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Everything posted by Dec

  1. Never know!.....they raised the motorway speed to 120kph (76mph) when converting to Kilometers in Ireland last year! :-P
  2. Don't think it's ever going to get off the ground tbh! I signed up about a year ago, and have heard nothing from them other than an email or two! Site just seems to constantly have excuses why the thing is getting delayed! :roll: :roll:
  3. hmmm...maybe we have found where Geo got his idea from! Should get him on here to explain himself! :lol: :-P
  4. Thats freaky!....Geo did the exact same thing to his scallyrally Jetta as a joke!
  5. :lol: ...that would be whatever you've been smoking! deffo drive on the right over there (at least I hope so! Otherwise I just spent 2 days driving around Geneva on the wrong side of the road last month) :-P
  6. yeah, I've been getting the same kind of thing! Cant belive anyone would actually fall for this rubbish! [sarcasm]This guy sounds really "Swiss" anyway.....nothing like those Nigerian scam artists you hear about! :roll: :-P
  7. :offtopic1: [OT]Do 2.0L 16v TB's have a throttle position sensor on them? [/OT]
  8. Try some Wynns 'hydraulic valve lifter treatment' in the oil a coupled of hundred miles before an oil change too...makes a huge difference in reducing tappety head noise! :wink:
  9. leccy window switches just pop out of the card. Just gently lever them with a flathead screwdriver from the top edge :wink:
  10. AVS do Jurid pads for £35 a set :wink: http://www.vwspares.co.uk/ibiza99_brakes.php
  11. Hey Andi! Saw the Audi a couple of times over the course of the 4 days!.....never got a chance to actually go over and say hello though! :oops: Car looked great though!.....pity you didn't take it back. We made it all the way to Madrid and back to London with nothing more than a broken window winder! 8) 8) rocco happily cruised at up to 100mph on the motorways with only one "warm" temperature incident coming up some failrly long hills in the Spanish sunshine! Great week anyways!....will deffo be back next year! Loads of pics etc of our mini 3 car convoy here scally pics clicky :wink:
  12. We'll be leaving for Calais late tonight at some stage...to make it there for around 8am! See you at the start! :D
  13. It's slow progress in fairness! :oops: The car is still sitting in the garage with the interior gone and the engine half stripped! I seem to be spending most of my time mirror polishing every engine component I remove from the old engine that is going to be fitted to the new one though! I've got a fair collection of parts witing to go on and be assembled, but its a case of trying to sorrce the correct bits and find enough spare cash to buy them!! and then try to get the time to do it! Recently picked up a 02j box with only 6k on it and a Sachs Vr6 clutch......So I'm on the look for a decent lightweight alloy flywheel...then I can assemble that and at least start thinking about physically getting the new engine into the car! Have a small mountain of random small new engine parts ready but a fair few still to go! 8)
  14. I covered the entire boot floor and rear wheel arches in proper dynamat style soundproffing. I still have a lot of other bits to do on the install....but this alone made a massive difference in terms of reducing road noise! Also have quite a few sqft of the soundproofing left if anyone is in need :wink:
  15. Dec

    Selling cars

    Yeah, Sorn would deffo be a major turnoff for someone as they cant legally just buy the car and drive away! If it has an MOT, maybe just offer that you can put 6 months tax on it in addition to the price?
  16. Dec


    Rubbish!! Vortex generators are in standard use in the aerospace industry. Very basically they add energy to the flow and help to prevent flow seperation over a very mildly cambered surface like the top of an aerofoil. So they can help improve the lift characteristics of wings etc......they inherently increase the drag of any surface they are used on though!! Yes, BUT......the turbonators 'fins' will slow the flow down just as a vortex generator will, therefore further decreasing the flow speed. True.....but "spinning" flow enduced by a vortex generator can only prevenmt flow seperation on curved surfaces below 10 deg. The inlet pipe has 90 deg bends etc in it! They have found a perfectly good aerodynamic device and are attempting to use it in completely the wrong conditions......where it will do absolutely fupp all to increase your power or mpg!!
  17. It's about £220..which is less than a set of standard lights...no? I think they could look good!....would need to see them in the flesh firts though! Wouldn't they be for a LHD car though?....so would need to be modified to get the beam pattern right :?:
  18. I've been doing the manifolds and rocker covers off my car for the last few weeks.....got a very good result using a dremel fitted with a very small sandpaper disk cut from a standard sheet of wet & dry! it's a much quicker way to get some of the larger casting marks back to a smooth finish! Started out using 100g then gradually made if smoother using 180g - 400g and then finally 800g with the dremel. Then gave it a final going over with 800g and 1500g wet sandpaper by hand. then gave it a final polish with some autosol...resulted in an absolute mirror finish....can read text from books on the other side of the room in the reflection!
  19. Right! I'll give it a shot anyways! Thanks for the help! :wink:
  20. Cool!....so any idea if a 1.9Tdi o2j Bora/(Jetta) shifter would bolt straight in; in place of the current one?
  21. I have the 02j shift tower and the cables all ready though. I heard the 02j shifter was better than the 02a; and as my 02a shifter is pretty well dead I thought it would be a better option to just upgrade to an entire 02j shifter mech?
  22. Are all 02j shifter mechs a straight swap for the 02a mech? Have a 02j box waiting to be fitted, but still need the shifter mech. I have seen one from a 1.9Tdi Bora but Im unsure whether this would physically fit in place of the current shifter?
  23. I thought the Leon ones were 315mm, not 305mm?
  24. Sounds like the mechanical mech slipping to me.....but it would prob drop when you were driving too in that case :?
  25. yeah, 125k (miles) and no service history would deffo need a good checkover at least! you could use it as a bargaining point to get some money off the asking price though :wink:
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