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Everything posted by vr6corrado

  1. Right then, so I need shocks, springs, bumpstops and strut top mountings. Thanks again dinkus and Tattie, I will take a look and definitely give them a soak the night before. Still deciding on suspension options especially because I'm not sure how long I plan to keep my C.
  2. Unfortunately I'm pretty useless with spanners and just don't have enough time :( I was thinking of getting it done at a garage in the recommended garages section and also a thread on it here regarding their suspension know-how: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?p=&t=5774 Ps: is that PlusGas stuff available from Halfords type places?
  3. I'm taking a look now, sounds like it's pretty good mod and I could always upgrade to HR springs later, approximately how much would fitting be at a decent garage?
  4. Right, now you have really got me thinking, lowering is very tempting. I was always going to keep the standard ride height even though it's a bit pants. How about this Koni kit? http://www.larkspeed.com/index.pl?c=KON ... 261727&a=i
  5. The main problem I have with lowering is the sheer number of speed humps round here. I think I'm going to look into it though. Thanks again dinkus,
  6. Hmm, good point but if I want it lower then I'm going to have to fit non-standard shocks? I'm thinking Koni/HR set up from the keyhaywire school of thought.
  7. dinkus, just seen your thread!!!! But what springs should I use considering the front end is still standard? Has yours sunk yet?
  8. Cheers guys, been told by the MOT tester the discs are ok, so just going to change the rear shocks and bumpstops. Should I change the springs too?
  9. Is it a good idea to change anything else whilst changing the rear shocks? I mean to save on labour later... I'm sure mine will fail the MOT too because of one of the rear shocks and bumpstops. Oh and I'm also going to change the rear discs.
  10. Hi, looks mint very similar to Nick Micouris' car which was on tv!
  11. Black J reg with tinted windows spotted this afternoon on Kingsway (A34) in Manchester.
  12. Scott if you're still looking I can't recommend the guys at MCA in Levenshulme (I think) highly enough. VSIB approved, good prices and top guys.
  13. Welcome mate. looking forward too seeing more pics :)
  14. Are top mounts 'bump stops'? Please excuse my ignorance...
  15. Cheers Tom amd Bally. Actually the camera does lie, I have a fair few inevitable stone chips on the front end and some little dints down the side from careless idiots in car parks.
  16. Wow looks great and bound to appreciate with that mileage.
  17. An aqua blue VR6 L532 *** in Stockport town centre about5.15pm today.
  18. I'm sure the RS6 driver probably wasn't trying too hard. I've been in an aston, vr6 is not even close. 400lb/ft of torque at 1500rpm.[/quote:ccb2e] In the Autocar test they quote the 30-70 in gear time and then state it's pretty much as quick as an M5 and an Aston but I forget which model.
  19. Looking cool mate, nice plate too. Bet it rubs though!
  20. Same place you had yours done - Dubsport - they were much friendlier this time and did a good job. Has your C been started regularly whilst you've been away? You should have left it with me :wink:
  21. That is a terrible shame. What a pointless stupid thing for some idiot to do. I can understand how you feel. I felt that someone had 'violated' my car when the grille badge was nicked.
  22. I don't see any for ages then loads come along at once! In addition to my earlier post I saw an L reg VR6 in a similar colour to mine if not the same on the A6 in Stockport about 6pm and got a thumbs up 8) (yes I drive on this road an awful lot) and a red K reg VR6 K2** EVU about 2 cars ahead of me on the M60 clockwise in crawling traffic near the Sale and Carrington junctions a little later.
  23. Nice one jimsG60, I think they suit the C very well. Hello paulstewart, good luck finding one.
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