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Everything posted by Henny

  1. :lol: :oops: I was using that code (along with a few choice words and gestures) to the muppets on the M6 yesterday who were refusing to use the inside and middle lanes even though they were empty... :mad: :roll: Ended up sitting in the inside lane myself at 80ish for a couple of miles as they sat in the outside lane at 60! :lol: :roll:
  2. Red Corrado A19DUB over Yorkshire way... My Parents spotted you last week and phoned me to let me know! :roll: :lol:
  3. ..and generate no heat too! ;) 8)
  4. Off topic I know, but, were you having as much problems getting grip as I was Phat? Just kept spinning it in 1st and 2nd... :|
  5. PhatVR6, I managed to completely miss you all day... :| I saw you briefly, but by the time I was gonna come over and say hi, you'd disappeared back into the crowd... :( Wanted to come and have a good look over your motor.... ;) 8)
  6. Jammy, jammy, jammy, jammy, jammy, jammy, jammy, jammy, GIT... :|
  7. yeah, it's a common mis-conception that you can't dim the brightness of an LED.... you can in exactly the same was as you'd dim a lightbulb... 8)
  8. Henny

    o2 sensor

    yup, with you there Kongo, could well be the ignition switch, or could also be the earth strap to the gearbox or live cable to the starter which you'd have disturbed removing the battery...
  9. Oil Pressure... can't remember which one though as I haven't got any details like that at work... although I'm pretty sure it's the higher value one...
  10. Check the multi-plug on the back of the clocks is fully in, it's possible that it's just a cruddy contact causing the problem... :roll:
  11. I toyed with that idea when I did mine, but wasn't sure if it'd look good or not... You've proved that it DOES look very cool... 8) Nice one! :D
  12. Oooooh... nice... 8) Spill the details then! :D :wink:
  13. and more.... (non corrado ones will be on Dubforce.net shortly)
  14. Ooh, I like that first one... you've managed to miss all the rust spots on the slam panel too! 8) :lol: Rest of 'em are nice too.... 8)
  15. Henny

    water leaks vr6

    temp sensor for the Aircon... Black one is the temp sender for the gauge on the dash, blue one is for the ECU... 8)
  16. those have cheered me up now... there's some serious motors that are slower than mine (15.345) in that list... 8)
  17. Henny

    water leaks vr6

    one's for the air-con... can't help you on location on a VR 'cos I've never done one on a VR before.... :? On a G60 it's on the inside left right edge of the radiator (as you look at the car from the front) about half way down the rad... It's a BIG brass nut looking thing with a 3 pin multiplug attached to it....
  18. Henny

    Part Nos.

    are you going to the York meeting next sunday? I'll bring it along then... 8)
  19. 8) Happy for ya mate... :) Had it just come off the spindle?
  20. Henny

    cooling fan

    Please keep this to the thread you've already started... I'll lock this as it's identical to the other one... :roll:
  21. Henny

    water leaks vr6

    change the thermo switch in the radiator...
  22. me three... having actually been out in the little monster too, it's a bit of an eye opener! :D 8)
  23. Henny

    o2 sensor

    your car would still start even if you had no lambda sensor attached at all... it'd run like a sack of cack, but it'd run... :? Check the wiring to the battery, sounds more like you've knocked a wire off or loose when removing the battery... :| What exactly does the engine do as it fails to start? will it turn over? fire up and then die? etc etc etc.... ?
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