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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. :lol:[/quote:uv7wgapc] Lol, well when mine failed when I took it in a couple of weeks before it was due (last yr), I carried on driving it. It failed on my German plates (lol), a balljoint was fubar, and an exhaust bracket needed a tad of welding to it. I used it as my daily and did the work on a wknd, then took him back in and got it passed! I suppose if the police were to pull u over u still have a valid MOT certificate, but as it's all digital they might know that it's been for a test and failed, I dunno :shrug: My excuse would be "Hey, I paid for the MOT to last a yr, so why does this mean it only lasts 11months and 14days?!". Or something to that effect. Or maybe run.
  2. Well this is probably a bit late now seeing as 'yesterday' is now! lol. When issued an MOT, it lasts for a year. You can (and is advised, by myself from previous experience lol) take the car to an MOT station upto a month before the MOT due date to get it tested (helps if the car is your daily, and can't be without it for too long - means you have time to source parts/help to do work/garages etc). If the car fails though, and you have (for the sake of argument) 2 weeks left until the ORIGINAL date, you can still use the car up til that date, as you still have a valid certificate, I think. I think if the garage found the car was a death-trap, then maybe things change I don't know! :lol: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/Mot/DG_4022112
  3. Plenty about friend, have a look through the 'Members Gallery' and u'll soon come across some!
  4. That last pic mate, looks like ur mates Golf is a bit wobbly!!
  5. Cheers chaps! :salute: Wanted to be sure before I un-neccesarily started ripping bits of carpet up
  6. Ta mate, from underneath the car or through the engine bay?
  7. Hi all, Im about to install my amp in the boot, but was hoping someone could get me a pic of where they have pushed their power cable in from the battery through the bulkhead please! Mine's a '94 VR6 TIA :D
  8. Hey mate your not the first one to do this, Tbh I really dont know how to clean it off but from now on the stickers wont be near the ink of the letter. If you want some more you can have some, just let me know I wonder if that's what happened to mine? But the line on mine was blue I think...
  9. Hi mate, I'll PM u my number now so u can do that ok?
  10. Not being funny but if someone was robbing my house, and I caught them unawares with a baseball bat in my hand, it would take A LOT of will power not to smash their heads in. Obviously this is wrong, but Im not sure id be able to deal with "just let them get on with it, cheeky blighters"
  11. Wow 18's! Have the arches been rolled? Coz it looks pretty low too! Seen this on the forum recently, the center of the rims have been colour-coded? Looks nice and clean tho mate, good work and good luck! How did u enjoy the drive back? :nuts:
  12. Or if they leave their pre-determined perimeter their head blows off like a well known Swarchenegger film..!
  13. totally agree with that, i was smacked as a kid HARD haha and i respected my dad for it and still do, but theres got to be some sort of control on it kids shouldnt be beat for the hell of it tho, but they do need to learn respect Absolutely. I was smacked if I did wrong as a kid, and am a better person for it. Being only 24 Im of a younger generation than some, and reflecting on how utterly disrespectful A LOT of kids are these days is unreal. I look at them and say to myself "I wouldn't have damn well dared to do that at their age"!!!
  14. I think the fact you're even considering this makes u an honest seller, and as Jim says, if you can at least break-even after repairing and selling then spot on, do it! If not, Im sure ur in the right place to be selling a Storm with a few minor bumps! When I sold my mk3 I had a bad dent in the N/S/F wing, felt really bad selling it as it was but made sure I was completely honest about it so the buyer knew exactly what was wrong with it.
  15. V-Dubstar

    Bonnet Bra?

    Whereabouts in Bath are u havin' it done bud? Jeez Andy that sounds like some massive effort there!! :nuts: Sod that for a laugh, Im bad enough gettin' mine washed
  16. V-Dubstar

    Bonnet Bra?

    If u've got a nice fresh bonnet u wanna keep stone chip free and like the look of it, then yeh! I haven't had one, but personally do quite like the look of them also. However I think I prefer my bonnet (and women) bra-less!
  17. I don't let mine go right down to the bottom, but close, and he takes a good £65-£70 normally! Good luck! Was hoping to go to Germany with mine this yr, really wanna go to Oktoberfest!
  18. Found this offer on ebay mate if it's any use to you: Ebay For that price and free sidelights u can't really go wrong
  19. Looks like the flux capacitor to me buddy... Depends on whether or not ur bro needs to timetravel at the moment... :lol:
  20. V-Dubstar

    Whats this??

    535858715 comes up as a very detailed 'Mounting' on my ETKA. But I don't know how to find out where it came from, sorry!
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