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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Shall we do a group buy of two on Saturday at Aldi ? !! ;-)
  2. Well I drive mine daily as its my only vehicle, but if it as much as squeaks, off to the garage she goes. I am lucky enough to have Stealth 8 miles down the road and able to afford fixing it, (good job as I can't fix it), but then I don't abuse it either, so to me they are just running repairs, including my 6000 mile ish regular oil change, yes, I really do this and have done the whole 10 years I have owned her. It shows too, my car does not use oil and there are no engine rattles. And as was said earlier, you would lose more on depreciation on a newer vehicle. I do however, open her up and give her some hard driving - as most folk know, after the engine is warmed up of course. Bodywork does bother me and I am just waiting to get the detailing done, although to be fair she has just one tiny ding on the drivers door, rear bumper creases and 3 very small rust spots, plus the usual stone chips on the bonnet. I have her usually garaged and do treat the leather etc, on top of washing her reguarly and several polishes a year. So I guess all in all, I get the best out of my car in both areas without being over the top in any. I would love to get her re-sprayed though. Best chuftie I had was this week - Vince and Jon agreed you could knock 100,000 miles off my engine clock and no one would know that either the engine, bodywork or interior had done more. She is currently on 192700 !! Dead chuffed. Another 30k and I will need a new clutch and............. by which time she won't be in my best books again !!! :-)
  3. Ok, so we will find some places to visit that work out financially on the mileage. Sure it could be debated anyway. Besides, me being me, I will have worked out all the financial side anyway before we commit
  4. And Lambo's for a Wales trip, Audi R8's trip to the South Coast, I could continue .............. Serioulsy - reckon we should aim for at least one of these a year
  5. Wendy


    I know several people have dehumidifiers for use in their garage. I am thinking of getting one, any pointers, price, size, specification etc - oh and where best purchased from Cheers Wendy
  6. Also been thinking about other cars I would like to own too - rather than having the ownership, all the costs and depreciations related for the odd weekend thrill. I reckon it would be a better idea to just hire something decent for the odd weekend, maybe when a crowd of us have organised a weekend tour of somewhere ? I think less would be spent doing this even 3 times a year
  7. I would put some energy initially into housing your car nearer to home. Do a leaflet drop in your area - Asking if anyone has a garage - so you can store it, then assess further possibly when the market is better but the car not worsening in the meantime. Remember - this summer has been especially bad and not provided much opportunity for many meets etc etc - which all will assist the thinking of selling. Yesterday I was at Harewood and having the same chatter about VW meets, I am so bored with them I really need a change and complete change - as I mentioned at the AGM too, we need to go more Classic in my view, but then Motor Sport too. It is up to all of us to make this happen though. Obvioulsy will have to strongly consider whether I would let you join our gang meets starting in September in local ish area if no Corrado !!! :-)
  8. Just got back, after rain stopped play mid afternoon, had been drizzling for about an hour when gave up. Good to catch up with familiar faces and friends. Shame show has lost its edge, getting too big, too expensive, albeit some good cars around. Now having just emptied car, near side footweel going right back to behind passenger seat, soaked - heard of this problem a few times - what is the cause. Fortunately for me, car is booked into Stealth tomorrow........... Whew ! Still wouldn't mind a indicater of fault and if its a pricey one ot fix. Cheers Wendy ---------- Post added at 5:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 5:43 PM ---------- Oh and LaserMark, sorry to hear about yours, do you know what is wrong ?
  9. As it is over £100, you also have come back via your credit card - assuming you paid it that way of course.
  10. You boys !!! What with wheels and watches !!!! - and you talk about us girls and shoes !!! :-) And shoes are significantly cheaper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Welcome, would love to live in one of the Scandinaven Countries, Norway preferably admittedily, especially as the food in my experience in Finland is somewhat - umm lacking !! Presuming work was the pull to make you move there ? Really envious, would love to get some real full on experience in driving in all that snow. Would just have to own some mental machinery and a snow mobile of course. Sounds like you got a good deal with the car.
  12. I have had one heck of a bad week, so that alarm had dam well better be fixed................ xx
  13. That Sounds like bull**** to me !!! ---------- Post added at 7:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 7:57 PM ---------- I didn't say I had to share tents, just the drive, although ................. !!!!
  14. So you are asking on the Forum about a driving weekend and not asking us your fellow Corrado owners to join you ? That's very tough !!!!! :-)
  15. I do think an explanation is required, even though I may not actually want to know !!!!
  16. Guildmage - I think we all need to know how you are doing............. You have a lot of support here and we are all hoping you are getting this resolved.
  17. List the for's and against's, both in a monetary way and your love for the car or not. Are you only going forward with it, due to its condition and feel you should ? This is not a good enough reason. There are many bigger things to stress about, we all mess up at times, including in expensive ways. It might be the right time, just to get out and sell, buy something that suits your situation for now with the longer term view of having a weekend car - maybe
  18. You are not alone at all . If I go on holiday, the first thing I want to do when home is take my baby for a drive.
  19. I go for a Westfield personally............
  20. Can I have one for Guildmage - as I think his neighbours kids would much prefer this. ! I sadly can't have one - it would just upset my neighbours too much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I think you need my Ex Hubby to come round - his loss of temper is something else ! I actually mean that serioulsy, he would frighten the hell out of the kids. Top that with now he is a Champion weight trainer - he looks menacing in his build. I really feel for you, I get wound up enough with next doors dogs barking, at least they are not damaging my car though. Shame you are not being supported at home, at least you can voice off here and everyone understands and backs you. Painful as it may be each day, I quite like the idea of wrapping you car up in blankets, there is some really thick bubble wrap stuff too. What about now reporting it to the Police and Council - Perhaps even try to get out of your rental contract in view of not being advised about the neighbours. Selling the car, lets them win and you lose, don't do it. Good Luck
  22. At the moment, no there are no particular regular meets. However, due to the lack of get togethers over the summer due to the appaling rain, , I have said I will organise something monthly starting Sept. This will be weekday evening outings. plus weekend stuff. More to follow...............
  23. No worries, sure we can do something on that. Perhaps all the scruffy ones at the front for a change !!!! :-) I have one or two good photo's from Brooklands - which I may just get on here one day. Will try and remember to bring to to Harewood though.
  24. Superb photo's - Laser Mark. Very artistic.
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