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after i came out of audi when picking up my wipers on tuesday a couple of lads stoped next to me at the lights and the passenger asked

if i would swap his P1 scooby for my rado :D

and later that day when paying for fuel the girl behind the counter commented how nice my car was and that you dont see them very often

quite chuffed as that was the first day i had driven it for nearly 3 years :D

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quite chuffed as that was the first day i had driven it for nearly 3 years :D


sounds like a awesome day youve had!! hope it was worth the wait!!

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quite chuffed as that was the first day i had driven it for nearly 3 years :D


sounds like a awesome day youve had!! hope it was worth the wait!!


hell yer it was great getting loads of attention :D

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Had a guy in a debadged 08 plate Audi (could have been an S5?) give me a big thumbs up on the M3 on Sunday. He didn't want to play tho :(

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'OMG! It's like a new car!' One of the mechanics at my local VW specialist the other day :)


Also, my wife overheard one of the guys landscaping our garden saying to one of his work mates 'That car is stunning!'


Female British Gas engineer serviced our fire + boiler the other day and said 'Your Corrado is mint' - turns out her boyfriend is restoring an old Beemer at the mo 8)

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I had someone at work see me in my car and came over and said 'you look like knightrider in that car!' lol

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Whilst driving along with the windows open I drove past a groupe of kids ( maybe 13/14 years old) and I just hurd one of them syaing "Now thats a cool car"


Made me smile :grin:

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A group of lads walking down the pavement towards me as I was driving along. I promptly saw one of them continue to stare at the car as he walked into a lamp post as I went past! Made my day anyway!

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Not sure you could class it as a chuftie as such, but -


Was on the way home today and saw a bloke stood at the of his drive with a camera, which had the biggest lens i have ever seen :norty: Im guess he'd just got it and was just outside giving it a test, as he was snapping pics of random things like trees etc as i passed he swang the camera my way and took some shots i passed.


Enjoy the pics sir :salute: :clap:

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Filled the car up earlier, went to pay and the guy on the till decided to hold up the queue of people waiting to pay while he chatted corrados and attempted to show me a clip of his mate's R32 at santa pod... I was impressed but his slow internet connection didn't do much for the other customer's satisfaction :nono:

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sometimes I drive further to go to petrol stations that have fluorescent flood lit forecourts. 8) cause when its clean it looks awesome under those lights

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Filled the car up earlier, went to pay and the guy on the till decided to hold up the queue of people waiting to pay while he chatted corrados and attempted to show me a clip of his mate's R32 at santa pod... I was impressed but his slow internet connection didn't do much for the other customer's satisfaction :nono:


I also stopped to get petrol today and a guy started asking me about my C. He asked if it was standard (a bit of a dig at the ride height I think!) and then said he thought it was in quite good condition. Cue standard reply of 'don't look too closely'... Thinking about it, he was talking about his mate's R32 at Santa Pod too - it's not the same guy cruising round petrol stations is it?! :lol:


A petrol tanker was there too and even that guy was having a good look at the car. Made me smile esp as I was thinking how typical it is that the car is filthy at the moment :D

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had a dude come up to my while i was filling up at 3 in the morning in a shell in norwood.... i was sh*tting my self! then he kept asking me if i was selling it! after about 15 mins of me juts saying..."nah, mate..." he offered me £6k for it!! i declined again... love it too much!

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Big chuftie courtesy of Inky - thanks for the note left on my car! Made what was turning out to be a crap day into a much better one! :clap:

You're welcome maybe one day someone will actually spot me, been 5 yrs now and not one spot... :(

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Big chuftie courtesy of Inky - thanks for the note left on my car! Made what was turning out to be a crap day into a much better one! :clap:

You're welcome maybe one day someone will actually spot me, been 5 yrs now and not one spot... :(


I spotted you once inky! Well not really spotted but bumped into you when we were parked next to each other at cms breakers in Derby,


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Big chuftie courtesy of Inky - thanks for the note left on my car! Made what was turning out to be a crap day into a much better one! :clap:

You're welcome maybe one day someone will actually spot me, been 5 yrs now and not one spot... :(


I spotted you once inky! Well not really spotted but bumped into you when we were parked next to each other at cms breakers in Derby,


yeah but you didnt actually put it in Corrado spotting did you..........pmsl...see you there soon...lol

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I was sitting at some traffic lights next to a Murciélago a few days ago - was looking over his car like you do and he waved and pointed at my 'rado and gave it the thumbs up!


He then roared off much to my aural delight.

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I was sitting at some traffic lights next to a Murciélago a few days ago - was looking over his car like you do and he waved and pointed at my 'rado and gave it the thumbs up!


He then roared off much to my aural delight.


Now that's a quality chuftie! :thumbleft:

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not great chufties but got a thumbs up from a old modded civic. And then got a wolf whistle from 2 blokes in a focus ST, I was driving at the time, They obv appreciated the car!

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Sat in traffic in the town centre, a guy in a new jag pulled out from an underground parking garage and turned to head the opposite way. He pulled along side me and said he loved the corrado and always wanted one. I told him he should get rid of the Jag to get one :lol:


Also had a guy comment on my car that had just got out of a really nice T5 at Vanfest on saturday.

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Just saw a guy on the CCTV put a piece of paper under my wiper and then saw him drive off in a mk3 golf. Went out to see what it was and discovered he wanted to buy my car. Best thing about the whole thing though was that he was in a VR6!! :lol:

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had a dude come up to my while i was filling up at 3 in the morning in a shell in norwood.... i was sh*tting my self! then he kept asking me if i was selling it! after about 15 mins of me juts saying..."nah, mate..." he offered me £6k for it!! i declined again... love it too much!


you fool! :grin: you could have 3 VRs for that price :lol: if someone offered me 6k for mine i'd say yes.

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Got my first today. :D


Postman knocked on door to deliver parcel and asked how I'd managed to find two cars in the same colour and that he'd always loved Corrado's. Had quick chat with him about the VRT 4x4 as the original is in garage having water pump fitted and ISV cleaned. As he left I heard him say "BEAUTIFUL" :grin:


Parcel delivered TALEX speed detector !!!!!!...............Now of to meet Tim at the Phirm and talk Brakes :clap:

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evening i picked the car up got followed by two blokes proper checking out the car, eventually they put the blue lights on and pulled me over(undercover cops) didnt ask for driving license or anything, just wanted to have a proper look at it and ask me about em coz one of them nearly got a VR6


thought i was going to be done for something sop its always nice!

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