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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. Lol ! . I think you are going to cry when dust lands on this car , let alone rain and road grime . Great work .
  2. Its hard to tell from the pics . I would get some engine cleaner and give it a good scrub . Get the engine as clean as you can . When the tell tale leak returns you should be able to pin point it easier .
  3. Looking great , the interior looks mint .
  4. Nice one Sean , thank you . Delfinis. I can't take the credit for it . As said it was supposed to be a joint effort between me and my mechanic, work dictates though and I'm up to my neck in it . And as you say driveway mechanics in the cold or rain is not fun at all . It would have taken me way to long .
  5. It's too thin for support I think . Tbh if I had known it was no use , I would not have replaced it . But it's fitted now and not really a wallet buster.
  6. Thanks Sean . I need to look online now and find something decent to paint my shocks with . Any tips mate ? .
  7. Agreed on the point of the part Sean . Utterly pointless ! . I think I saw it and presumed it went on the exhaust side , which would make sense .
  8. Thanks chaps . Will get some up as soon as I can . I forgot to add , I will be cleaning the inside of the wheels while they are off , they are filthy to say the least .
  9. I got the car back this evening and I'm very happy. I will post some better pics , when I've painted the shocks . They really let the underside down . I think I will paint them black , they are yellow at present. So for now I will put up a list of what has been replaced so far . From the rear of the car . New heat shield inside the bumper . New bumper iron bolts . New MK4 calipers . Pads. Hubs refurbed. New bearings . New handbrake cables and clips . New break compensator. Changed the metal fuel filter housing to the plastic one . Exhaust knocking fixed . Rear beam powdercoated. New bolts for fixings . All under seal checked and coats applied where needed. New tank straps and bolts . I think that's it . Rob . Edit . New beam bushes and bolts .
  10. It's not me then Sean lol , I didn't know weather to say anything or not , my IQ, is not bad at all and common sense levels are pretty good. But sometimes you can't see the answer that is staring you in the face . Where did you see the part for £35.00 mate ?, it's £18.00 from Heritage.
  11. I've just got my car back from my friendly mechanic ( see my build thread) . I had a look round , in the dark , when I got home. I looked underneath, where the work was done and saw rivets on the lip of the bumper , my first thought was horror . What have you done I thought .I texted him to ask about it and he said , that's where I removed the old one from . I never noticed in nine years of owning this car , the rivets through the lip . I checked the part no on Heritage and it's right . I didn't look at the part properly when I got it , but when I looked under the car , it has a cut out for the tow hook . Still thinking, no it ain't right , I looked at pics online , sure enough , a car completely restored, showing the heat shield and rivets . But why is it on the drivers side ? There's no heat there. You would have thought it would have been behind the exhaust . Confused . Rob
  12. Amazing stuff . I do love a bit of engine cleanliness , lovely paint on the body work too .
  13. Not sure of the size , but available at Heritage .
  14. From memory I can't remember which one it is , but your better off replacing all three in the block anyway . If you don't won't to replace them all , check out the cooling guide , this tells you everything you need to know . The vagcom will read these, mine was reading 76d all the time .
  15. Just checked out the damp buster on eBay £7.50 . Bargain ! . I shall be purchasing one of these .
  16. From memory , I think the price was around £85.00 Sean .
  17. This was the problem I had Sean . FPR was changed and the sender to ECU .
  18. It maybe more return valve related . opologies if it was you who fitted a return on your pump Jim , I can't remember . However I don't think the fuel would leave the rail that quick (in and out of a shop) . Half an hour to an hour Maybe . If it was the pump or the valve I think you would have problems from cold too . I'm just trying to narrow it down , why would it start fine from cold and struggle from warm if both parts needed replacing ? . I think it would struggle all the time . This also would rule out the FPR, as you would have the same problem , hot or cold . Opologies again , but I'm sure that when I've followed your thread , I read that you had changed the senders ? .A sketchy sender to the ECU , will make problems when starting .
  19. Trying to find a glass mould maker is not easy either.
  20. What are peoples thoughts on plastic fogs ?. Would they be any good ?. New cars have them dont they ?. I did a bit of reading up and the article i read said , they were useless and even blocked the light and are not as good because of impurities.
  21. I bought both sets last year . Without looking at the receipts I'm not sure where the backs came from . It was either Hetitage or Veedubmachine. Since Heritage have none , I would ring dubmachine . Hope them have them for you chap .
  22. Well done mate , perseverance pays off . Probably a few de skinned knuckles too! .
  23. Thanks Sean . It's the best way for me . Spreading the cost . The rear is not to bad really. Expense wise I mean . Like you say with the rear you can buy bits and fit them as you go , fuel tank straps , bumper bolts etc .The pics are poor quality, if it stops raining when I get it back next week, I will get some better ones .
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