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Everything posted by dukest

  1. should be the forum motto!
  2. about £90 and £50 respectively i think - but not worth a pattern one failing
  3. http://www.lovemoney.com/news/get-the-b ... ce=1000455
  4. i would stay with the 10s rather than the 5s though, especially on an older potentially more worn engine
  5. maybe not, but if the tensioner guide has gone then the chain will be loose and potentially jumping teeth is probably the best thing to do yes.
  6. the fact that insurance goes up every year, and that different companies compete for different kinds or amounts of business at different times of the year anyway means that the price you get charged will always vary by more than any nominal age threshold discount they give you. like you I didnt notice any difference at 25 or 30 either but you only have to read this thread to see the amounts of difference other factors make.
  7. was looking at the members gallery the other day and think it would be about 120k? maybe someone can say whether anything could have been messed up while the gearbox was off recently? hate to say it but its a shame the chains werent changed or looked at (if they werent) while that recent work was being done..
  8. Sorry, I somehow glossed over the bit where you said that you'd only seen it the night before. I had kind of thought that you'd carried on driving it for a few days afterwards, anyway.. :oops: Good that the burning smell went but if you need to drive it this week then try to bypass the matrix until you replace it so you can see that there is no coolant escaping anywhere else. Go original with the replacement matrix, its not a job you want to do too often :)
  9. dukest

    Lenso BBS Style

    corrected links that i realised werent .coms :)
  10. Vince, would this be the same on a vr6? Had steam/smoke come through the vents last night and had a search on here and found this thread. It stopped coming through but stunk of burning when I pulled over so have just left all vents off since. Sorry to hijack the original thread! yes, steam through the vents still means heater matrix on VR6 - it shouldnt smell of burning though and just turning off the vents is hardly solving a problem is it? has your car been using water? have you topped it up if so? ignoring something till it does you or something else damage is not normally a good plan.
  11. i've put it on the VR6OC as, even though i appreciate that extra forums make a group buy more difficult, i dont get the feeling there will be 4 definites appearing in the time left before the deadline (which must be soon). Those guys are the next most likely candidates I would have thought.
  12. unless you really want 9s, and with 17s i'm not sure you really do, then I would say you want in on the Compomotive group buy, they will give you good brake clearance with a look of quality if you dont want 17s then why not go for 16x8 compomotives which will still take 330mm brakes (i've put a photo of those in the group buy thread too). the trouble is that they will be expensive compared to the introductory discount going on in the group buy. alternatively, Ben-B who is in on that group buy may be selling the 17x8 Oz Ultraleggera's that he has acquired on Billcor's car today, maybe worth asking him as they will be good for big brakes too.
  13. not sure i really want to speculate on potential bad news, especially as you've just had the gearbox off already.. hope its not too serious whatever it is, but yes, the things you've listed are the likely candidates..
  14. how much for the bits you ordered Jim?
  15. out in 3 hours is not bad imo, as long as you dont forget too many bits and have to go a few steps back to put them in then you should be good in no more than that time putting it back together. :salute:
  16. I'm not really getting what you're after to be honest? a) you say drifting is for fools, but you want more sideways action (which is the fundamental definition of drifting??) :confused4: but then also b) you say you want more sideways action - but the whole reason people AWD their front wheel drive cars is to dramatically improve grip, not to slide it around corners?? the effort you have to go to to slide an AWD round a corner on a road is so severe you're well past any limits or predictability - thats what the whole quattro system is put on audis for?? I'm not trying to speak for you but it sounds like to have the kind of experience you want on the road you want the chuckability of rear wheel drive rather than all 4 wheels driven??
  17. ah no Kip, glad it isn't anything serious but hope you get it all sorted soon :( Must have a proper look at your thread soon and see the pics of the newbie! How long before it's collecting trophies too? :D It seems my tyres are pretty good at throwing stuff out the way.... not so good if there's a shiny black VR in the firing line :shock: Convoys, don't you just love em tut tut :)
  18. edit: yup, overlap there :) have moved this to drivetrain as its mostly suspension/brakes and not a question about the site itself.. some parts are common to other cars yes (brakes in particular) but shocks and springs in standard form tend to be more specific to the car. are you looking to buy second hand, is that the reason for asking? obviously just buy the relevant bit for the corrado if you're buying new. as regarding your cutting out issue, you're better off starting a separate thread in "engine bay" as people will look at the title of a thread when deciding whether to read a topic and if they'll be able to answer it. obviously that would be after you've had a look to see if you cant find the subject having been discussed by anyone else in the past by using the search function. :salute: good luck with fixing the bits that are causing trouble though.
  19. dukest

    who has A/C

    from what everyone says its a complete bitch to install, and from when I had a C with it fitted the controls went in the bottom space where the foglight switches are, but if you already have heated seat controls there I've also seen them bodged into the bottom of the 3 dial heater panel too, but it looked ugly.. :) would love to have it again though!
  20. dukest

    Lenso BBS Style

    yep, as mentioned, those tyres are no good..! http://www.blackcircles.com http://www.mytyres.co.uk http://www.camskill.co.uk
  21. or alternatively try someone else's if you know anyone nearby? VW may not have them in stock to compare to.
  22. dukest

    Lenso BBS Style

    i dont see any reason you need to go back to 15s if you've got such a nice set of wheels. you just need the some new tyres. this is the picture of Abdul's he mentions, i think that looks pretty good to me. 195/45 as shown there would be a good fit, if not 205/45 as they're a bit easier to get hold of. i dont think you'd have any need to go to 40 profile.
  23. this. you clearly dont want rubbish as your permanent solution and yet you need to be on the road pretty much now. I would buy whatever you can get quickest and cheapest (new or 2nd hand) and then flog it on ebay whenever you're done with it in hopefully still very good condition (if it was new). even a wanted ad for some standard stuff that someones taken off before an upgrade would be worth a try. you dont care what its going to ride like for the sake of a couple of weeks.
  24. could it not be the loom going? i had a good couple of months of the car choosing not to give me either dipped or full beam before i managed to get it changed - the connectors/relays werent well wrapped and had just given up from what i could see..
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