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Everything posted by dukest

  1. If the DVLA never got the yellow slip and you dont have a copy of it or any other proof you sold it to the scrap dealer then it doesnt sound like there's much you can do. However the dealer must keep a record of what he scraps/crushes etc? Or is the car still in existence? If so then I guess you need to agree with the DVLA and the dealer who has legal ownership and get it agreed as scrapped. Regarding the fine, you're pretty much both to blame for that even if the only reason its been found out is because of the yellow slip issue. If your mates brother didnt want the risk he shouldnt have agreed not to add an owner to the car. I cant see how that would have been a big deal on a car that was potentially scrappable anyway! He should go halves with you though yeah.
  2. there are 2 kinds from GSF and i was recommended on here to go for the more expensive one of the two (made by FAG!) which was about £50 - its not too bad a job
  3. All, as you will notice, the thread is now much shorter - it only goes back about 2 years - and a lot of non-relevant stuff has been taken out. Whether you're a new or old forum user, please go and read the first post as I've put a whole lot of information in there that will hopefully be of use, sometimes meaning you dont need to ask any more questions! Thanks John
  4. I bought this as it seemed the best priced. I've bent the t-bar at the top a bit by forcing it with an extension but you can also put a socket on the end which means its not a big deal. For the number of times you'll use it I cant see its worth spending more than you have to.
  5. yeah, completely understandable! just a thought!
  6. As I'm currently clearing up the Tyre Discussion thread and there was some information there about winter tyres I thought maybe its worth adding it here and making this a general discussion thread about winter tyres as its a specialist area. Will add information that i find already existing on the forum to the first post but please add any new info you have here. Cheers John
  7. dukest


    :shock: who cares' if thats an all or nothing car or not, i would swap most things for one of those in a second..
  8. hard to see what it would be vs the TT - the front looks very similar - but yes, looks more corrado like than anything else from VAG since 95.
  9. like these? MO1673_l.jpg[/attachment:3uc11cze]
  10. :notworthy: they do look lovely on a dark car (no offence to Kev but I think he has a bit of a point in his silver on ice grey violet comment..). how's the caliper clearance? can you take it out for a good thrashing now to see if theres any rubbing?! :D
  11. if i'm honest I'm not sure that advertising on here is really the best audience for what you're offering. no offence to any secret millionaires on here but in 5 years of being on here I've never seen anyone suggesting they have a budget much above 8k for a project (1 or 2 turbos excepted). 2 years ago The Phirm told me about a guy that walked in saying he had budget of £40k to build a mint 600bhp 4wd corrado. They talked him down to about £20k if i recall but I'm pretty sure he chose them by reading PVW rather than pootling around on any forums. Not sure if that entirely helps but just thought it was worth saying. Jay Renshaw suggested something similar (ie repeating his old car) last year, and while people thought it sounded nice, no-one gave the impression of having the money or inclination to take him up on it. If you wanted to do it out of self satisfaction and be happy with loosely breaking even then I'm sure it would sell but just not make you money. A compromise idea perhaps would be to offer the bits for sale and offer to install them for the buyer for a price to be discussed between you depending how much you and they did of the work.
  12. bigpants baby is the person that has normally sold them on here fixing up the wiring is no simple job to do well though - i've seen some fairly rough jobs!
  13. 1. you can get the immobiliser function from the new ECU deleted so keep your original keys. 2. yes, cams still work well 3. the obd2 throttle body is different and therefore mounts to the manifold in a different way. i think it can be bodged but it wont be an issue just getting the right one as you're getting all the other bits too.
  14. yeah, the lower half of polo's is always what lets them down a bit i think. butching up the arches and valances really helps and so even though that on 18s looks a bit extreme, it does look good in a rally kind of way!
  15. narrow is normally better in snow from what i understand as they dig in better. i'm certainly going to be buying 195s next time after the insurance people said they were fine with it. half the price of 205s and no ugly bulge as said, whats not to like!
  16. +1, thats stunning, the light makes it looks like a picture taken in america or something :)
  17. yep, just make sure thats the bit you kerb first :)
  18. dukest

    cupra brakes

    yes, cupra brembos are 305. if you mean non brembo ibiza brakes then the 288s will be 5 stud afaik and they have a different offset to the vw 5 stud 288s
  19. yeah Kev, they look great! and you're right, down a bit at the back and either coded or matching silver caps will set them off really well. and you can always paint them white one day if you're really missing that visual impact :)
  20. got yourself your own personal mechanic there!
  21. yeah, that seems odd, especially since James confirmed 9.4kg to gareth and ET35 should be the lightest offset compared to anything lower than that?
  22. wouldnt you drive a fun car harder than a daily?!
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