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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. I too like these mat (fronts only) and the front windscreen sunshade and could be interested in a group buy too.
  2. The way round it is to install Xenons to the Corrado. I did and they are brilliant.
  3. Jim - dependant on Eric's final decision, you could come to mine and passenger with me - saving at least some of the fuel costs. Decision/speak nearer the time.
  4. I agree with you, it astounds me - make up being applied while driving, along with the lack of indicators and using a mobile.
  5. Sorry, but if you are going to have a little fun run around - then why not in those colours ? I think it does and did look brilliant. I mean some of you own Blackberry Corrado's ............ now that is one yuk colour !!!! Ok I am leaving now .................... :D
  6. The Insurance hike from my understanding is only for young women. In answer to your thread though - personally I do believe most women drivers are pretty dammed awful, young or not. Shame to say.
  7. The Fairport Convention Festival is held Cropredy every year about 3 miles from me. It is nice to hear people appreciate it, although personally not my type of music - not into folk, although I do manage the Festival about once every 10 years.
  8. Wendy

    Office Forfeits

    Draw all over their face 10 minutes before they go home, so they have to go home like it. Brilliant if they have to catch Public Transport
  9. I took a year out when I was 28 after which I decided I would never work weekends or excessive hours and have pretty much stuck to it. I really do my very best in working to live. Ok, I do not have the responsibilty of others, but also do not have any assistance with paying my way with my house and other such things or back up if everything goes wrong. A risk I take - with eyes wide open. I really believe if you asked your children and partner if they would like to spend more time with you they would say yes. I also do not believe that your responsibilty is just about providing for them and forgetting yourself in the process. Frankly you are not much good to them. if you are always at work, tired, irriatable or drop dead through the pressures and stress. I Think they would prefer to have you alive and without some of the materialism, rather than not here and some life insurance payout. A touch brutal, (not intentionally to be rude though) but I do believe true. I really would suggest talking to them all as has been said before.
  10. Jim - you are not thinking of buying another Corrado - are You? If so, i wait - for the falling out of love thread some 3 months later :D :D
  11. John Munyard is around, not on here anymore and without a Corrado last I heard. Guy Hartley is also still around with his R32, Audi RS and Mk1 Golf which he is spending hours and hours on - just having put it on Air - looks great.
  12. I remember the Yahoo News Group very well, brilliant times, much back lash went on. I miss them too. Dom Landino still has his Corrado - it was in Stealth a while back Alex Pose Gill is still around and posting on here occasionally. Don’t think Andy Brookes still has a Corrado, but still around. Don’t know many of the others, but certainly heard of a few of them and several antics
  13. I hope you manage to resolve this, but do stay above him on this and do not hit him, as much as I would want to too. I have a similar issue, sadly with a nephew which I do not feel I am in position to do anything about. Don't think he will be turning up on my door anytime soon !!!
  14. Hi everyone, So Monthly Evening Meet - No 2. When - Tuesday 27th November Where - Sturdy's Castle, Woodstock. OX5 3EP (on the A4260 Banbury to Oxford Road) (Address comes up as in Tackley on Google, locally I have always known it as in Woodstock) Huge Car Park - so plenty of room !!! Time - 7pm Eat or Drink or Both. Hope to see you there. Confirmed:- Wendy Dude VR6 (Miles) Jim EJ Taylor
  15. And me, I had to check them out too. ;D No prizes for the looks - but yes, needs must in this case. They certainly appear economical.
  16. Was the scientist male - by chance ?? !!! :D
  17. I find most people seem to go to work at the start when they are most infectious. Then they take a day or two off, on full pay of course. By which time they have given it to me - self employed - who struggles into work unless dying. Great. Believe me 'Woman flu' is worse, but we just don't make a song and dance about it, because we are big and brave !!! :D
  18. I agree a touch harsh. Mine is very well cared for, had huge amounts of money spent on it, generally wants for nothing. Very reguarly cleaned and occassionaly pampered. Not concours by any means - and has rust, tiny little bits, but it has it. I am assured by a well respected local bodyshop, no matter how much you treat the rust, it will always come back too
  19. It is up to anyone and everyone to organise Events not just the same folk all the time. There are plenty of shows organised on the CCGB, but generally very poorly attended compared to what they could be.
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