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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Overall I do not think VW are much different in their terms of Service to customers to any other manufacture. I barely talk to anyone who has a good word to say about dealing with dealerships in any of the big makes. As for us lot with old cars, well the new trade has always called cars older than 3 years - old dogs. If we did not live in such a class driven society, then this would never have happened in the first place. However, My ex used to work at a BMW dealership years ago, the stories he came how with regarding the abuse from customers - for no just reason, other than they thought the world revolved around them as they owned a new or newish bottom of the range 3 series was quite unbelievable On the marketing side, although it does seem VW can take it all a bit far at times and be too picky. I know if I had set up a brand name, logo's etc and all the years of marketing it, I would not be too happy at it being pinched, stepped on for free.
  2. Sounds a fantastic trip. That will be a superb experience. I have taken the Corrado out of the Country a few times, albeit not to any of these countries. The only advise I can give - a pre trip full service and check over. RAC cover - I always go for the Onward Travel option. I know one or two of the Countries mentioned have quite high crime rates allegedly - you can get the latest info on the Home Office Website. I am sure you should be able to pick up quite a bit of info on roads etc off websites such as RAC, AA. I think you have many more hours Internet searching though. Good luck
  3. Oh you are soooooooooooooo funny -NOT !!! You are just envious you were not able to join us !! :D
  4. Yes, it was a little meet up, 5 Corrado owners for a 1st one. Not bad. I too look forward to the coming months. Have some ideas for different types of meets especially in dryer months. It was a good night too, great car chatters and natters I think actually - all evening. We met up around 7.15 - 7.30, we did all eat, pretty good food at fair prices too. And, then departed around 10pm so not a late evening either. As Jim said 'the perfect antidote to the horrid, drizzly weather outside'! Next - Midlands- ish Corrado Owners Meet - Sturdy's Castle on the Tuesday - 27th November 7.30pm. Woodstock Near Oxford.
  5. I am also eating there as insufficient time to eat at home. I did check menu previoulsy and does look fine/good even, plus fair prices. I booked a table earlier - just to ensure we had room. I booked for 6 - 7 people just to ensure we can all get in. It will be fine for those who do not want to eat. And no worries, if others are joining us and not yet advised, we will fit you in. :D
  6. Hi Guys, So anymore takers on this ? Miles - We convoying ? If so, mine for 7pm ? Look forward to catching up with you all.
  7. That' a very good point - think I will take a holiday !!!! :D
  8. Give Vince at Stealth a call. He will go through it all and hopefully put your mind at rest and advice you best way to go bearing in mind your finances too. Just be honest with him, so he can help. Loads of us use Stealth on here, he occasionaly works on other cars, but usually the garage is full of Corrado's. Seeing as you are from MK, look forward to catching up with you at one of the Monthly Evening Meets too ? !!!
  9. OMG - that's so tame !!!! :-) I was up for ditching the girlfriend completely !!!! I am Sorry, but that really was my first thought from reading your thread. :lol: Having thought about this more during the day - how do you think making them into 'Wall Art' would go down ? What about enquiring with your local bodyshop about how to store them ?
  10. I do fall out of love with mine, but not usually for too long. I am interested in what you all think you are going to get as a replacement that will give you equal fun - for the money ? !!!
  11. Don't think I am brave enough to actually write my first thought of suggestion !!! :-)
  12. Thank you Jim and others who also find corrado_sunderland insulting and have endeavered to support my freedom to put forward my views - I lost interest in anything he had to say - after this above - He does not know the Rate of Tax he pays !! :-) I do not need to go into a battle or get stressed by the comments he has made at me. AS as kindly been put by others, I may just know a great deal more on the subjects of finance - both higher end and bottom end and have my own views, which I am intitled to have, some of these not putting everyone of either higher or lower income into the same bracket.
  13. There was an interesting programme on TV last night, about employing people into older age, verus giving the young folk jobs. as much as some of the older ones struggled physically, they never gave up. The young - some turned up late to work, most did not turn up the second day and also did not have the coutesy to ring in to state as such. I too do not believe in penalising the richest people them often being the ones who help themselves. I do not wish anyone to be without the basics, but then I am personally stunned about the sheer value of handouts we as a country give - seems to me to those most unwilling to assist themselves. Whilst at it - I would stop all Long Term Sick on Full Pay - which again from my understanding is what happens in most of the Civil Service - SchoolTeachers, Social Services, Police etc Being in the real world of Private Business - this is just not viable. Of course we cannot tar everyone with the same brush - Media being the biggest culprit here
  14. So, you too going to join us Simon. Being so close, it would be rude not too ? ! :-)
  15. Da Corrado - That menu looks very tasty. -Meth - as Jim says we all start somewhere, hope you make it to join us for a drink if not dinner. Certainly we can always look at differing venue's and ideas of places to meet. What area are you in ?
  16. My clients in the Oil Industry also believe there is no chance of us running out of oil for a very long time. Electric Cars, surely this is another of those things that if it ever takes off will make one manufacturer a small fortune hence the research into it. Is this really any different to the thought we would all be using LPG powered cars - that has never really made it.
  17. Enjoy, be careful with all that power !!! :-) Glad to hear you are back.
  18. Yeah, he's all talk and no action these days !!!! :-) Bet he dosn't make it.............. ;-)
  19. Nor me, had mine just over 10 years. Often think of getting something else, and there are also cars out there I really like, can afford and would love to own, but don't seem able to pull myself out of my Corrado.
  20. Hi Guys, I said I would organise something come the darker nights, so here goes, first one..................... Tuesday 23rd October, Cuttle Inn, Long Itchington. CV47 9QZ 7.30 for Drinks and/Or Dinner. Large Car Park. Check out the Website - http://www.thecuttleinn.co.uk Already going;- Wendy (me) Eric (Tempest) Jim Miles (Dude VR6) EJ Taylor Next one will be - Tuesday 27th November - Sturdy's Castle, Woodstock. OX5 3EP
  21. That porka is stunning !! Shame that some folk irrelevant of car they own seems to think themselves above others. They are usually lacking in some way !!!!! So Eric, you saw Toad, Is he a married man yet ? Actually he must be, does not come out to play anymore ?? !!! :-) :-)
  22. Seems to me this was too short notice for people, so will do something for next month with more notice
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