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Everything posted by G-Lad

  1. Cheers folks - order placed with Opie, along with a bunch of other fluids and an oil filter, ready for the annual service! ...not sure why Redline MT90 didn't get suggested on their search-by-car-type product finder widget, but hey! Ta :)
  2. MT90, that sounds familiar - thanks, I shall do some more reading! Cheers
  3. Opie Oils product chooser reckons that I should go for, either: Motul GEAR MB 80W Gearbox lubricant Extreme Pressure Millers Oils EP 75w-80 GL5 high quality gear oil Castrol Manual EP80w gear oil all about £35 for 5litres, inc club discount. http://www.opieoils.co.uk/product-finder/car/engine-oil/volkswagen/1993/corrado/PETROL/corrado/38029/product-finder-2.aspx What's best for improving the gear change in a standard car? How much do I need for a VR6 gearbox? I know to make sure I can get the fill plug out before emptying from the drain plug :D Cheers
  4. Sorry if this stating the obvious but are there any friendly club or forum members near you with a corner of a barn going begging? Check the google map of forum members... I managed to convince a neighbour to keep my 16v golf in their car port for 9 months, just by being polite but forward. If you can tuck it away in the dry and under a bed sheet for a year, you will be pleased you did. don't, whatever you do, use a car cover, no matter how breathable they claim to be. They will hold moisture enough to rot the car. If you can go undercover, use bed sheets to save the paint only. Cardboard or carpet at most, to keep cats off. chock the wheels and keep the handbrake off. Buy a conditioning battery charger like the ones by Ring, intended for bikes. good luck :)
  5. Yes, any Mk2 tailgate will be fine. The late (H/90 onwards) ones have a colour coded handle and lock surround on atleast the higher spec models if not all. You will need the GTi glass and spoiler (bolts through the glass) plus a set of the rear window vinyl from these guys: http://www.volkswagenstickers.co.uk/index2.php?cmd=search&cat=8 It is really easy to pull the wiper spindle apart, lube it up and stop it sticking, plus look out for a good central locking unit in the tailgate. Hopefully you can source a good tailgate with the correct soundproofing and plenty of wax, if you hunt and focus on the low spec models cherished by grandads etc. Edit: ..oops, replied to a bit of an old post there!! :D
  6. G-Lad


    I'd love to see a Venn diagram showing members / participants of both Vs activities Vs strengths. I don't know any of the history so my apologies if I'm treading on any toes in saying this (or indeed going over old ground), but: it would seem a huge mutual benefit if only the CCGB had a members-only part of the the-corrado.net Forum, to allow easy entry to exclusive CCGB content / activities / events diaries. People could then either "pay in and get extras for being a card carrying member" or if people prefer they could just live a free / donations-only / casual 21st century online existence and skip the mag, the insurance benefits, the dealer / motor factors discounts, and the national club-stand status bits, if they wish, while still getting the knowledge transfer and contact with, let's face it, the majority of the same people and more. I would like to think there would be a good conversation rate, if people could easily upgrade or downgrade at will, on an annual-subs basis. I concede that there is a risk of the CCGB losing people if they think they can save a few quid and just be a free-forum member. I guess there is the risk of "exclusive" club events being gazumped by keen but not official club members organising their own things, but with the CCGB struggling to get new blood willing to stand for official posts on the committee, perhaps this would at least help to revive the regional hosts as a concept. I hold my hands up as being a lapsed CCGB member this year, having not had the C on the road while I'm selling my Golf and busy with work, but for the sake of a few quid a year I happily maintain membership of the official owners club - perhaps I'm a dying breed of 20th century people!
  7. Thanks folks, I will try a little WD40 and see how it goes. I must admit I was jumping to conclusions about not putting lube near the spark plug, but if you think it's fairly risk free I will happily give it a try Cheers :)
  8. Howdy folks, long time no speak! After feeling the old girl was running a bit rough I splashed out a new dizzy cap and rotor. On starting the engine, I noticed a spark from the top of the plug end of one HT lead, arcing across to the inlet manifold. two of the HT leads appear to be split so I need to get a new / second hand set, but can I get the number 2 lead out? No! the plastic lead-pullers are not up tp the job and just twist off. Im nervous of ripping the top of the lead off with pliers and leaving the long rubber section stuck deep in the KR head. any advice? obviously lubricants are a no no. It does appear to twist a little... Thanks all Chris
  9. I often see a blue VR6 go by my office near Nottingham Castle at about 08:55 in the morning, registration L*** PVW. Is it anyone on here? It's a quiet and slow road so I usually don't hear it coming, and as a result I haven't had a chance to flag the driver down and badger them ;)
  10. Thumbs up for a friendly show! It was good to chat with a few of you there and thanks for the various tips I received :) Perhaps I will risk signing up for the club stand next time.
  11. Can anyone quote the dimensions of the front dash tweeters please? My car is at the body shop so I can't easily go and measure them. A photo would be top banana but not essential. ...I need to buy a pair of good new tweeters tomorrow AM to fit over the weekend, ideally before the new windscreen goes in on Monday morning. Cheers Chris
  12. The nice chaps at my local autoglass have suggested I do something about my rusty edges before they stick my nice new Saint Gobain windscreen in place, so they've left it as is until I can get the rust sorted. Are there any jobs people suggest I look into before the work is finished? I'm going to fit some pucker speakers up in the dash, that's for sure!! ...It just remains to be seen how long before they get tired of looking at it, before I can find a trustworthy body shop to do the grinding and sandblasting, and then a careful blow-in up to the sunroof. I really really want to avoid a full roof respray :( Here's the damage: http://www.flickr.com/photos/infestchris/5503683467/in/set-72157626086148949/ All advice gratefully received! :bonk:
  13. A bit of a random mix of cars, but hey! Might be good, might be rubbish. I suspect there won't be many Corrados there, so it might be a novelty to rock up with a few others. I will probably be going along to this on 30th May. if nothing else it's near my home town and I'll get a home cooked meal from Mum if I hang around the area afterwards :thumbleft: With any luck my rusty windscreen aperture will be sorted and I won't have the wind rushing through my ears. If not I'll be taking the Mk2! :bonk: Anyways, here's the info: Event Description: Two shows in one with the best of British and German engineering with Mini's from 1959 to date and VWs from the oldest Beetle through to the newest Golf. All complete with an arena, commentator, trade stands and autojumble. Event Timings: 10am - 5.00pm Entrance Price: Normal Park admission - £8.00 / Family £28.00 - 10% discount if booked online. http://www.knebworthhouse.com/events/Mini%20and%20VW%20Car%20Show.html
  14. Welcome! Perhaps we'll meet up at some East Midlands convoys to meets etc :) Enjoy the new toy - you won't be short of a good chin wag with lots of interested people now. Current and former owners always have stories to swap about the highs and lows, and you'll get plenty of "chufties" from joe public too. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?12765-Chufties Chris
  15. Mk3 Golf 5stud rear disks are what you need
  16. I might come along to this, but it's on my birthday so I might be too hungover!!!
  17. I've put this event in my diary! I couldn't possibly show my tatty old car on the stand but I'll certainly pop by and say hello :)
  18. I'll re-send you my spare set in the next few days mate. The royal mail wont give me a refund but that's no need to leave you out of pocket same goes for G-Lad Thanks Alex, that's good of you. Let me check the PO Box again before you go sending me a replacement or refunding. As someone else mentioned, I've lived with rattly windows for a while so can wait a few weeks in hope of Royal Mail getting through a backlog. I'll keep you updated on whether they turn up. ...thanks for organising this group buy - your efforts are an asset to the scene, despite a few going astray through no fault of your own! :salute:
  19. I spotted this while on the old knowledge base earlier :) http://wiki.the-corrado.net/g60_tuning_guide.html
  20. They should have got to you by now mate... PM me your address and ill check i sent them to the right place[/quote:1h9xs4c6] PM sent. Thanks for investigating C
  21. Mine still haven't arrived yet. I'm not stressed yet, but will keep you posted! :)
  22. is it risky to shove a bicycle brake cable down my sun roof drains to check they are cleared, without dropping the roof / head lining out? Im getting the misty windows issue and plan to go through a load of the basic checks and try to dry her out on a wee drive. First up id better get out of bed and see how damp the carpets are and where!
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