said he will sort it out, i really hope it will polish out with a bit of jedi :lol: i don't fancy getting things sprayed as i know it won't be a perfect match
  7. The badness, i was gutted after a quick go with scratch-X and deep crystal 1 still not great :(
  8. lol it was just like that, cept the guy wasn't naked :lol:
  9. tis funny, as earlier today before this happened, i was throwing the dog pork scratchings (ironic hey) but anyway as i threw one the dog lept up to get it, and the chap from workshop ran across room and tried to kick the pork scratching, but missed and gave the dog a full on steel toe cap in the face :! was quite bad at the time, but now i feel quite happy about that
  10. i can't believe it, its the whole side of bumper and some on top of the little "ledge" of bumper looks a real mess
  11. went for lunch just now, and basically a dog has been trying to get something from under my car and its scratched the front side of bumper up really badly, absolutely covered i feel numb :lol: have PM'd jedi-knight on here about it, just thought i'd share the story, hopefully i'll be able to get pics later
  12. whereabouts in cambridge are you? i'm saffron walden area, am tempted by one, has one been fitted to a VR yet?
  13. omg, speaking to some other folk, some people from aston martin are coming to look at the paint as its gone milky in some areas :lol:
  14. my boss has an aston DB9, and he lets this old guy/friend that lives near him wash it, its like a treat for the old guy as he gets to drive it too. anyway he is washing the car outside at the mo, with an old paint bucket, fairy liquid, and a crappy sponge that looks like its from the 1960's i'm whincing watching it, i tried to mention about swirls and stuff, but he and another guy just said "its only washing a car" and looked at me as if i'm weird :lol: in my eyes he is sat there ruining it
  15. i like them near standard too, mine is pretty original, but i do want to change a couple of bits, deffo want to lower it slightly
  16. Jim Bowen

    Clay bar???

    http://www.meguiars.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3302 for some reading material
  17. Jim Bowen

    Clay bar???

    the clay bar is just to get rid of anything stuck to the surface, people will say some technical terms, like bonded contaminants :! wow i said one its mainly a cleaning step before doing any polishing just to get the surface as smooth as poss i went to put some polish on my mums car and it felt really gritty with a decent cloth, so you would use clay first to get rid of any tree sap etc etc i bought a clay bar to get rid of some overspray on my car, must of been someone spray painting something orange, near my green car :lol:
  18. was gonna say, GLIPTONE is probably the best stuff
  19. Jim Bowen

    Size Issue haha

    you should be ok, they have adjustable seats :) you could always get a booster seat or put a block of wood on the pedals. welcome btw what model are you going for?
  20. must make choosing cars a bit limited :lol: i quite like the lupo, would't say no to a gti as a 2nd car
  21. i went to view one for sale near my home and it was a lady owner, she didn't really know what it was tho :lol: she was in her late 30's
  22. i know a lad locally with an N-plate storm, and i have a normal VR on a M-reg, the storm should be worth 10% more than the normal VR's, but most seem to add on a couple of grand :lol: i also had many people prefer the leather in mine to the storm? are they different seats?
  23. it was on my list of cars, as was the corrado, but i ended up with the corrado didn't fancy doing loads of miles on crap roads in a 200sx, plus the service intervals are pretty close together. would only get the s14a touring tho
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