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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. I like that comparison, does it make all modern cars ugly :lol: , well almost all. Simple solution: Rename it to Golf Minus or something :lol: and I will shut up. How would true Rado-fans feel about it being called a Corrado? There would be an outcry of foul-play etc. :wink: Interesting to observe how potentially more Rado owners like this car then owners of Ur-Roccos. Tempest
  2. Try tinkering with a new one instead. Impossible other than hooking up some blackbox (read: computer) with dubious code on it :lol: Nah, get your hands oily and get some bruises and cuts from tinkering with old cars :clap: Anyway, good post there, Chris. Karmann's role has not just been that of what seems to most as just that of a contract builder for various brands like VW, Merc, etc. It also has had a big input in the design stages of pretty much all the cars it has built, starting with design of tools needed right up to deciding on certain design aspects (look, construction and features of a car) of a car. Examples where Karmann even designed, constructed and financed the entire car are the Ghia (of course), the Mk1 Rocco ( :notworthy: ), other notable examples of part-construction include the Jag cabrio, Ford Sierra Cosworth, Escort Cosworth, Audi A4 cabrio, Chrysler Crossfire, and the Rado of course! The collection of cars in the Karmann museum that Chris has mentioned, are still up for sale, BTW. There are rumours that VW, new owners of the Osnabrück site, may want to buy the collection, but that has not been confirmed yet. So who knows what's going to happen with this collection. Which is why a group of die-hard fans are going back to Karmann in Osnabrück next week to get a possibly last view of the cars whilst they are still owned by Karmann. Still surprised that the Iroc sold 100000 units in less than 2 years, sign of the times, generation tasteless? Generation Apple iPod, -Pad, -Poo (what's fruit got to do with cars anyway ... OK, don't get me started :lol: ). Tempest
  3. And for those, who still haven´t seen these live, there´s another chance in August, see here: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=94679 Tempest
  4. More on the topic here: http://www.carbodydesign.com/archive/2010/05/volkswagen-will-buy-italdesign/ Tempest
  5. Hmm, aircon in Rado, must try today 8) Tempest
  6. Right, Rocco owner to answer some stuff here :D Good solid Mk1s can now fetch easily in excess of 2k, more like 4 to 5k and rising, as these become more and more desirable. They play in a different league to the Rado, obviously, as they appeal to a possibly more mature audiene, given it´s an older car, where you have to be prepared to become creative when any restoration work needs doing, as almost everything bar common Goof Mk1 parts (sorry :lol: ) which it shares a few with, have become obsolete. Mk2 Roccos are still a different ball-games regarding value: Early ones are now starting to fetch good money, not as much as a good Mk1, but still. Region of 2k or thereabouts. Special edition Mk2 (Storm, Whitecats) command a premium. Late Mk2 were almost all GT2, ¨common as muck¨, but usually fully specced, i.e. power this, power that, which Rado peep all take for granted (but IMHO you don´t need for enjoying a car in its purity and for sheer driving pleasure :D ) but aren´t necessarily standard on all Roccos, certainly not on the Mk1s (US ones did have aircon, though!). Late Mk2 start at 500 (shed-ish), increasing to 2k for a really pristine example. Pictures and more details of what you´re potentially looking at would be helpful. Then join the SciroccoRegister :D Tempest
  7. Love the bit of Rado parked next to Mk1 Rocco :notworthy: :clap: Tempest
  8. 4 companies did a cabrio design of the Corrado back in the ¨good old days¨: Zender, V.A.G. Eickel, Design und Technik, and Karmann Here´s the one in the Karmann museum: The Zender one: http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://images112.fotki.com/v582/photos/9/9586/161872/Dsc08771-vi.jpg&imgrefurl=http://public.fotki.com/wackydave/model_cars/for_sale-1/for_sale/dsc08771.html&usg=__9dez6EGk7NkxjXf7Rrf-Jv1_ov8=&h=512&w=800&sz=132&hl=de&start=8&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=1dUGoiNJpaZUiM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcorrado%2Bcabrio%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DX%26tbs%3Disch:1 VAG one in Wolfsbrug museum http://www.autowp.ru/pictures/karmann_volkswagen/corrado_cabriolet_prototype/autowp.ru_karmann_volkswagen_corrado_cabriolet_prototype_1.jpg Tempest
  9. Can´t boycott McDoh more than boycott them, which i already do. Just another reason in a long list of reasons to avoid them like the plague. They would have, on the other hand, gained a bonus point if they ahd wrecked one of the GM/Ford/Chrysler barges, that Yanks seem so keen on driving, but nope, a Corrado was wasted instead. Tempest
  10. In the US they only had 2 engines: PG (the G60 engine, an 8 valver), and the VR6 (2.8 instead of the 2.9 we had in EU, emissions prevented the 2.9 from being sold in the US). The US never had a KR 16V, again due to emissions (KR didn´t have a CAT, which was pretty much a requirement in the whole US at the time the KR was used). Tempest
  11. Test was actually conducted and initiated by the German AA, the ADAC. That test has been all over the press in Germany, and I am expecting a large article in the next issue of the ADAC club mag, too. Tempest
  12. Interesting route you´re taking to work, as Red Lane isn´t anywhere near to central campus of Warwick Uni. No wonder you get pensioners with guns pointing at people for having taken the wrong route into work :lol: I would, too :lol: Tempest
  13. Indeed :lol: You´re coming then? 8) Tempest
  14. Ah yes, nearly forgot about this, so something to look at at the AGM :clap: Happy VRing :D Tempest
  15. Mine arrived too this morning, another great issue, Jim :clap: Got more bits to read yet, saving them :D Tempest
  16. Now imagine the negative feelings amongst the owners of the original Mk1 Roccos :? They should have just called it something completely different, and then I possibly may have been less negative about it. Well, I would have ignored it as another VW, albeit a not too bad looking one comparing it to the rest of the product line-up. Nice write-up though, and yes, spot the strong positive feelings for the Rado in that article :luvlove: Tempest
  17. Erm me. That´s probably because my Rado has the steering wheel on the ¨right¨ side of the car 8) Tempest
  18. Never :( , it;´s the government, they enjoy something like CD-status, will always be able to waffle their way out. Then again, I´d like to be proven wrong. Tempest
  19. Time to sort something out ourselves, I reckon. Just need to have a contact at VW (UK) to talk to. Tempest
  20. Would like to passenger with someone, but seems, reading these lines and on the PH forum, that I and so many others won´t be welcome anyway, so bother that. Best stick to the pure Rado events 8) Like seeks like anyway :lol: Tempest
  21. Just add to the debate: IMHO you gotta have done a single-seater track day once. Yup, those little Formula 1 lookalikes, that do handle almost like one. I went with a company called Racing School at the Rockingham track near Corby. Great fun, and hasten to add that none in our group had rocked up in chav-style cars, all were what I would call more matured already :D Granted, my Rado was about the only attractive car in the massive car park 8) Tempest
  22. Well, no drives here, but at least spent some good time in my garages tinkering again ... finally, was getting serious withdrawals with all that cold weather :lol: Bring on spring, so I can start testing all the work that's been going in those garages 8) Tempest
  23. Seems more like another government exercise of "Let's collect some data, and then worry whether it's actually been useful or not, realising we've actually collected the wrong data, but hey, we used up some more tax payer's money!" :lol: Why? Wel, if we interpret the data like we do in this thread, taking the total in each column of MOT passes makes little sense, as it doesn't say whether a car that has passed its MOT in a previous year has in the meantime been scrapped, broken, SORNed or is included in the MOT figure for subsequent test years. Anyway, much more interesting some statistics on the Autocar (?) website. Renault top the list of MOT failure rates (30%), followed by Peugeot (28%), quite a good fun read, causing lots of fun in the office here. Would be nice to believe, makes a G60 very exclusive indeed 8) Tempest
  24. Quite enjoyable to finally see a proper car review again, even Clarkson appeals :shock: compared to his current style. Best of all in Tiff´s clip, of course the Rado parking next to the Mk1 Rocco, oh and the gorgeous G60 whine :luvlove: Tempest
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