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Everything posted by dukest

  1. where have you been going?! I've done the same but that includes about 4/5 long trips to the north east and 4 more to dorset?! :)
  2. people say you can do it without the dash but i wouldnt bother - its fiddly enough already without trying that, especially if you havent done it before. i think they're about £80-100 from VW but cant remember exactly. if your heater controls are dodgy then its a good time to replace cables etc but i guess that depends if you can get parts in time. or, as its summer, you could just bypass your matrix for a while if you're not up for a big job right now! just dont forget before it gets too cold :)
  3. exactly that I'm afraid. you've basically increased the pressure in the system now and the matrix is the weakest point and failing. its worth doing though, with everything you've done so far it will be really satisfying to have a car that never uses water. also, you wont lose your coolant doing the matrix as the pipes through the dash are so high up, you'll just need a little top up afterwards if you're careful. its a long job but not "that" difficult that anyone should worry about taking it on. :salute:
  4. dukest

    Lenso BBS Style

    who mentioned 215s? :shrug:
  5. Must be pretty bad then! How's it feel? My steering wheel jumps up and down over bumps! well its always had a bit of movement up and down, and you'd notice it when you put your weight on it to get out of the car for example. but i wouldnt say it moves badly over bumps like you're saying yours is! i also didnt realise it was an MOT issue either though. :( the tester took the cowling off and tried to tighten up the relevant nuts etc but it will be something i worry about next year if i havent done something with it by then..
  6. hmm, mine almost just failed its MOT because of the column, will have to see what ways around it there are.
  7. dukest

    Lenso BBS Style

    yeah you said all those details in your first post.. what i said above is that now we need to know how wide they are. ET28 doesnt tell us anything without knowing what width it applies to. basically they will fit with 205/45 as long as they're not more than about 7-7.5in wide. if they're 8 or 9 then you'll need arch work
  8. dukest

    Lenso BBS Style

    you haven't said what width the wheels are which will affect things if they are too big, but as said before, you have to change the tyres to the correct size. sorry if i didnt make that sound compulsory before but i assumed you knew you cant just run tyres that are the wrong size. in that size the overall diameter of the wheel & tyre is 2inches too large which obviously doesnt work.. use this to understand how these things work - http://www.miata.net/garage/tirecalcold.html
  9. dukest


    i've wanted one of those for years!!! with voice recognition so you could just rant for miles at the person behind you! :clap:
  10. another vote for recaros for comfort, they are really nice to sit back in - had the option to put them in my car but just couldn't quite bring myself to let go of the leather though, hot summer horribleness notwithstanding :) not been in leather recaros, but then i think there are two different questions - leather vs cloth and normal vs recaro. it really depends what you want from the experience: looks (leather), comfort (recaros), support (standards), temperature comfort (cloth).
  11. WHAT :shock: .......... :cuckoo: ....... :( did you expect anything different?! :D if i could justify a new wheel this is what i'd get: http://www.momousa.com/products/product ... eel-2.html Montecarlo.jpg[/attachment:rteqxnpq] i really hate the lumpy bits on the inside edge of lots of aftermarket wheels and all the shiny metal - to me this is better value than an an OE replacement (obviously) and a simple understated design that doesnt try to show off too much. when i last looked i'm not sure they actually sold them here though anyway - they're a US import job i think - just as well as it will put you all off buying one before me :)
  12. yes, thats basically what i was getting at :)
  13. how come you're considering them? is it because they are cheap? that could be your answer.. edit: just realised it was you that asked about minimum price to pay for coilovers on the previous page - thought i'd given a hint there ;)
  14. you dont need the rubber straight away do you Kev? just wait till what you've got wears out and then swap wheels then? or would you not be able to wait to put them on?! :)
  15. dukest


    I was going to post something up saying I never seem to see the tailgating-by-fast-cars issues that some of you obviously experience! But that does qualify things a bit - it seems that 99% of porsches or other exotica you ever see on the roads are very obediently observing the speed limit and not antagonising anyone. I do wonder when they get to enjoy their cars to be honest! I guess most of the time I'm wanting to make progress enough for it not to be an issue or, instead, maybe that I'm either stuck in London, or on very open motorways where perhaps people dont do it so much as there is more space? :shrug:
  16. yeah, i'm beginning to decide that i want webber to win this year. of all of them this might be his last chance..
  17. actually, as you already have a thread going, please could you keep to that one and i'll lock this. thanks
  18. Moved to interior forum so you get responses around whether the work is necessary but i assume that it is, as how else would you get to what you're working on? Not worth putting into Suppliers Forum as the answer as to where to get things like that from is obviously the dealers.
  19. i would think so, all maintenance items at the end of the day..
  20. This is basically a summary of recent discussion: Goodyear F1s - not nearly what they were Yokohama paradas - generally thought to be dangerous in the wet Khumo 31s - very good for the price Rainsports/pirelli p-zeros (not 6000s) - ok for midrange Conti/bridgestone/Michelin - all good but at top end of prices
  21. :lol: they look sh!t though, take it these are grey? if they are might go for grey? just because they look shit doesnt mean its not their grey!! :) no, i would say they are both silver - a dull silver as coullstar said.
  22. :) have to prove i'm of some use, at least to start with!
  23. viewtopic.php?f=23&t=73848&hilit=fixed+column think most parts are in this thread Jim
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