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EJ Taylor

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Everything posted by EJ Taylor

  1. pretty sure my v2s came with a 3 year warranty?
  2. she used to baby sit me.... she touched me! she made me promise not to tell! i had to show the nice man from the council were abouts on the teddy bear she touched me!
  3. AGREED! love these kinda debates, have friends that argue over what football teams are better, and why. so why not do the same with cars? thats why the forums are here. so a mixture of people with a mixture of ideas and opinions can all talk in one place with different opinions but the same interests!
  4. i agree with all everyone is saying, accept this. Classic cars have always interested me more than anything, the thing is with a "classic" is it doesnt have to be anything special, it doesnt have to be a break through of engineering, neither does it need to be the revolution of a century, not even something that is rare, or even nice to look at at the end of the day all that makes a TRUE CLASSIC is its character, and thats it. the character of a car makes it, and thats what holds to peoples hearts and extends there love for the car for years to come, and i think the corrado has tones of character and thats what i think will keep it as an on going loved car, i mean look the a Morris Minor... that has nothing special about it AT ALL, yet holds in itself one of the largest individual model classic car ownership followings. thats what i think anyway! P.S NOT that im a fan of minors, Faking horrible piles of ****! HAHA
  5. Anyone going to this? Me and the guys @ Oxford Car Audio are literally taking the entire shop down with us, could maybe sort special CF discounts? let me know! also if you are going and there is any speakers/ subwoofers/ Amplifiers/ Fascias and so on.. that you are after, post it on this thread and ill make sure we have what your after on the day.
  6. VR6-DOHC engine cover, Drivers side fog light, and front bumper? price please posted to oxford? also were are you as collection may be possible? thanks :)
  7. why not sell the house, and family, live in a card board box and use the money on the corrado? problem/s solved!
  8. mine just tends to be nothing but insurance companies, the internet knows me tooo well! (no Armenian's)
  9. if im honest a variety of companies make speakers in the standard 5.25" size, that will be a direct replacement, i recommend you sell them and buy some in the correct size that require no modification, JL Audio do a 5.25" in alot of there series, as do Alpine, Phoenix Gold, Hertz, MTX, would definitely recommend (if you want REAL sound quality) you stay away from the likes of Vibe, Fly, Fusion, Mutant etc...... upto you though. EJ
  10. mate, i think everyone on this forums wishes they had the money to buy it.... you created one of the best specimens i have seen. and for under 3k aswell? madness boi! just hope she goes to a good home, it genuinly saddens me when i think it might end up in the hands of some fu- -cking halfords loving spas-tic, and end up having neons and racing stripes and lexus lights and rip speed aerials and wolfrace wheels and mirror tinted windows.................oh god it scares me that she may end up there!.. its worrying people like that actually do exist, if she ends up in a home like that i will personally find them and castrate them! meanwhile i will continue to try and sell my body on the streets untill i can raise 2895!
  11. could be worse man, could be breaking it for parts! if that happend i think alot of people would actually cry! i want this car so much!
  12. same boat as you baron, NEED this car, my proposal.... ill swap C5 for an organ of your choice? preferably nothing vital? could maybe do a kidney? limbs also available, would you consider an leg? maybe a Ear? possible to part with a testicle on request? let me know mate, sure body parts a worth summit on the black market!?
  13. very very true my friend!
  14. if i can get the cash together ill have the engine cover mate, just trying to sort funds as i got the mot and tax due end of month! ill let you know.
  15. beautiful colour! love this! would love to see it in the flesh, looks like a lovely example!
  16. ha sounds like me., love taking stuff to bits, not so great at putting it back together again! lol
  17. fitted a few of these in customers cars, and incorporated them into a few installs, nice head unit, easy to use and for the price a good sound quality output, few nice features on there as well, also the rear iPod cable is nice, as the majority of alpines new stock are now converting to front ipod inputs. personally prefer rear, looks tidier imo.
  18. Front Bumper, drivers side fog light! MINE PLEASE?!?!
  19. imo unless there the same black i wouldn't be too sure.... gold would look nice though mate :)
  20. i dont care i freeking love this guy! HAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Chuck approves anyway! P.s the font selected for quotations makes the R and N worryingly close... giving your statement even more impact at a glance!
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