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Everything posted by dukest

  1. I didnt decide for definite yesterday as I wanted to come back and look at brakes/offsets a bit more amongst other things. Its easy when you have them already but I was trying to consider what i might get in the future! Personally I wasn't so keen on going for ET30 as its getting to rolled arch territory and wanted to see if it could be avoided. Just to let people know though, the Leon Cupra R 328x28 Brembo set up on big ben's and ben-b's cars had measurements of 49mm and 51mm respectively compared to the 43mm that I've ringed in Kev's AP diagram above. This seemed like it was going to be very close/too much for both of them which is why they went for ET30 instead. The AP caliper must be a LOT narrower than the Brembos! James said he would be happy/keen to speak to anyone who still has questions. Regarding the colours, the silver as said before is a flat silver (no sparkle) although still quite bright. The grey is noticeably different, like an anthracite with a very small bit of sparkle in it. Black is satin only. White is gloss. Gold we didnt talk about :) Delivery they're saying end of September to be safe but may still be earlier.
  2. to be honest standard width wheels need spacing out a bit if its going to be that low or they look like they're too far into the arches. i also think that if the circumference of the wheel doesnt follow the arches (ie. part of the wheel looks closer to the arch than other parts) then its too low, same as it was too high when you first put them on, but thats just my opinion :)
  3. you had that saved on your pc?! :gag:
  4. resisting the spurious answers :), i guess £30 or perhaps £40 would seem "fair", but then if its the only game in town...
  5. its being broken, fairly unsuccessfully from whats been seen so far!
  6. :gag: time to get over the border to mexico?! :grin:
  7. even in the wet? i'm surprised - if you've got one tyre cutting through water and one doing the opposite then i'd have thought you'd come unstuck quite easily?
  8. I've got 5 speedlines and had this dilemma. Typically when I needed it it was the wrong side :( I probably would have risked it if it wasn't wet but I was off on a long journey and I think directional the wrong way in the rain would be very dangerous. If you had to do it under any circumstances keep it very relaxed and change it asap. If it was in the wet I would say 40mph max if at all. I would guess at it being illegal like a bald tyre would be too.
  9. am going to join the others at the factory on Friday and pay mine then.
  10. have stickied this as it seems to have most of the technical information that is relevant to oil discussions
  11. dukest

    SP 263 Cams

    i dont know what tappets cost but the cams would make £300 probably - especially if unused.
  12. It's well known that insurance is going up each year not down and yes there have been lots of posts in at least 2 or 3 threads this year about others being ripped off too!
  13. Seriously, car all the way from what you've said now. You know there's no way you need or want a house while you're still being moved around, or in the long term with your folks places, and even less way you're waiting any number of years for the Porsche. If you change your mind sell the Porsche again but I bet you won't any time soon :)
  14. to be honest, given the way Pete's tastes are progressing, i think its hard to see that the handling of any car that didnt cost at least £50k in the first place is going to be up to scratch, and that also pretty much writes off anything that isnt rwd or at least 4wd. also, given that there's no kids to worry about i would say its hard to see the next purchase not being a proper purpose-designed sports car.
  15. If the £100k is all tied up in a house though how does that help with a better car purchase? Pete, frankly at your age, or indeed any age when you've established a career like you have, then your income is pretty safe. Really your parents views aren't relevant as you don't need their help for anything or owe them anything any more. To someone with a different career I would say get the house, but with yours the only concern I would have would be the "seeing the Mrs" one. If you can both make sure you're happy with your living arrangements then get the car. Plenty of people haven't even started saving for a house by your stage, they're not shooting up in price at the moment and you'll have another deposit saved in 5 years if you don't spend too much on rear tyres :) It's good to be prudent but I think you're in probably as secure a position as you could hope for.
  16. dukest

    Rokkor Coilovers

    these cars cost £30-35k in todays money when they were originally for sale - just because they are cheap now do you think they will benefit from the absolute cheapest parts that you can find? you would spend more than that on suspension for a 15 year old junkyard 1.4 litre astra.. really you need to ask yourself what you bought the car for in the first place - if handling had anything to do with it then the budget should be tripled.
  17. well its 300 or 200 miles to get there from calais or the hook of holland respectively depending how you cross. so: say £250 for petrol in europe £50-100 for your crossing average of £100-150 for petrol this side 75 euros for 4 laps food and hotels = maybe £60-80 a day probably ends up being £700ish for a long weekend depending how many laps you want and where you're coming from.
  18. what suspension and drop are you running on the car Pete? any arch work done? the wheels look nicely tucked into the arches in those pictures :)
  19. 330x28 - as big as anyone will be needing to worry about.
  20. Fraid so, but you don't have to list everything in one go. Recently someone did it about 10 items a month for example. If you want to get on with it, list the obvious stuff but then just make sure you publish the price for everyone to see when you're asked about something else. Or, copy someone elses breaking thread, I have one saved if you want it.
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