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Everything posted by quicky1980

  1. i have a clark joit splitter and hasnt failed me yet. Just want to check....does your ball joint have a bolt to retain the ball joint into the bearing housing...i know some models have them not sure if yours does.
  2. Cheers dgtvr6, it's actually me in my car driving past my friends in their car, I just edited it in photobucket with the neon option. I feel the cabrio discussion coming back again :) Didnt really like the look of the cabrio, quite liked the estate though...am I wierd? These concepts are quite well known, but I was actually wondering if they had less known ideas, such as was awd, indipendent rear suspension etc
  3. I know that putting a larger engine into the corrade was going to possibly increase my average fuel consuption but just wondered what others think and have found out. I'm not too bothered as the oomph from the bigger engine makes up for the poor mpg but I wasn't sure if my 25mpg (combined) was on the low side. I did have a fuel leak up until recently which I think I have resolved but havent since calculated the MPG. I would have hoped that the r32 runs more efficiently the the 2.9 :shrug: I was I just nieve? One thought comes to mind, if mine does have lower than average fuel consumption, maybe I have wired up the lambda's the wrong way around. Daily I do a 7mile trip to work on dual carriage ways, then same again back so might be on the cold run engine map. But I'm sure the VR was about 29mpg and that was a very tired engine. Used to average around 290-320 miles per tank, now Im lucky to hit 280 iirc. What are you guys getting with a similar engine swap?
  4. Man after my own heart, except I'm keeping the rado and just buying the Audi Avant as the work horse. Would be interesting to see if he finds some of the modifications we do a bit of an insult or whether he would have implemented them himself if they were still making these. I wonder what ideas that Karmann and VW wanted to include ...
  5. If you have a late spec speedo ie one with digital mileage, then I would say first check the speedo sensor on the gearbox, see if its there and plugged in first. If unsure, may be worth replacing it to check all is good. The speedo sensor feeds signal to the dash for most of the instruments but no idea how well the conversion has been done as I would say that oil temp should be wired into an oil temp sensor on the 20v engine. I converted my car to the r32 spec and Ive had to loose the MPG feature, not sure if the 20v is a similar problem? :shrug:
  6. Cheers Fulltimejunglist, I have been keeping an eye on ebay for any good ones. Not sure whether to go manual or auto, the car will be purely for getting to work and back. Ill have the corrado to have fun with. Right, the car is back on the road. New fuel filter fitted and all seems good. Next job, change the plugs, oil and oil filter. Magic!
  7. Got rid of mine ages ago and never had any issues with emissions. So its not really needed from and emissions or engine performance point of view.
  8. decided to fit the aeromotive regulator to replace the cheap nasty one I had on the car and while I was at it I tried to renew the fuel filter, unfortunatley things didnt go to plan. I was missing the fuel filter o-rings even though I asked for them when I bought the filter and during the strip of the filter/pump brackets ther corrosion was so severe it cause the plastic casing to get damaged while trying to undo some bolts. Its still usable but Im a bit of a perfectionist and dont really want to zip tie it all back together. So Ive just bought a better condition fuel pump assemble from badgerman and will fit this instead, just means that the corrado is off the road for a short while...again :( I still havent got my ar5e into gear for sorting the rh wheels but have decided to take the car off the road for a short while if I get the house we are looking to buy. Will be getting myself an audi a6 estate tdi if we get the house as its further from work and the roads arent corrado friendly. Anyone know of any good audi A6 estates going cheap?
  9. I used dubpower for the exhaust manifold and south west in car tech for the loom. Both guys are top notch and know there stuff. Tell them i pointed you their way and they'll look after you.
  10. yeah, room for a 12" and 9" iirc. dont forget that the r32 runs cooler than the 12v
  11. One 12" slimline fan seems fine on mine but again I prob don't drive it hard enough?
  12. Not sure if this has been attempted on here before but after going round a few shows I still havent been able to figure out who's who and what they are driving around in. So any chance of putting a picture of you with the car? Try and keep it updated so we know who/which to look out for Ill start..
  13. Thats interesting to know I did have a very tired VR6 for my comparison lol Slimline fan(s) are needed as previousely mentioned. I dont understand gear ratios enough to see what your trying to do, but standard 12v gearbox seems OK, wouldnt mind trying a diesel final gear but then again I pref a laid back drive and have power on tap. Maybe you want all out acceleration?? Cooler, I wanted to keep the standard r32 cooler. The front mount wasnt hard to modify, did some trial and error welding and finally go the clearance. Am planning to change the starter motor on my car so will take a picture of the bracket at some point to show you whats involved. The other thing for 6 speed r32 box, the driveshafts would have to be re-fabricated to match the different cv joints iirc I started a build guide on the wiki page. its no where close to being finished but may help you figure out the work involved? How much you hoping to do yourself with the mechanicals, electrical and welding?
  14. R32 engines can be found occasionally for under £1000 with most things still attatched. The costs involved can be when you have wiring looms modified and exhausts manifolds needed for it to fit right. Turbo, AWD 6speed haldex CAN be achieved, but it depends on how much money and time you want to put into it. R32 gearbox will not fit onto the corrado subframe without some mounts being modded. AWD conversion has been done a few time, look it up on here. A r32 swap if you did EVERYTHING yourself could come in at under £1300 but more realisticly it will be between £2-£3k depending on where you get parts and work done. I think Ive heard "specialists" charge well over £4-£5k!! The r32 engine is great, but a well built 12V engine is not far off at being as good.
  15. Was a little bored so I updated my Avatar to..
  16. What a day, what a show... http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r180 ... rs%202010/ Unfortunately, it made my car look shit...so will have to sort it out for next year :lol:
  17. Yes, am living in Peterborough at the moment. Off to VW Players this weekend if you fancy joining us?
  18. Hi. Noticed you live close to peterborough and wanted to say hi
  19. I think VW players is a go if the weather turns out nice. Donjon, pm me you mobile details. I hear we are leaving around 8am ish
  20. a local hydraulic supplier/specialist may be able to help
  21. OK then, Ill figure out if Im going. Once im firmed then Ill pm you so we can sort out times etc. Chris (white corrado) is also going but not in his unfortunately, but in a slammed vw i hear. :clap: will try and cruise down with them
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