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Everything posted by G60Jet

  1. If you are going to fit the Golf/Rallye G60 outlet as John said above you can still use the bolt from the silancer box and just renew the Gasket part number 030 145 119 which is common to parts!
  2. G60Jet

    G60 Manifold

    Its worth mentioning that the G60 is different on LHD and RHD. I'm 70% sure the supersprint dont even do a RHD manifold that fits correctly.
  3. I've got one and it sits at the same hight, but the lever is shorter!!
  4. Part Number 191 145 755 is the Golf Rallye Outlet (nothing to do with Aircon CORRADO's) (I've got Aircon) and i also run the BBM Outlet, which is very good quality, but over priced, and also expensive to get from bbm as they rip you off on the postage
  5. thats what the filter is for, and did you relise just how much metal comes off the fuel nozzle every time u put that in, My old fiesta tank was full of rubbish.
  6. if your replacing the pump change the filter too!!
  7. Im interested but can commit till end september due to the cost!! :-(
  8. Seeing as im not having a bass bin for sub or anything like that i dont think its gonna be a problem to cut round it. Once its all polished it will look mint.
  9. G60Jet

    Handbrake Gaiter

    mine sits in there fine, and dont pop out at all.
  10. im not installing a Sub, with the speakers i want i dont really need one!!
  11. I've got to add a false floor, panel the sides for the amp and CD changer + new lighting concept. And take into account this little strut brace.
  12. Well from the day i got may corrado i have been saying i'll panel the boot off and do a quality install. so i have been getting Ideas. I just thought i'd share a few pics with you of what im talking about.
  13. insurance standard part are rubbish insist on having the work done at a main dealer or specialist, they cannot say where the work is carried out. that is up to you.
  14. G60Jet

    Car Bra?!?!

    I spoke to the guy that is selling those bra's and he also sell the good quality LHD Corrado mats so if you end up ordering one off him, i may pitch in for the postage and get a set of mats too
  15. just one question how does this effect ABS anyone know?
  16. interesting seller handle that one :LOL:
  17. 165MPH in a Corrado so what gear box are you running then ?
  18. I bet that is one loud Blip to :LOL:
  19. Like I have said before, its not the golfs you should be proud to beat, its the lighter Seat Ibizas that have the same engine range in. I went head to head with one a few months back in my G60, im guessing it was one of the more powerful models and i losts him, but it wasn't as easy as i thought. Mind you i wasn't using the box, i was just in 5th, and cornering at hight speed. so if he was dropping gears then that would explain why he was quicker than i expected.
  20. Well the car made it fine good old C!!! had to dash though, my boss left me with 20mins to get to the airport and meet my parents, not easy at 60km away. Anyway took the toll road in the heat of the day at 34 degree C (on the move) Oil temp was getting hotter at i was on boost for most of the trip,(speeding up and slowing down in traffic), water temp was getting near the 110 mark so i opened the windows and opened the heater up full(Closing the center vents though as that would of cooked me) just out of interest to see how much the oil and water temp would drop. To my supprise the water temp when down to just above 70 and then the oil temp when way down to 108, i was well pleased. Cheap oil cooler!! LOL and at that speed the hot air from the dash vent wasn't getting me!!
  21. okay Take off the plate and you will find the surround is held in buy two screws, the plate itself screws into two platic clip things that move to allow you to get the holes in the corect place and get the plate centered, you then tighten the plate screws and it tightens so it wont move. I would also recommend using some thin foam or draft excluder on the back ot the plate to keep it from scratching the surround. It also stops the plate danging when you shut the boot!!
  22. Well my parents arrive in sunny spain today and i'm meeting them at the airport, Now everytime they come over something goes wrong with my C Last year my clutch broke, and it did break in 3 bits. (competition clutch only last 20,000miles). So what will it be today?? place your bets!!
  23. karmannG60, Did you get that pod sorted?
  24. The 3rd point imobiliser is a wirless one that does infact cut the fuel pump.!!
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