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Everything posted by dukest

  1. dukest

    VR6 Badges

    moving to suppliers
  2. wear on rainsport 2s is ok in my opinion, havent had T1Rs but had Sport 01s before and they came across as quite a hard tyre and wear on those was also ok (ie. 12kish and changed before completely dead)
  3. i agree about them not wanting to lose established businesses but given health and safety bullsh*t that affects so many other laws, it is a worry considering the rules that we see some of the guys from around europe come on here and talk about..
  4. this doesnt sound like the best thought out or researched of questions to be honest... the points people are making are addressed often in the Suspension Thread here so i'm going to lock this up now.
  5. where are you getting it RRd? they may have a standard ECU you could use as comparison?
  6. i've got no idea why you've been pulled so many times mate but even if i was in one of the categories that people see police stereotypically pulling over more than they should, i would be asking myself what it could be that had meant i'd got pulled those 25 times? i'd probably want to do something about it so it happened less if at all possible, but obviously that depends on what the issue may be and i can only guess. regarding your point about who owns the road, unfortunately the police basically do own them as far as we all have to be concerned, because they have the right to enforce all the rules on them. someone already mentioned in the thread that damaging the road surface is an offence so whether this guy was a nob or not, if you run your car very low so that bits of it (splitter, sump etc) are perceived to be close to the ground then its going to give them an excuse to at least check you out more than they would normally. anyone with an attention grabbing car knows that, which is why you see porsches drive at 75mph on the motorway to minimise that attention. maybe your car just grabs a lot of attention, not all of it the kind you want?
  7. lets not make it personal between people who said nothing to each other please... lets not forget that the real reason the OP got pulled was because he was revving his engine, not because his car was too low either
  8. but how many times have you met a copper in anything other than a situation where he suspects (rightly or wrongly) that you've committed an offence? not saying what happened to you was right but how many encounters have you had for other coppers to prove themselves otherwise? Why would you want to do that? Doesn't sound very professional to me? Sounds like an abuse of power... i imagine its because he feels frustrated that, no matter how many people say most police are fair, the guy is still being generally insulting. and he only said he "wants" to in response to that, not that he would, because as you say, that would be unprofessional. we all have our share of bad experiences, but I've been pulled over 6 times in my life and have been committing an offence of one sort or another on 5 out of those occasions. I've never been had a go at apart a little by the guy who hadn't been able to get me on video doing about 60 in a 30. its better not to over-generalise in the same way that they should try not to about "types" of drivers either.
  9. yes, hence the ghia comparison, no average person knows what that is either.
  10. my first car was a 45bhp 1.1 Renault 5. Driven at 100% 100% of the time and a lot more fun in slow corners than any performance car because you literally threw it in and waited for the endemic understeer (or absurdly induced oversteer) and body roll to test your skills on the way out.
  11. yes, basically. but original rarity is the reason they have such a following already. classics have to be in good nick and fully functioning to make good money and it will have taken effort and expense to keep them that way in 10 years time. some will probably be back up in the 7/8/9k region at that time probably.
  12. Factory specs are 190bhp at 5800rpm, 181lb/ft at 4200rpm. A 15 yr old engine could easily not be making that anymore and even if it was it wouldn't be far off where you're feeling the drop.
  13. yes, not yet, and it is held back by being a VW i think - people dont give it credit for being a good car without even thinking like they do for a classic bmw. as abdul said there'll be very few left when their time comes and they'll be seen at shows and not on the road, a bit like karmann ghias.
  14. dont know mate, i dont have one either! would build a garage before buying a flat if i had my time again..
  15. a garage would keep the moisture coming out of the air and sitting on the car as there's no fresh air flow around it. still as cold but only a finite amount of damp in the garage air. i think anyway..
  16. frost? are we living in the same country?! :)
  17. just sign the bit of paper now and give it to him to fill out later if needed? just make sure he does it properly as if it doesnt get sent off then they'll come after you for failure to disclose transfer of ownership when the new owner registers the car in their name. learnt from experience..
  18. sorry Kip... you must be gutted. but at the end of the day, its the car and not you thats hurt (by the sound of it) which is important. and you cant help for silly old women (or men) in the world. there'll be another if you just cant live without it..
  19. moved to suppliers. is this another colour that dealers say they cant do? obviously they would be the first port of call in normal circumstances..
  20. hmm, dont feel very well now having stayed up for qualifying and woken up for the race.. was a pretty good one though!
  21. The guys in the Scirocco/Corrado clubs in Germany have (or had) established a relationship with the people at Karmann where the car was built and the Karmann people were able to ask him if he wants to attend when they arranged visits for fans to the factory. I havent heard of him attending any other meets but he has returned to the factory on a number of those occasions.
  22. Probably £2-2.5k and an easier sale if you fix the issues you list (excluding the bodywork).
  23. Nice with the 888s too :D What offset were yours? Just interested in the comparison on the narrow track set up.
  24. dukest

    OBD2 Questions

    theres a lot in here and some other threads, have you looked through those existing ones already?
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