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Everything posted by dukest

  1. they've suddenly realised that they're doing 73mph and god forbid they should drive sensibly rather than break the law.. when i took my motorcycle test we were told it was perfectly acceptable to accelerate briefly upto say 60 in a 50 zone in order to complete an overtake safely and quickly - that was in the test!!
  2. when people just stop in a queue of traffic or slightly pull over in a way that wont actually help when there's an emergency vehicle 50ft behind, even though the cars in front have carried on... IF YOU DONT KEEP GOING THEN THE F&CKING AMBULANCE WONT BE ABLE TO GET PAST THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU TO GET PAST YOU, YOU MORON!!! oh, yes, and then they give me grief when i point out their stupidity.. :censored:
  3. If you've had 16x9 before the surely you'll be ok with 16x8? It's going to be 11mm less poke?
  4. have you read any of this thread? viewtopic.php?f=1&t=63092 if you have any further questions then please add there so the information is kept together. thanks
  5. ah ok, i thought when ben had said his werent that yours must be ok!
  6. you say that kev but et28 on a 7.5 is only 1mm more poke than the et35 on your new 8in MOs so it seems strange that Hasan should be getting rubbing when you guys are all saying your wheels are ok?
  7. I have to say i thought this when I last bought some Bosch blades, sadly it only lasted a couple of months and they then went back to being a bit rubbish again.. Hope yours last better though!
  8. if you've paid for what amounts to close to a full rebuild then i wouldnt be expecting any issues - not casting aspersions but for something to suddenly seize when just idling it sounds like somethings gone wrong/not been checked/not been done properly in the rebuild?
  9. yeah, they'd be ok and you can change next time to keep your speedo a bit more accurate
  10. yes, they'll fit although more normal for 16s is 205/45/16
  11. late black or cream leather should go for £5-600 if in good condition - ie. no rips and low-average wear.
  12. the obvious irony with it all is that Lewis tried to come from behind at Monza and Massa's rear wheel did for his front suspension, so when it comes to Singapore and he tries the Massa tactic of cutting Webber off in a closing corner, then his rear suspension breaks against the front wheel of Webbers car. You have to feel for him in that situation, although given that its basically his last chance, I would still like Webber to win even above Jenson/Lewis.
  13. post new-gearbox and driveshafts is probably the answer from past reading!
  14. good set of pics! what suspension were you running with the RHs Kev? looks at its lowest there!
  15. thought when you put the wanted ad up for a different head that meant you'd be putting it back together?
  16. Saw The Town last weekend on an early preview. New Ben Affleck one which he directed and part-wrote as well about bank robbing in Boston. A little bit of quite a few other films but well put together and some pretty good action/car chases/crashes! Quite fancy the girl in it too :) - 8/10 (for both!)
  17. did anyone else weigh theirs apart from Kev? did he just get the heavy set?! :)
  18. the lift platform has 6 battery powered LEDs in it ( :D ) and the handle doubles up as a wrench handle for 4 included sockets that are mounted on the side of the jack http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002 ... S2T450HFRX
  19. in (the real) Abdul's defence, its been noticed that there may be a case of mistaken identity here.. i'm sure things will be corrected if so..
  20. lol, i've just been looking at those this week too! pleasant surprise that there are cheaper ones now. I thought i might go for the one up from that one which is around £45 but not sure how much difference there'll be apart from the extra bits hasan, i would carefully check yours will go under the car asap and take it back if not! theres no point in having a convenient jack if you have to get the car on pieces of wood first to get it underneath! I just gave away a halfords one for that reason.. :(
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