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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. Clumpy , thanks mate , yeah i have some tar remover , Loepan , i have a huge box full of cleaning products that is starting to overflow lol, bought some more large microfibres the other day as they are great for drying the car .
  2. Thanks loepan , yeah the bottom sections will defiantly need a clay bar as it's got a lot of road tar and bits on it . Rob
  3. Thanks for the info everyone , Sean I'm a plasterer by trade , so plenty of upper body strength , I know I will still feel it by the time I'm done though !
  4. Thanks Sean , right in a nut shell , I have a white t4 which needs a good going over , because it's a little dull , as I've said from what I've used it looks nice but could be better . The golf is black and has light scratches and swirls , there are a few deeper scratches , but I'm not expecting miracles . So I'm thinking the yellow one with a good wax on top would be the best to use ? Rob
  5. Hi Sean , I was looking at the silver line polisher on ebay earlier on . When you say yellow and blue products , do you use one first , then use the other , then wax and your done ? Rob
  6. Thanks for the replies , i will be looking into the products mentioned so far . I forgot to mention i use the maguires detailing spray after washing as well . Rob
  7. With so many products on the market im a bit overwhelmed . This is not for my corrado by the way . Ive spent alot of time and effort on the corrado and its very near how i want it to be .I want to spend some time on my t4 and the mrs mk5 golf . Ive had a go at a couple of panels on both using autoglym products , first using the paint renovator , then polish and finaly the high definition wax .Both panels came up very well but i know i can get both vehicles looking better if i use a machine polisher . Im looking into using 'g' products such g3 etc , are these easy to use ?. What products do you use ?, i know it takes hard work , im not under the illusion that i can sort one vehicle in two hours , but i dont want to spend forever doing it if that makes sense . Any help and info appreciated . Many thanks . Rob
  8. Just rang Tps and Vw these went obsolete in feb last year . Mabey heritage have some ? .Rob
  9. I only need one rubber grommet , yes I will take it if Martin does not want it Thanks Rob
  10. If Martin does not take them , I will have them please . Rob
  11. And they call it entertainment ! .
  12. I think it's just the oil reaching the cam mate , hydraulic tappets . Mines only done 50 k , but sometimes sounds tappety when you start it , the same as yours , but then is very quiet . Other times I can start it and it's quiet from start up . Rob
  13. Welcome along to the forum , plenty of help and advice on here . Pics up of the car please .
  14. Well done Rog , does the ticking not go away when warm ? Rob
  15. Reminds me of my troubles , some of these companys are a real nightmare . They fitted some sort of standard flexy rubbers to mine the first time round ,you could peal it away from the screen with no effort at all , it was just flapping around and leaked like a sieve !.The fitter said thats what i was given to work with !I rang them and asked what the hell they thought they were doing . I explained that the proper seals needed fitting not something they thought would be ok . They came out a second time , when i was with the car . The bloke said i think ive been given the wrong rubbers !.I had to get back on the blower again and tell them what parts were needed .The third time they came out , the bloke was old school and had fitted corrado screens before , he did say they were not the easiest to fit ,but i finaly got it fitted properly . If i had a screen crack on me again i would go for a private company and save myself the grief even though it might cost a bit more .
  16. Good luck with finding a corrado , shame the mk1 has to go though .
  17. As above Rog , mine runs for as long as it needs to .
  18. Great work being done there . I bet your well happy with that . Looking great and coming on nicely .
  19. Forgot about GSF , will proberbly be cheaper than Tps too .
  20. TPS mate , ask for the valeo one . Rob
  21. These look fine Jim . For such a small part any slight difference will hardly be noticable .
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