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Everything posted by dukest

  1. dukest


    ET works in reverse - so 33 is further in than 15. The difference between 33-15 = 18. 7.5in - 7in = half an inch or 12.5mm. Call it 12mm which means 6mm narrower on each side of the wheel. So take 6mm off the 18mm to get 12mm. I'm trying to work out a way to write this up so everyone can work it out!
  2. dukest


    They'll sit 12mm further out. Brake clearance is down to wheel design, not just offset, but with ET15 theres very little that woudlnt fit i would think.
  3. given you didnt buy them then i doubt you'd be able to send them to the manufacturer but there are obviously suspension rebuild specialists out there. if you could buy rear pairs on their own then i would say do that but it doesnt seem that you can and so a repair might be worth it (have heard £60 a corner). Steve, they're a level below Weitec in the KW family - http://www.ap-suspension.com/ - but no, not the same people as AP Racing :)
  4. 1248cc diesel Vauxhall Corsa... it did almost as many mpg as it had bhp Got it as a first car, when I was 18, with 0 ncb, and doing 20,000 miles in that first year of owning it. I've only done 4,000 or so in the last year so having a diesel hasn't really paid off that much Got a progress thread on the Corsa-C|UK forum if you're interested (don't think you need to register to see threads) - http://www.corsa-c.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?261193 was just interested as you said you were putting it back to standard to sell it, and also because you're going so all out on the mods for the new purchase. was intrigued to know what it was following!
  5. Thats the reason I'd like to do one if it ever came to it..
  6. was meaning to ask, what was your previous car Ben?
  7. its a "lot" of work though, i've never done it, but just a clearout i did at the beginning of the year took so much time in just wrapping stuff up well enough to send it out safely. hopefully you dont end up getting there though - shame to see a white one taken apart :(
  8. Ozowen has a set of 6 pots on his but that is a turbo'd VR :) Also Coullstar now has a VR Turbo as well which has Wilwood 4 pots on I think - they both have members galleries. I think you're right that more of them are dust sealed these days, but still not all, so best check with whoever you'd be buying them through which variant you'd be getting.
  9. yes, is the quick answer. and do you mean where else can you get one apart from the dealers or 2nd hand from someone on here?
  10. Holy thread resurrection Batman!! another one almost 7 years old! probably better that we stick to the more recent one :) viewtopic.php?f=17&t=79912
  11. Was it white? If so, that was Tempest. the clue's in the description ;) sorry Jim :) there is a "new to the forum" US nugget around nowadays though isnt there?
  12. oh, sorry to hear that, was looking forward to seeing what you guys were going to be doing..
  13. sorry, am going to ask that you at least read some of the recent pages of this - viewtopic.php?f=23&t=39334 - theres enough opinions on lower-end coilovers in there to give you an idea.. if you have more questions then by all means post there.
  14. I'm nr Wisbech :wave: are you still setting up in business on the other side of the country then?!
  15. the rear windows can be much darker than the front ones.. I dont see how this could possibly fit into the window channels in the doors though. it sounds extremely far fetched when you could just accept that its not allowed and get them tinted as far as is legal instead.
  16. dont think there's anything difficult about getting the exterior looking ok so i would hope they'd do that bit well. doesnt sound like they're going to blend into the adjacent panels but hopefully they shouldnt need to to too much given where the damage is.
  17. seems ok for whats involved. not sure how they'd be doing the bonnet though, i would think there may still be some evidence of the repair afterwards if you were to look at it from underneath. but yes, other panels will only make it more expensive unless you get the same colour and they're in as good condition as you'd want them to be (ie. almost impossible).
  18. Check the brake pedal position sensor (in the servo) - they can be repaired. Surely the hassle of checking all that stuff is worse than finding someone helpful and local to VAG-Com it for free isnt it?
  19. i wouldnt think such a low profile on a cheap tyre was helping the grip either as there's less give in the (probably hard?) tyre to let it bite into the road.
  20. was there one on the drivers side too? or do you have the same issue there? its up to you i guess, its only the passenger side :D
  21. Wasnt there but saw these pics on my friend's Facebook page and thought people might enjoy them - his is the carbon wrapped GT2. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3 ... 1119403255
  22. I think it's worth including a pic and the dimensions since it's not the usual size of cooler that people fit to a VR from those that I've seen.
  23. Did it feel that different to drive too? That's the important thing, not just the numbers :)
  24. dukest

    Birds’ droppings

    whats the rules on those these days?
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