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Everything posted by Dox

  1. https://www.facebook.com/MBTRIM/
  2. The crank sensor is on the front of the engine, check its multi plug for water ingress. If this were mine I'd run the engine at idle with the bonnet open for an hour or so to try and purge any moisture from the multi plugs (you could even unplug them all once hot with the bonnet down for a while to help keep Retain the heat), before re seating the plugs and a test drive.
  3. People have fitted a Golf V5 starter and say they crank faster for better starting, V5 stuff is usually bargain basement as no one wants them.
  4. Consider windows carefully, natural is much better than artificial light. I bought new miss-measured windows off ebay, 2 1200 X 1200 (£60 complete with glass) and a pair of French doors on one side (£250 with glass) and a large Georgian style for the rear (£55). The other side has 2 small window (£10 the pair) as it against a fence, towards the double doors giving me room for 2 full height cupboards near the benches. I also have a porthole in the gable for the loft (£80). All lintels are also ebay and it saved me around a grand off the build price. Its all done for a purpose, but the Mrs likes it because it doesn't look like a garage....
  5. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?98621-Windscreen-wiper-motors
  6. I doubt its normal. Its probably a missing washer / spacer, but in practise it wont have much effect on the way it works. I think fuzzer had a sale thread with several of these going cheap a few months ago
  7. The hoses don't look squashed, the delaminate inside and tear then act like a one way valve (this can happen on brake hoses). Disconnect the column from the rack, it should turn freely - a seized column would explain why the pump never sounds under pressure on full lock?
  8. Are all pulleys OE? Do you have a hose collapsing internally (can you feed stiff fencing type wire through in both directions? Is the column seized?
  9. Dox

    MK4/Polo Shifter

    Trade Parts Supplies is VWs own all brand parts supply chain
  10. The owner has a G60, so check carefully the front will fit your VR, rears are the same, as are MK2 / MK3
  11. Dox

    OBD1 Schrick mani

    Or a cheap return flight?
  12. Some Powerflow paces will weld you a new flexi joint in if the rest of the downpipe is still OK?
  13. They look like Koni top adjustable dampers (re-buildable if so) and black Eiback springs
  14. Not mine http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Schrick-VR6-OBD1-Inlet-Manifold-Complete-Golf-Mk3-Corrado-VR6-Rare-/302442992289?hash=item466b01d2a1:g:h9cAAOSwxw1ZsEk~
  15. I've got 2 garages, one is a drive through, 21 feet by 9 feet internally, its just feasible to remove wheels both sides to work on the brakes, its a maul to refit the wheels as you're body is too close to the wheel, back to the wall to see what you're doing. Garage 2 is 11 feet wide, 30 feet long and is comfortable to work with just one car inside, it has benches on 3 sides at the end and will hold both Corrados at a push, but there's no way of getting around them and the double doors are difficult to close from the inside its so tight (there's no external locks on the double doors.
  16. Medium sized cars are around 6 feet six inches between mirrors (the widest point).
  17. 16 feet wide in old money internally. What are your intentions? What length? (you'll need benches, tool cabs, storage etc). A single door or two doubles?
  18. When its dark outside run the engine with the bonnet open and mist water around the plug leads / dizzy cap with a hand spray bottle and watch for sparks migrating between leads.
  19. Who rebuilt the rack?
  20. Have you tried revving the engine to 4000RPM and seeing if there's more assistance then?
  21. Just change it, brake fluid is cheap enough and fresh fluid will help stop the ABS pump from gumming up.
  22. I'd try a known good used pump next. You can use old magazines with shiny paper as skid plates under the tyres to lighten the load at the steering wheel whilst doing the lock to lock bleeding, but they don't last very long.
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